Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1405 Where are you going?

"Don't ask me this question, they are your children." Hua Zhao said.

She just gives them a hand, takes them out of the quagmire of the Huashan family, and then helps them find a job so that they can be self-reliant.

They still live their own lives.

Whether or not to raise these two naughty children is their own business.

Ma Qiuping was expressionless.

Aunt Ma was so worried that she sighed, but in the end she didn't chase anyone away. After all, it was her daughter's debt. If they didn't pay it back, how could they expect others to pay it back?

What's more, I can't drive him away.

The group of people walked and walked until they arrived at the train station. Zhao Liang arrived before the train came.

He thought for a while that it was inappropriate to send anyone, so he finally rode his bicycle to chase Hua Zhao.

"Huashan is dead?" Hua Qiang was surprised when he heard the news.

"Yes, that's what happened just now." Zhao Liangcai said.

"How did he die?" Hua Qiang felt bad after asking, and immediately said: "He died of illness and old age."

It has nothing to do with them!

Zhao Liangcai knew about his worries. Huashan had fallen while going up the mountain before, and Hua Qiang's family was also going up the mountain at that time.

With the virtues of the Hua family, it doesn't matter if they are involved, they will definitely depend on it.

Zhao Liangcai said: "Yes, it's the one who died of illness, my fourth son, who lived a long life and was in mourning. After two or three days of mourning, people from the village will help with the burial. Anyway, their family can't spare anyone now."

All in the hospital.

When he said this, Hua Qiang felt relieved...

Rest in peace.

Hua Qiang nodded: "I'll trouble you then."

Zhao Liangcai knew just by looking at his posture that he didn't want to come back to organize Luo Huashan's funeral.

Okay, then he won't talk too much.

He went back on his bicycle.

Hua Qiang sighed. He came back thinking about the brotherly love.

Thinking that when one is about to die, the grudges of the past may be wiped out.

As a result, Huashan wanted to plot against his great-grandchildren before he died!

That's really not a pity to die!

It was so generous of him to let him rest in peace!

Thinking of this, Hua Qiang quickly called a bodyguard and said to him: "Go and catch that person just now and tell him to bury Huashan as far away from my parents as possible!"

He doesn't want to be next to him!

The bodyguard sped away and sped back, and the train arrived.

The group got in the car and left.

Arriving at the county train station, Hua Zhao bought a ticket and left.

Ma Qiuping couldn't help but asked: "Xiaohua, what, didn't you say you would help me divorce Hualong..."

"Oh, I didn't forget." Hua Zhao said, "But if you go over and ask him for a divorce now, he will definitely not agree."

This is true. When Hualong dies, he will drag Ma Qiuping to be buried with him.

He would take the initiative to divorce only if he found a better woman.

But in this life, it is impossible.

"What should we do?" Ma Qiuping asked.

Hua Zhao could find someone to directly apply for a divorce certificate for the two of them.

But it's somewhat irregular, and it would be troublesome if Hualong doesn't admit it when the time comes.

But she has formal channels to go through, so why should she go the wrong way?

"Don't worry about him, just file for divorce directly." Hua Zhao said.

Ma Qiuping has 100 reasons to sue for divorce, and the court will definitely agree. If Hua Zhao doesn't agree, they will have a paternity test slapped on their faces.

If what Ma Qiuping said is true, then based on probability, these 5, no, 6 children cannot all belong to Hua Long.

Hua Zhao said this, and Ma Qiuping felt relieved.

The train to the capital would not arrive for another two hours. Seeing that she was impatient, Hua Zhao directly called a bodyguard to go to the court to get the divorce documents, asked Ma Qiuping to sign them, and then asked the bodyguard to send them back.

Even if the process begins, there will still be a few months of waiting.

Wait until you need to come in person.

Ma Qiuping didn't understand either. Anyway, Hua Zhao said that she could get a divorce this way, so she felt relieved and felt relaxed.

Seeing the flowers and fields made me feel less worried.

"I'm hungry." Huatian said suddenly, looking straight at the dried fruit in Qianjin's hand.

Qian Jin is a snack foodie with a chubby face. She was planning to become a "Qian Jin" before, which scared Hua Zhao to stop eating almost all her high-energy snacks.

The crispy dried fruits still carry the fragrance of fruits. They are delicious at first sight, and Huatian's eyes are straight.

If there weren't a bunch of people behind Qianjin, he would have rushed over.

Qian Jin looked at him and then at the dried fruit in her hand. Her mother said she wanted to share it...

She was about to stretch out her hand, but Xiao Shenxing held it down and glared at her.

This little fool is so soft-hearted!

"I won't feed you." Xiao Shenxing turned to Huatian and said, and he glared at him.

Before the flowers bloomed in the flower field, I was beaten back, biting, pinching, kicking and scratching.

Since other people were taking care of the children, he couldn't take action, so he didn't move, but he hated these two naughty children.

The other children were not happy either, but Qian Jin foolishly wanted to share the snacks.

Hua Zhao also discovered the problem. This little guy must be given special lessons for her in the future, otherwise he will be bullied to death in the future.

"Stingy bitch!" Hua Tian huffed and rolled his eyes at Xiao Shenxing.

Xiao Shenxing just sneered.

Aunt Ma was embarrassed, but it was also time for dinner. She saw something selling food at the train station, so she hurried over to buy it. She also bought a lot, and everyone had a share.

Not anything good, just an egg burrito.

But Hua Zhao and his party of more than ten people spent ten yuan on Aunt Ma.

Her heart was bleeding, but she didn't hesitate.

After Hua Zhao helped them so much, she just invited someone to have an egg burrito. She was already very embarrassed.

Hua Zhao was not polite to her and took it.

How is one egg burrito enough? Hua Zhao asked someone to bring out instant noodles, ham sausages, and homemade pickles.

The taste of instant noodles is unparalleled. As soon as I opened it, everyone in the small train station looked over.

Huaman and Huatian also received a box each.

Hua Zhao would not treat two children harshly on such a trivial matter, as that would be too small a situation.

As a result, Huaman finished eating first and then went to grab Huatian's. The two ended up fighting, and Huaman pinned all the uneaten instant noodles Huatian had on his head.

If you don’t give it to him, he won’t even want to eat it!

Not to be outdone, Huatian snatched Hua Laosan’s instant noodles and slapped them on Hua Man’s head.

Boss Hua quit and started fighting with the two of them.

Hua Zhao was speechless.

"You really need to take good care of these two children from now on, otherwise something will happen in the future," she said.

Sometimes I have to say that genes are scary things.

Ma Qiuping's face turned pale and red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "In the future, without the Hua family to support them, I will definitely 'discipline' them!"

A dutiful son emerges from under a stick!

As long as she's willing to fight.

But Hua Zhao knows that sometimes fighting is useless.

....Fortunately, this is not her child, so she doesn't have to worry too much.

Someone from the train station came out to shout about checking tickets. Hua Zhao and his party quickly packed up their things and stood up.

"Mom! Mom! Where are you going? Why don't you take us?" At the gate, a man and a woman with several children shouted to them.

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