Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1404 You are the dog

Huaman and Huatian were frightened by the changes at home in the past two days. Now they squatted under the wall and looked at a group of people.

I don't know who shouted: "You two are still not leaving? Your mother has gone to the city to enjoy her life! If we don't chase her, we won't be able to catch her!"

Zhao Liangcai immediately turned around and glared at the speaker, another idle man in the village.

I have no father or mother, and I have not yet married a wife in my 30s. I have become a little restless in the past two years. I am always running around the village, looking for a man who is not at home, and I will go in to talk to a woman.

It's a pity that he has a thief's heart but not his courage. He was beaten a few times but he was honest.

But the problem of having a bad mouth is something you are born with and cannot be changed.

Huaman and Huatian had already stood up. Huaman didn't believe it: "My mother has entered the city? How is it possible?"

"How is it impossible? Your Aunt Huazhao took your mother, your grandmother, and your third disabled brother to the city to enjoy the blessings. From now on, we will eat rice, flour, and meat every day! You won't have a share!"

Seeing that the two children were about to cry, Xianhan suddenly smiled.

"Shut up! You are teasing two kids." Zhao Liangcai scolded.

Xian Han suddenly felt aggrieved: "Why did I tease them? I told the truth. If I follow Hua Zhao, will their lives be worse in the future?"

"Village chief, this Ma Qiuping is so strange. Why did she take away three disabled sons and leave the two with good arms and legs behind?"

What's strange about his face? He was just angry with these two children and wanted to stir up dissension.

As expected, there was hatred on the face of Huamanhuatian, hatred for Ma Qiuping.

"You're free!" Zhao Liangcai scolded again.

Idle men are not afraid of him, but what use does the village chief have now? He no longer has to look at his face to eat.

There’s nothing to eat anyway.

"Hurry up and chase them. They haven't gone far yet. Go to the train station." Xian Han said.

The flower field suddenly jumped out.

Zhao Liangcai frowned, but didn't stop him.

Why should he stop a son from finding his biological mother?

What's more, the Huashan family has become like this. If these two children stay in the village, they will probably become a big problem.

The idle man turned his eyes and saw Hua Da Gou, Hua Er Gou and San Gou, a big girl and a small girl.

He added: "You should also go after me and go to the city to live a good life!"

Hua Dagou's eyes fell from the unconscious Peanut to him: "My father is here and my mother is at home. What does the good life in the city have to do with me?"

Xianhan suddenly laughed: "I don't know what's going on with your dad. If he's like Hualong, your mom will probably not be home soon, hehehe."

The big dog suddenly rushed towards him like a calf, hitting him in the stomach and knocking him down. The pain was so painful that he almost couldn't get up.

It wasn't over yet. Hua Dagou picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the idle man's head, one after another, with deadly force.

He opened the ladle in two strokes, and his head and face were covered with blood.

This fierceness was exactly the same as that of the Huaniu family, which frightened everyone.

Zhao Liangcai reacted and rushed over to pull the person away.

Huadagou didn't bother, Zhao Liangcai threw the stone in his hand and turned around as soon as Zhao Liangcai pulled him.

Ignoring everyone behind him, including his own father and grandfather who fell on the ground.

Dagou, Ergou, Da Niu and Xiao Niu followed him into the house, and then saw Hua Dagou washing rice for cooking.

"Brother..." Hua Ergou swallowed with some fear. This is the rice from Grandpa's house. They moved it. Can it be done?

"What's wrong? They're not here." Hua Dagou said nonchalantly.

"But, but, they have to come back, right?" Hua Ergou said.

"Come back as soon as you come back. If we don't say anything, who knows this rice is for us?" Hua Dagou said, going to the basket and taking out all the eggs, washing them and throwing them into the pot. He wants to eat eggs today!

Thinking about the taste of eggs, he licked his tongue.

Several children licked their tongues and had no intention of talking.

"Big dog...come in..." Huashan said from inside.

Hua Dagou frowned, then asked Hua Ergou to come over to light the fire, and he walked over.

But he didn't get close to Huashan, but stood right at the door.

"Big dog..." Huashan fell on the kang and looked straight at him.

"You are the dog! You don't need to bark when you have something to say." Hua Dagou frowned.

How much does he like his name?

He is obviously a human being! But they treat him like a dog! Live worse than a dog!

Dogs still have a home! The dog is fed!

But he is like a wild dog, having to go out everywhere to grab food!

Huashan almost died of anger at his words. He looked directly at Hua Dagou.

"It's okay, I'm leaving." Huadagou really turned around and left.

Huashan pointed at his back with a trembling hand, huffing and puffing, his chest rising and falling violently for a while, and then he took a long, last breath of his life and never moved again.

Huadagou's back froze for a few seconds, and then he continued to sit at the stove to start cooking.

After finishing the pot of rice porridge and eggs, he went out to find Zhao Liangcai.

When Old Man Zhao heard that Huashan was dead, he was really stunned for a long time.

But he was not surprised. Huashan had been ill for several months, and everyone knew that he was going to die soon.

I went to the mountains before and got stung by bees a few times, but now it's gone and it's normal.

He sent people to chase Hua Zhao again. Now that he had caught up, he had to tell Hua Qiang.


Huaman and Huatian have caught up with Hua Zhao and his party.

"Mom! Mom! Why didn't you take us with you when you went to the city to have fun?!" Huaman grabbed Ma Qiuping's clothes and looked at her hatefully.

That look was like looking at an enemy.

Ma Qiuping frowned and looked at him: "Why are you here?"

"You really don't want to take us! You want to abandon us and go to the city to enjoy life! You are evil!

"You have no conscience!"

"You are a dead star!"


Huamanhuatian shouted in confusion.

Ma Qiuping looked numb and slapped her clothes hard.

She was used to it, it was like this for the two children every day.

Aunt Ma felt sad and embarrassed, and quickly explained to Hua Zhao: "Children are not sensible because they are taught by Hua Daniu's family, and they are ruined!"

"Yeah." Hua Zhao nodded and couldn't help but said, "I just need a beating."

"Yes, you deserve a spanking!" Aunt Ma received the reminder and slapped the two people with a big palm.

It was true that she had never beaten these two uncaring little grandsons in the past, but afterwards she would be beaten back by the eldest daughter-in-law, and later she did not dare to beat them.

What are you afraid of now? beat!

Ma Qiuping's eyes lit up, and she also raised her hand to participate.

She has wanted to beat these two naughty kids for a long time!

But she didn't take two blows before she clutched her stomach and ran out of energy.

"You need to rest quickly and be stretched before the baby is born on the way." Hua Zhao said.

Ma Qiuping was so scared that she didn't dare to move.

A few people didn't stop and continued walking to the train station. The train didn't wait for anyone.

Huaman and Huatian followed behind.

Aunt Ma frowned and asked Hua Zhao, "What should they do?"

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