Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1740: The heart of the strong, never going forward

"The rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes, the temple is the court, the chassis of the five great emperors, and the site of the five great emperors. Even if no one can easily, it must be a fraternity." "We can allow the existence of the Guizhen Pavilion to allow the existence of a cloud-covered building. Is it possible to accommodate a monarchy? For such a force, no matter when it is, for us, it is not a tiger!"

Shangguan Lingxiao sweating: "Yes. (8)" (1) Lieutenant" Wenwang WwんW.81.Zw.COM"

"If it is possible, our fraternity can even pay a large part of the benefits, and with the monarch, um, and the deep cooperation with the life and death hall." Jin Pao Dahan Shen said: "With some price, to ensure that the brothers die as little as possible , can... save a life when you are dying, that is what my generation really wants to do for the brothers."

Jinpao Dahan Road: "To treat every emerging power as the enemy of the Brotherhood is the position that the Brotherhood should not uphold! This is not the so-called worry, but the fundamental principle of the Brotherhood!"

Shangguan Lingxiao was sweating and stood up. He bowed his head and said: "Big brother, I really want to be wrong."

Jinpao Dahan nodded faintly: "To Ye Jiajun, control, wait and see, wait for opportunities; for the monarch, watch, close, and slowly observe... such forces, if you can be friends with them, don't be enemies!"

This sentence, he said very slowly, but very powerful.

Everyone is very serious about thinking, nodding.

"Now, the laughing monarch..." The golden robe with a smile: "Where did the guy go? This is worth paying attention to!"

"The soul of the soul!" said Shangguan Lingxiao.

"Where is the soul of the soul..." Jinpao Dahan smiled lightly: "Where, but awkward."

"Nineteen forbidden places, if Ye Jun can pass three, then tell me." Jinpao Dahan stood up and said: "The rest of the things are still hosted by the third child. I will go to sleep first, today. I have so many brains at once, my brain hurts!"

When I said that I stood up and walked out regardless of the situation.

Shangguan Lingxiao was a bitter smile when he boarded, and the boss still had this temper.

To say something nice, it is wise, post-production.

To say that it is ugly, there is no heart and no lungs.

If the boss is willing to take on more, he really doesn't have to work so hard, and he won't be blinded to see who is like an enemy!

"The demon on the sorcerer's ridge is not so easy to deal with..." The old sly leopard Peng Pengyun gloated in laughter.

"It's not easy to deal with it. We don't need to think about it. I only care about the leaves of the sky. Is there any movement?" Shangguan Ling asked.

"Not at all. Even in the case of seven golden lotuses, there is no movement, and there is no plan to be dispatched." Someone replied.

Shangguan Lingqi frowned slightly and muttered: "This is really strange..."

"Since there is no movement in the chaotic city, more attention will be paid to the soul of the soul." Shangguan Lingxiao still made such an order.

"If the laughing monarch can't pass, then everything is still the same. If the laughing monarch can pass, then the brothers who are inserted in the sorcerer's ridge will immediately withdraw!"

Shangguan Lingqi took a deep breath and whispered: "Our focus is on the rivers and lakes... then look, what is the main thing about this laughing king!"


What is the main thing about laughing?

To tell the truth, I haven’t even known it, but I’m not sure.

"I just want to... keep going."

Ye Xiao looked at the clouds on the sorcerer's ridge, and his attitude was very indifferent.

"Go forward, enter the path of the Ghostly Ridge."

"I just want to go forward... As for the final step, I am not sure. But anyway, I will tear it apart!"

"On my way, there are only two possibilities. Either I was shredded by others, and nothing has ever happened; or, everything that was blocked has been shredded by me; I have been to... the end of the world!"

"No matter what the road ahead, I have to go all the way!"

"I have no choice!"

Ye Xiao reveals a very strange and strange smile, which is a belief in persistence.

Ghostly Ridge!

It is worthy of a ‘next’ word.

Just a few hundred feet away, Ye Xiao will be alive! On this sorrowful ridge, there are no plants, animals, or creatures!

At a glance, it is a bare stone mountain.

It seems that the soul of any animal plant creature cannot survive here!

"The monarch, I may have been too clear about what I said. If your intention is simply to pass the 19th pass, it is not difficult!"

The poisonous king rushed to catch up, bitterly said: "In this process, as long as the monarch is not going to continue the 'three-foot-high' action before the journey, the whole process is only ordinary passers-by, then we can easily pass the customs... the soul of the soul and even all At the 19th level, there is no hegemony to let people walk. This is always the only way along with the things without borders."

Ye Xiaoheheyi: "Oh? It’s not that hard to pass this 19th pass safely..."

The poisonous king’s face is full of sweat: “As long as there is no excessive behavior, it is really the case. The only thing that needs attention is that it is on the stone in front of the mountain, put a certain amount of money to buy the road... how much is free, then you can Enron passed."

The poison king's heart is jumping.

This sorrowful ridge, one of the 19 banned areas of the sea, has been standing for a long time; it has been long since no one knows who the owner of this level is; but everyone knows that in the nearly 100,000 years, all of them have been provoked here. The owner is dead.

And all the people who pay the money to buy the road can pass through safely, so in the strict sense, the other 18s behind the sorrowful spirits and even the other are the safe and safe roads. As long as you give your mind, it is really a wish to buy money. How much free to buy road money is not what you want!

Ye Xiao heard the words of the poisonous king, could not help but frown, and asked in a deep voice: "Buy money?"

In fact, Ye Xiao’s heart is very clear. The words spoken by the poison king are really for their own sake. The so-called “money and cloud”, the people say that they are not asking for the price, they should pay a safe money for this safe road; buy a safe, in order to A little bit of money, confronting a single-level powerhouse, is not a good thing, even extremely stupid; wise men do not take.

However, Ye Dashao has swallowed this breath.

Since I was born in the sky, I have changed my life, especially when Ye Yundian first committed a crime, and one of the seven golden lotuses personally appeared in the face of Ding Ding’s true fake leaf family. Ye Xiao’s personality changed and became more and more The more you look at the old brand, the more dissatisfied, the more and more you want to challenge the old brand, the current thing, it is the heart of Ye Dao Shao!

If you haven't seen it yet, will you let me buy the money?

The safety of this young master is naturally won by himself. If the foreigners rely on money for the peace, this young master is not rare, can't look up!

What is more unfortunate is that Ye Xiao had just eaten the latest high-spirited high-energy Dan Yun Shen Dan, Ye Xiao was originally fixed in the San Yuan Jing Qi Pinfeng's cultivation, and then made a breakthrough, Gao Ge Meng entered the eighth product.

Since the space has the Void Vine, the purity of the Aura has been doubled. This change has also led to the improvement of Ye Xiao, and once again, it has increased its growth almost every moment.

More of this card in the hand of Ye Xiao added a lot of self-confidence, and even gave birth to an illusion: even if the five-party Emperor is currently, Ye Da Shao also dare to fight!

It can be said that there is simply a lot of self-confidence overdone!

Fortunately, Ye Xiao is not lacking in self-awareness. He is a human being. He is in a state of mind and has his own ordinary people.

"My trip to the sea in the sky is so high that it has been too smooth. So far, my mind has begun to appear blind and arrogant."

Ye Xiao smiled faintly: "This kind of mentality, if it lasts for a long time, the future will usher in a good time; it is very likely that it will never be overturned, and it will never turn over; but on the other hand, if it can always be so invincible, It is also possible to gain invincible confidence that every battle will win..."

"On the premise of having a clear understanding, it is worthwhile to take this risk in this matter."

"If you can become, it is the starting point of the invincible road!"

"If you can't, you can make your own light more clear, and you can increase your experience with the top practitioners."

"The former is invincible with the party. I overestimated the invincibility of the party, misjudged the true strength of the team, and used the card early, which made it impossible to lose the meaning of this battle. It was really boring, and it was related to the current sorcerer. The battle will be my real round!"

After Ye Xiao finished, the gown fluttered and walked forward.

His words seem to be explaining to the poison king, but the poison king knows that the laughing monarch is not explaining himself to himself. He does not need to explain to anyone at all.

He is just explaining to himself.

"The heart of the strong, never go forward!"

The poisonous king suddenly came out with this sentence, knowing that there is a master in the world, but... I can't retire.

Once retired, the heart of the martial arts must be flawed, and the ambiguity will be innocent.

I can lose, I am up!

Even if I lost, at least I fought, I can know where the gap between the real and the strong is, how many!

The poisonous king looked at Ye Xiao's gradual and far-reaching back, and he was able to walk on the sorrowful ridge. There was only one sentence in his heart that was not said.

"Winning and losing, it is really a good thing to say; but I don't know if you have ever thought about adults. If you die directly in the hands of the enemy, what do you say? Well... people are dead, they are dead, and there is really nothing to say. of!"

Of course, this sentence he did not dare to say.

Moreover, for the young boy to laugh at the monarch, the poisonous king from the beginning of the reluctance, to the present, has implicitly saved an admiration.

That is the respect that comes out of the heart.

At the very least, I can't do this kind of courage and courage.


This day.

On the big dusty days, I wrote a thick stroke.

"In the eleventh year before the monarchy, I laughed at the monarch's 20th year; I wore a green shirt and singly swords; I used the eight elements to repair the sacred spirits, and I went to the sorrowful ridge. So far, the legend of the arrogant sky Expand, the legendary first edition!"


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