Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1739: Brotherhood resolution

More than 20,000 miles behind Ye Xiao’s body has now become the site of the monarch’s pavilion; several lobby owners followed Ye Xiao’s footsteps and expanded their forces to define the chassis. (8) (1) "中Δ"文"网WwㄟW. ㄟ81.Zw. COM

It has also set a new rule for the monarchy -

From what happened here, you go to the monarch to explain.

I am responsible for the things that come out of me.

But all in all, this whole area belongs to the monarchy; no matter who is out there, it is a problem!

This will be the master of the battle, the dream of the colleague, and the lady of the dream, constantly patrolling back and forth. The law enforcement step is repeated and the law enforcement is carried out, cutting off the rules of the ruler of the monarchy; the general protection of the old goods is still sitting in the town of the main cabinet, his brother is now thinking Break through your own shackles, once you break through, it is the right peak power to come again...

In a word, the current power of the monarch's cabinet, along with Ye Xiaotian's three-footed trip, has almost swept the entire western part of the sea without unknowingly submerging.

Although there are not many high-level trainers currently absorbed, the total number of people who have invested in the number of people in the period is hundreds of thousands. From this point of view, the huge force has greatly surpassed the entanglement in the chaotic city. Ye Jiajun...


The situation of the unprecedented expansion of the monarch's power finally attracted the attention of a level of strength.


"I don't care about the small power of the monarch's cabinet. Once it has risen and expanded, it is so fast! It is just a kind of taste that starts from the west and sweeps the world." Shangguan Lingxiao frowned.

Around him, there are nine seats.

When the fraternity of the fraternity discussed the matter, it was never different in size, and no matter how many people there were, there must be a round table and ten seats.

"The monarch's pavilion has always been a fine line, but it is still quite impressive. But now it seems that it is eager to expand its strength. No matter how good or bad it is, the number of people is numerous, but ninety-nine is a rabble, but it lacks core cohesiveness. The growth of strength is very limited. What is worthwhile for us to hang on in our hearts? The words of the third brother are too much to lift them up?!" The words are a slap in the face of a beard, and the fraternity is ten The old man, that is, the one who appeared in the chaotic city with Shangguan Lingxiao on the same day.

"Hey, old man, you have a long-term analytical ability, but the analysis is the head of the road, until the key, really is the three days when the singer is looking at each other!" Shangguan Ling Xiaohe laughed.

"Three brothers, if you can't sleep and have fun, I might as well consider Ye Jiajun." Peng Chayun said.

"What can Ye Jiajun think about?" Shangguan Lingxiao frowned: "Ye Jiajun... As long as we really want to do it, we can completely destroy Ye Jiajun within an hour!"

"Then we will solve him. I didn't forget the blood bond of the day!" Peng Chayun hated.

"Daddy, do you know that the most important thing for the whole situation now is the monarch!"

"This small force that seems to be uncontested with the world and good for people."

"The Lord's Chief Cabinet laughs and laughs at the Lord Ye Xiao, the movement that has passed this way... but it is too big, I always wonder if the true purpose of the Ye Jun is, and it is not broken by the pattern he showed before. I will be so concerned about the gains and losses of the district!"

Shangguan Ling’s brows are wrinkled: “There is also the monarch’s own... The hands of our brotherhood are completely inseparable. The brothers who are arranged in the sea without borders have entered the Ye Jiajun...”

"The rest of them, but they are not qualified to enter the monarchy as an undercover."

"As for the Uight people you said..." Shangguan Lingxiao worried: "There is no such thing as the strength of this group of people." As long as the monarch's cabinet gathers enough bottom-level power, the high-level side only needs to press two or three peaks out of thin air. ... then re-integrate in a very short time, turning itself into a top force!"

Shangguan Ling said: "If you don't sing, you will have a blockbuster monarch, which is ten thousand times more terrible than Ye Jiajun...and even more. The brothers must not be underestimated."

A golden robe of the table was always listening silently. At this time, I finally asked a sentence: "The third child, with your prejudgment, will this monarchy be enemies with us in the future?"

Shangguan Lingxiao heard the words suddenly, and he succumbed for a long time: "This is not necessarily."

"Then do you think that this monarchy...will be bigger in the future than our brothers?" Jinpao Dahan asked again.

Shangguan Lingxiao has hesitated for a long time: "It is not necessarily the same."

"Then you think that we and the monarch will definitely be on the road to competition and hostility, there is no possibility of making friends at all..." Your golden robe Dahan asked for the third time.

Shangguan Lingxiao finally couldn't sit still. Obviously, he realized that the key point of the Jinpao Dahan asked. He stood up and said: "Big brother is pointing out that I really think too much. I always say that people are worried and unwilling. I was actually a monk in the Shangguan Lingxiao!"

Jin Pao Dahan nodded: "The third child, everything is a wise man who wants to do more, but sometimes you think too much, Ling Xiao, since the establishment of our brotherhood, has been adhering to a big principle, that is... Jianghu forces."

"The rivers and lakes are mixed, we can get away from the middle, get what we want, give up what we don't want, and if there are others, do more, do less and do less, don't do well..."

The words of Jinpao Dahan are very heavy.

Giving up what we don't want is not to say that we want to get it but we can't get it.

And vice versa, getting what we don't want, it's not necessarily beneficial!

The difference is that if you want to go deeper, the advantages and disadvantages are clear!

"Our brotherhood is a multitude of people. No matter whether it is an enemy or a friend, no one can deny it, but ... our purpose is never to dominate the world." Jinpao Dahan said: "So we can survive to this day."

"But now that your opinion is already extreme, you have already seen some emerging forces instinctively as our threat... This is not the right idea, it is not right!"

Jinpao Dahan smiled slightly.

"The combination of forces without borders, the more complex the better, the more powerful, the stronger the better..."

He indulged and smiled faintly.

His indifferent smile, everyone in the room has read all the meaning of this, Qi Qi heart.

The golden robes of the Chinese language are long and heavy: "The way we live in the Brotherhood is... within the four seas, all brothers."

Shangguan Lingxiao nodded solemnly: "Yes, it is always the big brother's old-fashioned, heavy-eyed short-sighted, dangerous and dangerous."

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