Jiang Yi ignored Li Qiang, as if she didn't hear what he said.

"Let's talk about the pension issue." She said: "I heard my mother say that after she got married, she decided on the pension issue with you, 5 yuan a year, 2 sets of clothes, and New Year's etiquette."

This is real.

Li Youmei got married at the age of 18 and started paying pension money to her parents after her marriage.

Five yuan a year was a lot of money at that time.

Many families with more than a dozen people may not be able to settle even 5 yuan a year.

Not to mention two outfits.

Clothes not only require cloth and money, but also tickets.

But each of their farmers only gets a few feet of cloth stamps a year, and it takes several years to save enough cloth stamps for a whole outfit.

That's it, Li Xiaoshan and his wife still asked for two sets of clothes in one year!

If you don’t have cloth coupons, you can exchange them with grain easily.

This is what Li Youmei did during the years she lived in the village.

Jiang Yi had an impression of this. Anyway, the clothes she wore when she was a child were basically made from Li Youmei's old clothes, and Li Youmei saved cloth coupons every year to buy new clothes for her parents.

Later, they went to Hangzhou and had no choice but to have no money.

Now that Jiang Yi's old talk was brought up again, the Li family thought about it before they remembered the original rules.

Zhao Tiantian's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "Your mother still owes more than 10 years of pension money and clothes, and she still hasn't paid her!"

Li Jianguo immediately glared at her!

Stupid woman!

The price was set at 5 yuan a year! 2 outfits.

After more than ten years, it only costs a few dozen yuan? Enough for what?

Why bring this out to make a fuss? It's better to let Li Youmei owe it!

"Times are different now. Fifty or sixty yuan is not enough for medical treatment." Zhao Fangfang said.

They don't care about new clothes or anything like that, they just like that electric cooker that can make money!

"Rules don't cost money. Grandpa and grandma are not my mother's parents. We can't let her bear all the pension issues by herself. Let's follow the old rules." Jiang Yidao.

"We have no money..." Zhao Fangfang said.

"You have no money and no reason?" Jiang Yi said.

"We will help." Li Jianguo frowned.

This niece is just annoying, she has a small belly and chicken intestines! Don't let them get any benefits at all!

Jiang Yi's eyes fell on him, his eyes were deep and scary.

Even if she lets Old Man Jiang and Old Mrs. Jiang take advantage, she won't let Li Jianguo's family take advantage!

It was her daughter who offered her a place in college! They kidnapped her and sold her to a fool! They were the ones who stopped my mother and made her angry to death!

She doesn't electrocute them now, she just wants them to suffer alive!

Don't let them pick up cheap ones.

Thinking of something, Jiang Yi's eyes lit up and he said, "You don't need to contribute. If you have the strength, go out and support yourself and your family. Grandpa, grandma, and my mother will take care of them."

Everyone in the Li family laughed. Is this an opening?

"No, your mother is a person who does big things, how can she have time to take care of the elderly? Let me tell you, taking care of the elderly is very tiring."

Zhao Fangfang said: "Your grandma can't get out of bed now. She has to carry her feces and urine every day, bathe and feed her. She also has to beat her back and bask in the sun. She has to turn her over at night. She is so busy that her feet never touch the floor."

Old Mrs. Li looked at her. What was she talking about? How come she didn't receive any of these treatments?

She was able to get off the ground, so she took care of everything on her own. Even if she fell into the toilet several times, no one cared about her!

But knowing that Zhao Fangfang wanted to stay, she didn't cause trouble.

"I'm so tired, so I won't have to work hard for my second aunt. I'll hire a nanny to take care of my grandma." Jiang Yi said.

The Li family was even more excited.

Li Youmei is rich, it was all heard through hearsay, but now she has agreed to hire a nanny! That must be really rich.

"How can the nanny take care of the nanny so carefully?" Zhao Fangfang said: "There must be someone left to watch the nanny, otherwise they will abuse the elderly!"

"I asked my uncle to stay and look after the nanny." Jiang Yi said.

The Li family paused.

"Why did you invite an outsider..." Zhao Tiantian said.

"How can my grandfather's biological brother be an outsider?" Jiang Yi said.

"That's not as good as having a son and daughter-in-law..."

"There is also grandpa, he can look after the nanny." Jiang Yi said.


Zhao Fangfang wanted to say something more, but Li Jianjun pulled her and mouthed: pot.

You have already promised to keep the old man, so don’t pester him!

The most important thing is the pot!

oh oh!

Zhao Fangfang immediately said: "That's okay. With you taking care of your grandparents, we can all rest assured. Well, where is the electric pot? You don't need it, right? It's a waste of time. Why don't you rent it to us?"

"You also know that you are wasting your time, so I sold the electric pot." Jiang Yi said.

"Sold?" Several people looked at her in surprise. Was it really sold?

But that's right. I heard that Jiang Yi was admitted to college and went out. Li Youmei couldn't handle it alone, so it was normal to sell it.

It doesn't matter, there is no electric cooker, Li Youmei is also the big boss.

"I heard that your mother has opened a factory now. Look, your uncles, aunts, and cousins ​​are not working. Does your mother need people? It's better to use your own people than to use anyone else!" Zhao Fangfang said.

"Well, one of our own people stole our pot and ruined our business, and let my mother take the blame." Jiang Yi said.

"Look at you kid, you really hold a grudge." Li Xiaoshan said, "That was because your cousin was confused for a moment. He has already realized his mistake and apologized to you. What else do you want?"

For Jiang Yi, a junior, he still couldn't keep his face to please him, so he lectured him habitually.

Jiang Yi glanced at Ge Jingwei's expression.

He frowned and looked at the Li family, his eyes full of displeasure.

Jiang Yi smiled, that's right.

She talks so much nonsense to the Li family, of course she is not talking to the Li family.

She didn't even bother to say another word to them!

She complained and complained, all to Ge Jingwei.

Let him see the faces of the Li family.

This time the Li family tried hard to please others, but they still couldn't hide it from Ge Jingwei's eyes.

These people have been acting since they met until now.

They were all suppressing their anger and acting with Jiang Yi, with the ultimate goal of exploiting Li Youmei and her daughter.

It's nothing...a little money can answer them happily.

It is estimated that he sometimes treats guests to dinner, and the cost of one meal is enough for them to spend a year.

Money is not a problem, and spending money on your biological parents and brothers is not a problem either.

The problem is the other person's mentality.

They don't feel at all that what they did before was wrong.

Mr. Li's last sentence revealed his true feelings. They all apologized. What else did she want?

Some things don't just require an apology. If you don't recognize your mistake, you will definitely make it again next time!

What to do then? Apologize again, forgive again? Is it wrong of him not to forgive?

He was deeply hurt by it, thinking that this was how Xu Rao tortured him in the first place.

He didn't want Li Youmei to taste that feeling of being miserable and suffocated.

He didn't want Li Youmei to be taken away again and who would take the blame!


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