Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1397: Fengyun gather [third more]

Star Cloud Gate has been a high-rise, and has not yet had time to prepare how to cope with the dream of the new top master. The next boring thunder has also arrived, and it is even more amazing. Bayi Chinese Network w?w?w?. ?8?1z?w. Com

"Xuanbing is a big screaming day, and he waved his hand to slaughter Tianzong's countless people."

And this thing has just been passed over, the stars and clouds have not come and responded up and down, and the elders of Xuan Da have happened to come to the Star Cloud Gate in person, the same big trouble, and then waved, but then go The piece was devastated and the future was cleaned up, and new bad news came.

"The Jinyun Palace's new literary level female sorcerer is alone and stunned into the celestial celestial beings to revenge for Master."

The talents have just pondered, who is this smelly? Who is her master?

What is the reason for revenge?

These problems are only in the heart of the heart, and further bad news came to the forefront.

"The slashing knife is reproducible in the rivers and lakes, and the world is alone in the cold and snow, the moon is frosty, and the prince should be pity. The squad appears to be in the sky, and the big fight is made, and the battle of revenge begins."

"Laughing monarchs also appeared in the following days, according to the Sun Tianzong, once destroyed, became a historical noun!"

"Laughing monarch, Hengtian knife, moon palace frost, cold ice swordsman, Tianya ice palace Jun should pity ... is now marching toward the stars of Yunyun, will arrive soon..."

The last news, more than just a blue sky, is simply a catastrophe!

Although the blue sky is shocking, it may not be dead, but the gangs come together, and the stars will have to go out directly!

However, how could it be so fast! ?

According to the Japanese Tianzong, how can it be said that it has been passed down for tens of thousands of years?

In the hands of these people, how can they be directly shredded like a chicken and a dog?

Nothing to fight back?

According to the Japanese Tianzong, it is so vulnerable that it will be destroyed in half a day, and the strength of the stars will be comparable to the stars.

The same door is gone!

People with this heart and mind together, the well-known star of the cloud is a doomsday scene.

The names of those famous masters, like a handle knife, hang over the heads of everyone.

Everyone feels murderous and chilly.

Many of them "understand" people, and they began to escape directly. Many senior practitioners also began to secretly transfer their families...

Countless junior disciples, or headaches, or problems in the family, or injuries to seek medical attention... In short, all kinds of reasons, strange, varied, and varied, but between the days, the stars of Cloud Gate, even in just a few days In time, one tenth is empty!

You must know that Xingyun Yunmen is also a large-scale door with more than 100,000 people. One-tenth of the people have ran away. That is one or two thousand people!

This is only the reaction of the underlying disciples.

Fortunately, the top executives of the Cloud Gate did not restrict this, but they were happy to see it.

There are even many masters who are teaching disciples.

"Well, you have been repaired as a small adult, and you have been away from home for several years? It’s a good time to go home and take a look at it. Then you can go home, don’t worry, come back for more time. , work and rest can be better practice!"


"Apprentice, it’s too hard for you to practice during this time. Your bones are not hurt. Let’s go out and find a doctor to look at it. Peace of mind, don’t hurry back, be sure to raise all the injuries and say other. ......"

"Master, I am in good health, not hurt..."

"I am talking about internal injuries. The internal injuries are not obvious. In fact, the hidden dangers are far-reaching. You have to go to nurse for decades."

"But I have no internal injuries..."

"You can have an internal injury..."

"Not really..."

"How can you not understand the words of this bastard? If you have internal injuries, you will have internal injuries, let you get out of the way and say anything nonsense?"


As for those between father and son, it is even more like this.

"Child, go out."

"Children, go out, hide your name, don't expose yourself to being a disciple of the Clouds, and leave a root for our family..."


As for the high-rises of the Cloud Gate, it is filled with desperate silence.

When the strength of the enemy is strong enough that any strategy or even conspiracy is totally ineffective, it will be desperate to despair, and naturally it will only fall into this dead silence!

According to the Tianzong's guardian ancestor, it is much stronger than the stars and clouds; in the face of those masters, how can the stars cloud gate be?

"So far, it is no longer meaningful to say anything else. In the past, because of today's fruit, there are people who have come and gone, and they have to bear the consequences. The bitter wine that they brew, even if it is bitter, must support it."

"I am waiting for this life, all of them come from the Zongmen. At this time, I am facing a desperate situation, and I will live with the martial art!"

"As the day, Tianzong is gone. Hanyue Tiange has already stood on the side of the laughing monarch. Now, we are only left with our stars, and we are alone in the face of this dead robbery!"

At that time, the elders who led the martial arts masters to chase and kill the monarchs were gray, and after a long silence, someone finally stood up.

"Moreover, what we did in the past was a loss of our heart... It’s dead, and it’s time to pay back."

"Perhaps... there is another way to preserve the sect."


The first person of the Xiaoyue Wolf was before the star of Yunmenshan Gate; quietly waiting for the arrival of Ye Xiao and his party.

In the distance, the hoofs are like thunder, and a black cloud is coming, whistling.

However, it was the Shangguan chasing the wind, and led all the masters of the entire Iron Horse League.

The entire team of the Iron Riders League is really like a black dragon with thousands of miles.

"A lone wolf!"

A loud and loud drink rang.

It was the general riding of the iron-riding squad that slammed the wind and screamed at the high wind.

"Shangguan chasing the wind! It really is your old boy!"

The lonely wolf grows up in the sacred tree of a thousand years old, flies high above the sky, and looks bright and fierce.

In the distance, a majestic figure vacated and laughed loudly.

"I finally waited for this day!"

If there is no one next to the Shangguan chasing the wind, he laughs.

The pale face of the lonely wolf reveals a rare excitement of blushing, focusing on the head: "Yes, I finally waited for this day!"

The two were on the sky, and they said that they were happy, and that the feeling of eagerness and exuberance made all the people of the Xiaoyue Wolf and the Black Ride League a great spirit.

The two stood in the sky above the gate of the Cloud Gate in the stars. If it is changed in the past, I am afraid that the Star Clouds have already been furious, and rushed out countless masters, pulling these two guys down and arrogant, even if they don’t die, they have to learn a lesson!

However, today no one has appeared to appear.

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