Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1437: Black hand is now! [third more]

The strength of Binger has just been improved... I have just helped her stabilize the realm...

How can it be...

How to continue... to achieve this level of shock. Bayi Chinese Network w?w?w?. ?8?1zw. Com

I have to be counted, and there are no enemies that may be left behind. She was completely sealed in a giant ice hockey in a near-barbaric and unreasonable way.

This... Is this too strange, too fancy? !

"Ice..." Ye Xiao cried a little unbelievable.

"The son..." Xuan Bing said a little embarrassedly: "I just didn't listen to the son's instructions. I just took it out. It's this guy... This guy just looked at my eyes, a pair of colors... It’s too annoying; it’s also turned into black smoke, too disgusting. I just thought that if I could trap the smoke, wouldn’t it be enough to catch the person...”

Ye Xiaoyin’s mouth is pumping, although this seems to make sense...

But the result, it seems to be too illusory, too bizarre!

In fact, since the moment when the redness appeared on this horizon, Ye Xiao already knew that the strength of this guy is so high today, at least the level of Wufa, and the secret of the other hand’s hand-made smoke, disappearing anytime, anywhere. It is strange and inexplicable and difficult to intercept.

Unless the other party spares no effort to fight with oneself for some reason, there is absolutely no possibility of killing; let alone oysters.

In other words, if you want to stay with each other, you have to plan more than you can.

Therefore, from the beginning, Ye Xiao showed weakness, and then retained his strength, and even deliberately angered the other side, tempting the other party to go all out to target themselves. They all dominated the battle, and hoped to finally get the other side. If they could produce the best, if they can’t, they would retire. And the second, killing, the strength of this person, presumably in the mysterious organization is also a place to play, early killing early!

Although the battle situation is completely in accordance with Ye Xiao's budget, but the strength and means of the smudges of the horizon are still imaginary. If it is not the intervention of Xuan Bing, people have already ran!

However, the current situation is even more bizarre than being smothered by the sky.

"Binger, I understand your thoughts... but how do you think of the method you used..." Ye Xiaoxin was shocked.

Because, just what Binger has shown, it is not among the three realms... the cage!

Turn one side of the world into a cage for my use.

Then, another question is coming... How did Binger do it?

Xuan Bing felt a move in his heart and said: "I am... I actually saw... this guy, smoke for a while, personal for a while... It seems that he is not very good at grasping, he has been thinking... Later I thought of a way... ..."

Ye Xiaoda is interested: "What is the solution?"

"I just thought..." Xuanbing said: "As long as he chooses to be a smoker, he can keep all these smokes. It doesn't mean that he has kept all the big living people!"

Xuan Bing said.

Ye Xiao was dizzy.

"This... that... how do you keep the smoke?" He really didn't know how to say it, he could only speak straightforwardly.

Xuanbingdao: "If you let him float in the air, it is difficult to keep it, but... if you can make a space and make a bottle..." She smiled and smiled: "All the smoke is limited." In the bottle, don't you keep it?"

"Do a bottle out!?" Ye Xiaowen heard a sudden shock, this moment, sudden feelings of vibration, a sudden realization of life!

"Yeah, there are clouds in the sayings, ice water for it, and cold in the water, the clouds are all made of water vapor, I think, I think... since the bottle can retain the water, it can naturally hold the smoke." Xuan Bing said "As long as he turns into smoke, use ice as a medium to make a bottle... Then I try to make an ice bottle out... I really put him in it."

Ye Xiao is again fainting.

Make a bottle...

Make a bottle...

Ye Xiaoyin faintly felt that he had already grasped the most crucial point; if he could fully grasp it, then he could directly push the realm of the cage he had just realized to the later stage, even to the realm of success. !

Even complete!

"To make a bottle, Binger thought of using ice, as the wall of the bottle, if it was me, what would I do..." Ye Xiaoyan thought about it.

Xuan Bing patted the chest, the dark road was almost exposed, and Binger Binger, this name is a good one...

I hurriedly handed the ice hockey in my hand to Ye Xiao’s hand and said: "This is..."

Xuan Bing hasn't finished a sentence yet, but the variable is reborn, but he hears a crack in the air, as if something has suddenly broken.

A black hand that was darker than the night, suddenly slammed out from the void, just grabbing it, and actually grabbed the ice hockey from Xuanbing.

This down has become elbow, and Ye Xiao and Xuan Bing are close to each other, and there is no sense in the first time.

No, it should be straightforward and there is no time to react. The hockey puck is taken away.

Ye Xiao and Xuan Bing, these two people are now standing on the peak of Qingyun Tianyu's most outstanding power; but, in front of such two people, a vital thing has been taken away!

And it's still so easy and freehand.

The strength and power of this black hand can be imagined, but it is shocking and horrifying!


Xuan Bing's heart is in a hurry, and he does not think about it. This palm is all-out, and there is no reservation.

Ye Xiao is also a screaming drink, and the star sword is like a raging dragon.

It seems that there is no such thing as a flat thorn. In fact, the star sword is extremely hateful in Ye Xiaoyue. Under the full force, it will ignite the unprecedented power. This moment, it seems that the stars are all falling into the world!

The brilliant and splendid starlight will completely illuminate the entire night sky;

The night sky at this moment is as beautiful as a dream.

The big hand is obviously designed to save people, and the fly is recovered immediately. However, the attacks of Ye Xiao and Xuan Bing also come to an end. The trend is fast, and it is faster and more daring than the big hand. If it is avoided, it will eventually be These two hits, the leader of the big hand is obviously also the person who knows the goods, suddenly shocked, a Hongli first throws the ball into the air, followed by another one, two palms launched!

A loud bang of "Boom", Xuan Bing's body swayed, and after a few unsteady retreats, Ye Xiao was also a sullen, three steps backward.

The black big hand is also uncomfortable, and the first half is instantly turned into nothingness.

However, at a higher altitude, another big hand emerged, catching the flying ice hockey, followed by a pinch.

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