"Jiang Cheng, you can sing it, too."

Wang Yuan, who was standing by, couldn't bear to listen any more, so he pushed Jiang Cheng and said, "Go up and sing one too?"


Jiang Cheng nodded and slowly stood up.

Seeing this, Zhong Xier beside him blinked excitedly.

The song "Ordinary Road" sung by Jiang Cheng last time gave her a great shock, and it was also the beginning of her completely changing impression of Jiang Cheng.

This time, what kind of surprise will Jiang Cheng bring her?

Everyone was looking forward to it, except Chen Shengen, who was sitting at another table next to him, with a very disdainful expression.

——A group of laymen who don't know how to appreciate!

This is the case in the music circle. As long as there is a little bit of originality, everyone is very confident, and no one in the same industry looks up to each other.

As a professional student who thinks he is a "prodigy", Chen Shengen is increasingly unwelcome to amateur players like Jiang Cheng who are not from a class.

A mud leg! Pop songs! Haha, TUI!

—— Jiang Cheng certainly didn't care what Chen Shengen was thinking.

He stood up and walked to the singing stage.

Suddenly he looked up and saw the boss, Uncle Zheng, who was lying leisurely behind the bar, suddenly smiled and waved at him.

"Young man, come here~"

"What's up, Uncle Zheng?"

Jiang Cheng responded casually and walked over.

—— Although the two met for the first time in this life, in the previous life, Jiang Cheng and Uncle Zheng had a very good relationship. Even after graduation, Jiang Cheng often came here to sit and drink and chat with him.

So naturally, Jiang Cheng was very close to this kind middle-aged man from the bottom of his heart.

"I still have a good piano hidden in the bottom of the box~"

Uncle Zheng blinked his eyes like an old naughty boy, and whispered to Jiang Cheng who was walking over: "I think my temperament is very suitable for you, it's just right for you to use it today~"

"Really? It's okay~"

"Okay, wait a moment."

After saying that, Uncle Zheng gave a warning, and then walked happily towards the back room.

"Huh? Xi'er, what did the boss call Jiang Cheng over for?"

In the distance, seeing Uncle Zheng and Jiang Cheng whispering, Wang Yuan asked curiously.

"I don't know..." Zhong Xier replied puzzledly: "Maybe you want to give him a guitar?"

"Piano? Didn't you say that the best guitar is the foreign guitar you just used?"

Wang Yuan rubbed his nose, puzzled: "Could it be that the boss has a treasure at the bottom of the box~?"

"Oh, look, it's out~"

"Oh my God, that guitar--"

Seeing Uncle Zheng carefully take out a light wood-colored wooden guitar with a unique Chinese character logo on the corner from the guitar case, Zhong Xier's eyes suddenly opened wide, full of shock.

"--It seems to be Brother Zong Sheng's "Shen Shi"!!"

"What? Brother Zong Sheng?"

Hearing this, Wang Yuan and others were obviously a little confused.

"That's right!" As a senior guitar enthusiast, Zhong Xier stared at the guitar in Uncle Zheng's hand, and explained with an amazing expression: "This "Shenshi" is the first guitar made by Brother Zongsheng himself, and it witnessed his countless classic moments on the stage!"

"Absolutely legendary!"


What kind of person is Brother Zongsheng? He is a famous big brother in the Chinese music scene.

Unexpectedly, I can see his guitar here.

Uncle Zheng is amazing~

At the same time, not only Wang Yuan and others, but also exclaimed in the bar.

Generally, people who know this place are literary enthusiasts who like to play music, and they must have heard of this famous "Shenshi".

Especially Chen Shengen, his eyes are red with envy at this moment.

He has known the boss Uncle Zheng for quite a long time, and he has played all the guitars here, but the other party has never told him about this!

But now, he actually took out this treasure for this kid.

It's so infuriating!

"What a good thing~"

Jiang Cheng took the guitar from Uncle Zheng and looked at it carefully.

——Others don't know, but as he had a good relationship with Uncle Zheng in his previous life, he knew that Uncle Zheng secretly kept this guitar.

This "Shen Shi" is one of the three handmade guitars made by Brother Zong Sheng himself.

The remaining two are "Hibernation" and "First Calf".

Its meaning represents the three major stages in his life, first "Shen Shi", then "Hibernation", and finally rushing to the peak of Chinese music with the brave attitude of a newborn calf not afraid of a tiger.

As the third guitar and also as a representative of the beginning, this "Shen Shi" is obviously made by him with the greatest energy and the most effort.

AbsolutelyTo the real legend in the Chinese music scene.

"Xiao Jiang, don't mind what Sheng En said just now."

Uncle Zheng always kept a friendly smile on his face.

"He is not mature enough and speaks inappropriately."

"I have also heard your song "Ordinary Road". In my opinion, it is definitely an excellent original song!"

As he said, Uncle Zheng gently patted Jiang Cheng's shoulder and said with a smile: "So, don't care about other people's eyes. It's great to insist on being yourself. Come on, I'm optimistic about you~"

"Uncle Zheng~"

After listening to Uncle Zheng's words, Jiang Cheng smiled faintly: "You are still so good at guiding people."

"Oh, you kid~"

Uncle Zheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and asked: "Have we met before?"

"Ah~ That was a long, long time ago..."

Jiang Cheng smiled, picked up the guitar and walked to the small singing stage.

He gently leaned the guitar against his chest.

Sitting in this familiar bar, his memories were completely opened, and his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Once, this position was the place he longed for the most.

In his previous life, Jiang Cheng had fantasized more than once that he could one day sit on the stage and sing a song to Zhong Xier in the audience.

Make her cry, make her laugh, make her moved...

Make her fall in love with him...

For this idea, Jiang Cheng desperately practiced guitar, learned music scores and singing.

However, throughout his previous life, this wish was not realized in the end...

His thoughts were mixed with mixed feelings, and his slender fingers gently stroked the body of the "Shenshi" guitar.

This feeling was like talking to an old friend who had not seen him for a long time.

Countless past events flashed through Jiang Cheng's mind one by one like a movie.

Although Jiang Cheng was a complete loser in his previous life.

But, that is also the real me...

Without the failed Jiang Cheng, there would be no mature and steady Jiang Cheng now.

After many experiences, he has washed away all the dust.

When he returns, fortunately, he is still a teenager.

With a lot of emotion, Jiang Cheng hugged the guitar tightly and plucked the strings lightly with his fingers.

At this moment, in this familiar bar and on the familiar singing stage, he wants to use a song to dedicate to his past self and those days.

- Ordinary self, ordinary days.

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