Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1436: Xuan Bing shot [second more]

After absorbing the experience of the war with the two brothers of Wufa Wutian, it really stabilized Ye Xiao, who was behind the current realm, and the lethality and destructive power of his own limit power. I am afraid that it will be even more in the day of the war. very!

A touch of red on the horizon is only an initial contact, and it is immediately keen to judge that his previous estimate is a total error. ????八一中文网?w?w?w?. ?8?1z?w. ?com with Ye Xiao's current strength, defeating Wu Fa is more than enough!

This bastard, who has been camouflaged all the time, deliberately shows weakness, so that he can relax and be wary, and even seduce himself to spare no room to attack, in order to attack himself, so terrible!

"Sure enough, it is a laughing monarch!" The sky was red and the machine was broken. The attacking sword of the sky was actually on the upper floor. In particular, the offensive of the two guns doubled twice, forming a strong attack and slamming the battle.

However, the moment of mutual success is the survival of the fittest, the victory and defeat of the judgment, the red shadow offensive collapse...

If the normal fighter's battle situation, one party's air machine is broken, it will immediately fall to the edge of the defeat, and then it is difficult to reverse the situation. Ye Xiao feels that something is wrong, because the strength of the other party is not limited to this, and it is impossible to lose it.

Sure enough, but when I heard a long shout, the sky was full of red shadows lingering in the sky, a red body and a volley, and skyrocketed to the sky, faintly said: "Farewell!"

Through the contact just now, a touch of red on the horizon has been confirmed. This time, not only can I not kill Ye Xiao, but if I continue to fight, I still have to leave it all!

Originally, Ye Xiao had been planning for a long time, and lured the horizon to make a full effort to attack. Even if he had his own plan, he would like to retreat. However, the red ribbon on the horizon was endless, not only could the magic weapon of the world be transformed, but also the derivation. The power of the weapon is purified, and it is only necessary to entangle Ye Xiaoxiao for a while, and to get rid of that air machine, you can get a chance to get out of the air. After this battle, it is inevitable that it will be regressed because of the damage of the air machine. But it is always better than the path of defeat on the start!

The reality is like a smudge of the sky, and the two guns are left behind. It’s a bit of a slap in the face, although it’s just a short difference, but for the master of the sky, this master is too enough!

Grab the front of the machine, a touch of red body shape, it is obvious that it will go away.

However, at this moment, a white shadow is like a white pass, and inexplicably, he went inexplicably behind him!

Xuan Bing!

At this moment, the degree of mysterious ice has already neglected the distance of space. After the thoughts have moved, I have already gone to the side of the sky. After a touch of red body, a pair of white jade is also like a hand, but under the sway of the hand, it has become self-contained. Endless network.

Life will cover the sky with a touch of red.

This is a sudden, shocking change!

The enemy in the red heart of the sky, only Ye Xiao.

Only Ye Xiao.

As for Ye Xiao’s “Acolyte”, a red smudge in the sky just regards her as a man’s plaything.

That's it!

Completely complete, not in mind from beginning to end!

I even thought about killing Ye Xiao, and I used it to enjoy it and kill it.

But what I never imagined is that this kind of self-existing existence in the eyes of the ‘thumbs’ has such a terrible cultivation, plus such a keen sense of fighting.

And so fast!

I have just vacated my own side and exhaled. As long as I breathe a sigh of relief and say a word, I can immediately go a long way. Even if Ye Xiao wants to chase, it is also impossible to catch up.

But at this subtle moment, the other party actually rushed over, except for the timing to get a good second, the offensive has to be so sharp and unobtrusive, covering the sky, and the whole world will be accommodated in the attack. In the range.

At this moment, he is even wrong!

Is this world crazy?

That Ye Xiaoxiu is inscrutable, especially in his own, although it is already very unexpected, but the laughing monarch has a big name after all, reappearing him more frustrated Wufa Wutian two brothers in the record, but why an acolyte, there are also So horrible, no, it’s just a trembling, amazing thing!

A smear of red on the horizon is almost a rush, and without any psychological preparation, the accident happened to be a devastating blow of Xuan Bing!

At this moment, let alone returning to the parry, it is too late. The only reaction he can make is to atomize his body and turn it into a tangible and unrealized black mist to reduce the attack power he needs. And fight for buffer time.

I have to say that the response of the sky is quite correct, and it is also the most favorable practice at present!

However, before the body turned into a black fog, there was still a momentary buffer...

If under normal circumstances, the buffer of this moment is really a moment, a blink of an eye, but at this moment, a moment, a blink of an eye, can already produce too many things -


Xuan Bing’s continuous dozens of palms have already been hit **** him in that moment; the red body of the horizon is not even self-destructive, but broken by life!

The next moment, a piece of heaven and earth is chilling, so I will completely freeze this space!

Even the scattered black mists were frozen in this space.

Xuan Bing white fluttering, fast in the air, around the middle of the huge puck that has been condensed, flew a hundred laps.

Every lap, there will be at least hundreds of palms, and they will be photographed heavily, and the space that locks the black fog will be hit into a solid ice hockey.

In the next moment, I saw the Iraqi people reach out and touched their wrists.

After the strong hit, but the round and round ice hockey, she was chosen from the void, followed by Xuan Bing one hand holding the ball lightly, fluttering and falling.

This whole process, from the horizon of a touch of red to fight for a glimmer of life, wants to walk away, to Xuanbing appeared to intercept, and to smash it into a puck, the description looks like a long delay, in fact, the whole process is extremely short, at most, but ten interest..., at most, it’s five interest time, it’s so short!

So when Xuanbing fell in front of Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao was still in the same place, and she couldn’t believe everything that was born before her eyes.

Ye Xiaozhen did not think that she had such a change!

At the beginning, the sky will be red and the machine will be cut off, and the two air machines will be abandoned. By the way, Ye Xiaoxin has also praised him. This is a slap in the sky, but it’s a white man’s dedication. When it’s broken, it’s bold, see you. The situation is not right, never entangled, directly choose to travel thousands of miles, and then seek the next day, the end of it!

It is a pity that the words of admiration have not come to the end of the feelings. It is seen that a red smack was intercepted by the day, and was beaten, smashed, imprisoned, and sent back to himself!

I rely on, this world is too crazy, what is this about him?

That person is ice? Is my ice?

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