"Although I can still hear some of Mr. Park's feelings in this song."

Seeing that Jiang Cheng didn't say anything, Chen Shengen, who thought that the other party was shocked by his professional statement, smiled slightly, and continued to show off to the girls in a calm tone: "But strictly speaking, the maturity of the lyrics and music is still far behind."

"Compared with classic works such as "Born Like Summer Flowers" and "Birch Forest" that can represent Mr. Park's highest level, this song does have a feeling of drawing a tiger but drawing a dog."

"First of all, the melody is too simple, and unfortunately, I can't hear any high-level feeling at all - to be more straightforward, it is almost equivalent to the popular online pop songs."

"Also, for example, there is a paragraph in the lyrics that appears VIAVIA, which I think is just for the sake of rhyme. ”

“From the perspective of professional lyric writing, this kind of forced rhyme in English is very taboo, which seriously affects the artistic conception of the song itself, which is exactly the same as those vulgar online songs.”

“Of course~ I mean, it doesn’t mean that you must not use English to compose lyrics. In fact, using whole sentences of English to compose lyrics is a high-level lyric writing method for us to keep up with the international community, especially the European and American music scene that represents the top of the world’s pop music, but it is definitely not like you forcing rhymes.”

“So, if it were me, I would never do it.”

“Of course, considering that Jiang is not a professional, it is rare to be able to achieve the current level of completion.”

Hearing the other party’s storm output, Jiang Cheng first blinked in confusion.

Then he laughed in his heart.

——This buddy is really awesome.

This song, written by Mr. Park himself, represents his highest level in the next ten years, "Ordinary Road".

It can be devalued to nothing, just for the sake of blackening.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng could understand why those experts could make so many wise remarks in the future.

They were all raised by "high achievers" like Chen Shengen.

They only talk nonsense when they open their mouths.

"Uh... this..."

Hearing the other party belittling Jiang Cheng's "Ordinary Road" so much, Zhong Xier, who was standing between the two, opened her mouth, feeling a little embarrassed, but it was difficult to say anything.

In the end, she chose to keep her mouth shut.

"Listening to the senior's professional analysis, it seems that Jiang Cheng is indeed just an amateur~"

Hearing Chen Shengen's long speech, Wang Yuan came over and said with a smile: "I just don't know what the professional level of the senior represents is~"

"I don't know if we can have the honor to appreciate it?"

When she said this, her expression was carefree, and it seemed to be a more relaxed and joking tone at first.

But if you listen carefully to the meaning of this sentence, it is actually on Jiang Cheng's side.

——Aren't you belittling him in every way? Words are not enough, show some real skills~

Otherwise, stop talking nonsense.

After hearing Wang Yuan's words, Jiang Cheng had a slightly different opinion of her.

I thought she was just a gossiper, but I didn't expect her to be so loyal~


After being praised by Wang Yuan, Chen Shengen would lose face if he wanted to refuse.

"I do have a new song that I created recently. It's not very mature yet. It's a fusion of Soul music, Gospel and some Blues."

The guy smiled and said a lot of incomprehensible English terms.

Then he took out his guitar and walked onto the stage.

He pretended to adjust the microphone and speakers, and connected the expensive-looking acoustic guitar pickup in his arms to the speaker's electric cable before he got in front of the microphone.

"Xi'er, today is your birthday. This song I created, "For you", is dedicated to you."

After saying that, the guy closed his eyes slightly, pretended to be extremely intoxicated, and began to pluck the strings in his hand.

An indescribable strange melody sounded from the speakers.

Just the prelude alone made everyone frown slightly.

The following song, in the completely obscure words, interspersed with unclear English words, neither Chinese nor foreign.

The singing style is more inclined to a low chanting style.

Except for the occasional "For you are so beautiful" at the climax of the chorus, which can be barely heard.

The rest of the lyrics, each Chinese character and letter is listed separately, and everyone knows it.

ButPutting it all together like this, it was completely confusing.

For a moment, the temperature in the entire bar seemed to drop, filled with omnipresent psychedelic weirdness.

"What the hell is this?"

Listening to the decadent music coming from the speakers, Wang Yuan and others looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Xi'er... do you know what Senior Chen is singing?"

"Ah... haha... maybe... psychedelic rock or something like that?"

"Jiang... Jiang Cheng... can you understand it?"

"I know, the Taoists in the temple chant incantations and the monks in the temple chant sutras, they should all be the same routine, anyway, you can't hear what is being sung~"

Zhong Xi'er: 。◔‸◔。

As Chen Shengen continued to sing, several tables of guests sat in the bar again.

Everyone's expression was exactly the same, all of them were confused, and obviously they couldn't appreciate this so-called "high-level music".

Chen Shengen pretended to be cool and posed and played the last syllable.

This "high-level music" finally ended.

The whole audience was silent.

Only Chen Shengen, with his eyes slightly closed, sat alone on the stage, and continued to maintain a deeply intoxicated look.

To be honest, if it weren't for the weird song "Just Because You Are So Beautiful", he would look a little handsome.

The premise is that he doesn't feel embarrassed...

After waiting for a long time, the expected applause did not sound.

The senior finally returned to reality from the virtual fantasy where he was intoxicated alone, put away his guitar in dejection, and walked off the stage.

"Hehe, this piece is not perfect yet~ It's still in the demo stage."

After Chen Shengen stepped down, he smiled awkwardly: "The main reason is that the accompaniment band is not present. In my original arrangement, I also need a drum set, bass, keyboard, and a symphony of flute and saxophone~"

"Xi'er, next time I have a chance, I will definitely let you listen to the complete version, which is definitely more handsome than the current one~"

"Ha... OK... OK..."

Zhong Xi'er replied in a daze.

In fact, she also completely couldn't appreciate this kind of inexplicable high-level music.

It's just that she couldn't save face and just responded casually.

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