Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping felt light-hearted when they heard that there was a kindergarten where children as young as a few months old could be sent there.

They can make money free of charge, 100 a month, 200 for 2 people, 2400 a year, aren't the good times coming?

If people really want to live a long time, they can always have hope.

"But if we go to the vegetable base, it's not suitable to live in the city. I'll ask someone to find another house." Hua Zhao said.

The vegetable base is in the suburbs. Although there are buses now, most of the work in the vegetable base starts before dawn, getting up early to pick vegetables, pack them in boxes, and sell them.

It's really inappropriate to live in the city.

Aunt Ma has no requirements on where to live, even if she is given a shack, she won't mind it! With a salary of 100 yuan a month, you still need a bicycle.

Seeing how anxious they were, Hua Zhao gave the order that day and asked Li Yuan to help contact the school.

He also took them directly to the vegetable base.

After several years of construction, the current vegetable base has changed dramatically.

Although they are all farming, they have a sense of technology and are advanced.

Dozens of acres of land that used to be abandoned factories have been turned into seed breeding bases.

A big glass house.

The staff who come in and out all wear white coats and even masks.

Some workspaces must be sterile.

The warehouse and office buildings have been renovated to make them more modern and beautiful.

Outside the vegetable base is a wide and flat road, with trucks waiting to haul goods on both sides of the road.

As they walked in, Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping began to feel frightened again.

If the land is cultivated like this, they won't be able to do it.

Hua Zhao saw Li Yuan who was about to go out and asked him face to face what other jobs in the base the two of them could do.

"This is too much." Li Yuandao: "200-299 The vegetable greenhouse is the harvest season, and a large number of women are needed to pick it every day. Of course, our staff do not need to pick it themselves. They can just watch them and check the quality."

"It's time to re-cultivate the 300-330 fungus greenhouse. This requires some technical content. I guess they..."

"Okay, let them choose a greenhouse to be responsible for quality inspection." Hua Zhao looked back at Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping: "Okay?"

Aunt Ma wanted to nod, but hesitated.

She seemed to understand just by listening to their words, watching others picking vegetables and seeing whether they were doing well or not.

She felt like she could do this alone, but standing here, she felt that she might not be able to do it.

The unfamiliar environment makes them less confident.

Hua Zhao took them directly to the vegetable growing base next door.

Here are patches of vegetable greenhouses.

They say greenhouse vegetables are bad, out of season and unhealthy.

But in this day and age, some food is good.

Not only is science and technology backward, but industry and agriculture are also backward.

Almost everything depends on the weather. The corn produced in the black soil does not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides. It is natural and pollution-free, but the yield per mu is only 400 kilograms.

The same is true for other grains and vegetables. In addition, almost no grain is imported, so the people are starving.

The primary issue now is to plant it, eat it, and not starve.

Moreover, Huazhao's products can guarantee that no or less pesticides will be used, and no or less chemical fertilizers will be used. Not only will the food not kill anyone, but it will also be delicious.

Now when I come into this greenhouse, green peppers are grown. Each green pepper is about the size of a fist, fresh and green, and looks delicious.

Someone is picking.

It's an easy job, just take scissors and cut it off with a click.

Then they gathered together and someone packed them into boxes according to different sizes and checked the quality of the peppers.

There are also people who walk around the fields from time to time to see if the temporarily hired women are picking cleanly and if they have damaged the plants.

The picking work has no technical content and is irregular. It only works a few times a year and only a few hours a day, so they always hire people from surrounding villages as temporary workers.

Pink eye is a terrible disease that everyone can get.

There are those who are heartless and think that the vegetable base makes a lot of money, but they are only given a few cents for an hour of work. One yuan is not enough to buy a few peppers.

Isn’t it a socialist country? They are exploiting!

So some people sabotage it, deliberately damaging the peppers, or cutting the roots of the plants.

Because of this, each greenhouse is assigned two supervisors to eliminate many people with evil intentions, so that such things no longer happen.

Aunt Ma looked at it carefully for a long time and felt that she could do this job.

Li Yuan immediately assigned her a greenhouse and wished she could start working now.

These quality inspectors are regular employees of their company, so not everyone can be them. They have to be young, educated, and good at farm work.

Such people are hard to find. Which high school graduate is willing to come back to farm?

Nowadays, high school graduates are considered highly educated. They all like to work in the city and don't like to farm in the "countryside". They feel embarrassed to say so.

But they don't want to recruit these older women from the surrounding rural areas, who have a lot of things to do and like to rely on their elders to show off.

So there are two quality inspectors in one greenhouse, but now it is seriously insufficient. In fact, one person is responsible for several.

A greenhouse that is harvesting, and a few that have not yet been harvested.

Although Aunt Ma is not young and is a rural aunt, she is a relative of Hua Zhao and no one dares to say anything.

"You go find a house and find a school. Once you find one, they can come to work tomorrow." Hua Zhao said to Li Yuandi.

"It's easy to find a house. I'm about to pack up my house and rent it out. I'm not worried about renting it to others. Since I'm from your hometown, it couldn't be better." Li Yuandao.

He bought a house in a town not far away for the convenience of his work. Later, his children were all moved to the capital. For the convenience of their children's schooling, he bought a house in the city again.

Now that he has a car, he doesn't have to get up early to pick vegetables. He just drives back and forth every day.

This house in the village is empty.

Originally, he didn't want to rent it out because he didn't need the money, but if Hua Zhao needed it, then it would be no problem.

The group of people took his car to his house in the town, which was 10 miles away, not far or near.

If you ride a bicycle faster, half an hour is barely enough.

The house is a red brick house with a single courtyard, with 5 rooms. It is clean and tidy, and the furniture is complete, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping decided to stay on the spot. As for the children who stayed in the city, they asked Hua Zhao to send them back.

It's not too much trouble. Hua Zhao just makes a call and a bodyguard will send him over.

After cooking a meal with Aunt Ma, checking Ma Qiuping's pulse and telling her some precautions, Hua Zhao left.

But before leaving, she asked Li Yuan to advance one month's salary to them.

She felt a little guilty towards the mother and daughter. After all, they were implicated by her.

Although Hualong is the culprit, if Aunt Ma hadn't had a good relationship with her, she might not have to suffer this crime now.

It may be someone else who suffers...

No way, we still have to deal with the flower dragon.

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