Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1395: Sprinkle out [first]

"The Yunyun Palace moved; Qionghua Yuegong moved; and the Tianya Ice Palace also moved. Although the Haicang Temple has not yet been dispatched, it is also assembling manpower... In addition, the Iron Riding League and the Wolf have actions, they It’s too shallow to laugh at the monarch, they’re not surprising...”

The black shadow is like a few treasures: "There is also the big family of Qingyun Tianyu, they also have their own actions, and they started to contact each other, obviously they are a little scared..."

"In the seven major sects, according to the Japanese celestial dynasty, the stars and clouds are afraid that they will not exist for a long time..."

"Only the cold moon Tiange in the three celestial moon stars is the place where Ye Xiaohua became the teacher when he was renamed Ye Chongzhen. The relationship between the two sides is quite harmonious and should reach a certain degree of understanding with each other. Most of the cold moon Tiange will not Being attacked, their people are assembled, the main purpose is to guard against us.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"In the remaining forces of the Qingyun Tianyu, for the time being, only the East Temple is still inactive, and everything is still the same... Other levels of the Zongmen forces have their own actions. Although the temporary movements are unclear, they are actively preparing for the battle. ,in case for need."

The shadow of the shadow is respectful, and all the information is said in the shortest way.

The black man nodded slowly and said: "Warf is back?"

The black shadow said: "Yes, Wufa is now healing... Wu Tian has fallen."

The black man snorted and did not continue to speak.

For a long time, he looked at the mountains and clouds and said softly: "Wufa Wutian, one injury! Ye Xiao... really so strong?"

The black shadow hesitated a moment and said: "This matter is too much to be allowed to be false. Do you want to go out and explore his bottom?"

"Well, if you look at it, you can know each other and know each other. You can fight all the time." The black man said: "I always feel that the law is hurt, and there are only a few flaws inside..."

"Since things are abnormal, then we have to make a certain degree of adjustment in our next step?" Shadow said.

"Well, how much **** soul do we need?" the black man asked faintly.

"Now it can be filled with an altar." The black shadow said: "In other words, we must at least prepare for the soul of hundreds of millions of warriors."

The black man sighed and said: "The soul of the warrior is the soul of the soul..."

He was silent for a moment, saying: "The direction remains unchanged, and we will hurry to build a second blood soul altar. Once it is established, it will begin to sweep the major families. From south to north, all the way is crushed."

"Where there are those who block, annihilate them, turn them into soul souls, and fill them into the Blood Soul Pool."


"Notify the blood soul temple, the altar must have to hurry up, isn't it necessary to have some heads? Take time to cut! There is no need to worry too much, too much scruples will only be self-defeating!"


The sharp eyes of the black man are like criss-crossing in the clear sky; full of indifference to ignoring sentient beings and grasshoppers. It seems that all the repairers of the entire Qingyuntian domain are in his eyes, just the cornerstones that can build the altar, used to fill the altar of the altar, nothing more.

"Wait for the Lord of the Temple to come and see me."

"Yes. After the subordinate order, I went to the rivers and lakes to find Ye Xiao, I wonder if there is anything on the Lord?"

"There is only one point." The black man paused and said: "The purpose of your trip is only to temptation, not to live and die... Do you understand the difference?"

"I understand it."

The shadow of the black shadow was distorted and the trace disappeared, just as he was when he first appeared.

The black man is still standing in the same place. It seems that his life is just standing still, always. I have never changed my posture, and I have never sat down.

His eyes, from the beginning to the end, have been condensed into the depths of the distant clouds, and the bottom of his eyes is a dead gray. No one knows what he is thinking, and he does not know what he is looking at.

In a few moments, a little black elephant shadow rushed to the top of the mountain: "Lord."

"Now, how much power can you use?" The black man did not return, and asked faintly.

"Distributed to the training bases around the country, it is possible to draw up almost 200,000..." The short black shadow said: "It’s just these people, the repair is generally not high, most of them are in the dream of three or four items, slightly higher. In the dream of the Yuan Dynasty ** goods ... able to reach the Tao Yuanjing repairers, at most only about three hundred people."

The black man faintly said: "Put these people and sprinkle them all out."

"Yes." The chunky black shadow nodded.

"We have been preparing for thousands of years, and finally arrived at this day..." The black man's black robe danced in the wind and said: "Now, there is no need to worry about any exposure... no need to care about sacrifice, once it has been seized, no matter what. Is the culture of **** or smashed head, all recovered, transmitted to the Blood Soul Hall, plus the completion of the progress."


"If even the person in charge of the coach is also withdrawn," the black man said: "How much strength can you have?"

The chunky black shadow was on the forehead and the cold sweat came out: "On the Lord, is this the practice of breaking the boat, is it necessary to move all over?"

"What do you say?" The black man asked an understatement.

"Yes. If the manpower responsible for the coach is all withdrawn, then you can also come out more than 30,000 dreams of the Yuan Dynasty to the master of the nine products; the Taoyuan between the product and the eight products, there are 10,000 There are more than 7,000 people. They are four thousand in one yuan, two thousand in two, three thousand in three, and four...

"It doesn't have to be so detailed, it doesn't make sense to me." The black man faintly said: "I just want to know, how many people are available in the killing hall?"

"There are... about two thousand." The chunky shadow has some trepidation.

"Too little!" The black man screamed dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, **** it." The chunky shadow is cold and sweaty.

"What about the Blood Soul Hall?"

"The Soul of the Blood, there should be more than 7,000 people..."

"The Hall of All Lives?"

"one thousand……"

"The Devil's Temple?"


"The Soul Hall?"


The black man asked for a sentence, and the short black shadow replied with trepidation, but his heart was full of grievances; I just killed the temple of the temple, not the temple of the other temples... You asked me so hard... ...but what is it? !

On the other hand, there is also a shock in the heart.

It seems that the Lord really wants to do something big!

The enquiry of the Lord’s inquiry is obviously that all the forces have been attacked and the whole mind of the rivers and lakes has been slaughtered.

"Just, if this time the new people are all sprinkled out, they will be afraid to expose something..." The short black shadow is a bit vomiting: "So, in the past, it will not move, it will not move, even if it is moving, it is guaranteed to be foolproof. time……"

The black man gave a hoarse smile: "That was before! Now, it is different."

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