Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1396: Stars are shocked [second more]

"These new people, even if they know what they know, how much can they know?" The shadow of the shadows said: "Even if exposed, it is only a base exposed.???? Chinese? Net???w?w?w?.?8 ?1?z?w?.com"

"And now, when we face the entire rivers and lakes, what secrets can we see for permanent reservations?"

"If you are worried about exposure, don't let them out, then, what are they doing?"

Black people seem to have cold eyes and look at the fat black shadow.

"Yes, the subordinates understand." The chunky black shadow lowered his head, and his foot was ticking, but it was the sweat on his face, and he ran unconsciously.

"All the new people who use the killing hall training first, according to their respective goals, sprinkle out at the same time, sprinkle all the Qingyun Tianyu, do not need excessive pursuit of success, limit the killing target, how much can be killed, how much to kill, do not consider the consequences of hidden dangers ""


"This time, it is the first and last time the Devil's Palace is facing the entire Tianyu operation. If it is unsuccessful, it will become a benefactor."

"Thousands of years of painstaking planning and preparation, just for the ultimate bloom of this time; if you can't just dominate the Tianyu, then why not disappear!"

"Telling the Blood Soul Hall, in terms of the Blood Soul Hall, I don't care what method or method is used. The second altar must be completed in half a month! There is also a third altar, which is also filled in one month. Yuanneng!"

"A month later, it was the third altar!"

With the orders of the black people successively issued, the sky suddenly burst into turmoil, and suddenly, the black man screamed: "I want to let this whole Qingyuntian domain, all of them worship at my feet!"

In the air, suddenly cloudy clouds.

It was a big day, but it suddenly became dark and inky.

His shouting, full of eerie horror, the sky's winds and clouds, as if a huge demon **** shadow, covering the sky of the entire Qingyun Tianyu.

The so-called cover the sun, but nothing!


Ye Xiao and his party have already approached another land of revenge - the stars of Yunmen.

The mountain where the Yunmenshanmen station is located seems to have an infinite nebula all over the day. Even if the sky is still clear and clear, and the sky above the star of Yunmen Mountain Gate, it seems that there is still starlight. Hidden.

It seems that here, only the nebula is long-lasting and self-sufficient.

But now, the entire Star Cloud has fallen into the most thorough panic.

Tianzong, who has always been in the same name as his own, has been destroyed, and it has been destroyed!

The black hand that is destroyed is also the two common enemies, laughing at the monarch Ye Xiao, and the sturdy swordsmanship, and the partners who are related to them and whose strength is equally terrible!

In the face of such a situation, the high-level members of the Star Clouds, all of them frowned and felt a lot of trouble.

During this time, there is no news directly.

First, the head of the cloud, with a group of masters, went to Tiantai to watch a large number of yin and yang fruit, but it was missing with many people in the sect. There is no news, this is enough to make The star cloud cloud broke the bones of the big event.

But what I never expected was that bad news like this was actually in this period of time, and there was a continuation of the news. Even in comparison with other bad news, the news that the head of the person is missing can be considered good news.

Missing is not necessarily equivalent to annihilation...maybe not die yet?

What is really terrible is the follow-up incident that comes from the elbow.

"Laughing the monarch is not dead! Yokohama is not dead! They were swindled and deceived three kinds of eyes and ears. They have been accumulating power and plotting revenge for years. Now it is a resurgence of the dust, obviously intending to start a positive Revenge!"

The news itself is enough to make a pot on the top of the Cloud Cloud Gate.

"Laughing the monarch is swindling and burying his name, and he is bitter and guilty for revenge. Now he is making a big move, far better than the past!"

"The moon palace frost is cold, it is a sister who has been laughing for many years, and this news has been confirmed by the sisters of Frost and Cold..."

When the news reached this point, the high-rise of the Cloud Cloud inevitably gave birth to a crumbling dizziness.

Can not do it, Ye Xiao Li, the two comets are not dead, but also the moon palace frost is also going to their side? Moon Palace frost cold station to Ye Xiaobian, with the status of these two women in Qionghua Yuegong, basically equivalent to Qionghua Yuegong station to Ye Xiao, plus the Tianya ice palace of Jun Ying, and such as cold snow, Lonely wolf, Shangguan chasing the wind of the iron riding alliance, such a lineup, there is still room for the cloud cloud gate?

The high-level star of Yunyun is not optimistic about the current strength comparison!

However, the three stars of the sun, the moon and the moon, in addition to their own strength occupy an overwhelming advantage, otherwise they will not be single-handedly fighting, the strength is not dominant, the team will be on the group, before the coke is not separated from Meng Meng, a good base friend There is only a small contradiction in the same day, and there is only a small contradiction between the same roots. It is only necessary to explain the relationship of interest. It is clear that the enemy of the same enemy and the cause and effect of the cold moon Tiange, Ye Xiaofang, even if the strength is not weak, can defeat the three major gates of the Tianyu Sun and Moon Stars Join hands? !

However, the next news continues to let the high-rises of Star Clouds continue to collapse!

"What? Ye Xiaoqi died in the middle of it, incarnate the genius of the genius Ye Chongzhen, and worshipped the door of the cold moon Tiange, is the robes passed down by the three elders of the Tiange?"

"What? Ye Xiao, because he feels the sincerity of Tiange to treat himself, he also solemnly apologizes to himself and expresses his willingness to let go of this grievance. He still retains the identity of the disciple of Hanyue Tiange?!"

This... What is the situation? What is the statement? The cold moon Tiange Mingming is also the main force for killing Ye Xiao in the same year. Even if the strength of the Tiange side is due to the fact that the three moons of the Sun and Moon are in the same breath, they are cheated, and the benefits are not obtained afterwards, but they cannot When you talk about it, you have reached an understanding. Is this too playful? !

The cold moon Tiange is not afraid of water, we still have the Sun Tianzong, although only the help of the Sun Tianzong, the strength is a bit thin, but the laughing monarch and Li Wuquan are only the origin of the rivers and lakes, although the strength is refined, It is also difficult to comprehend the higher level of the micro-level, the two stars joined forces, there are two Japanese stars and thousands of swords, and there are two-digit elders in the array, each elders have "into the micro "The strength of the series, such comprehensive strength, Mo said that only the district's Ye Xiao, Li Wuliang, even if Wufa, Xuan Bing personally, can also fight!

Then... this dream is quickly broken!

"The reappearing laughing monarch and the first person in the former Tianyu martial arts launched an unprecedented battle, why is it said 'before'? Although Wufa and another fellow of the same level and two men besieged the monarch, it is still a big defeat, a helper. Dead, Wufa was seriously injured and left behind, laughing at the monarch not only won the victory, but also safe and sound! From now on, the world's first master throne! The first person in the new Tianyu is hot!"

This sudden and explosive news is like a blue sky, but also like a bomb on the head of the high-rise cloud.

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