Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1411 Miraculous Chinese Medicine

After working for a long time, Hua Zhao returned to the small courtyard that Tang Fanghe took out.

Mrs. Hua and Hua Ye are still here.

Huaye was beaten into a state of disgrace. Hua Zhao gave her a tube of ointment and applied it for two days. Now she can barely see.

"Third Grandma, little aunt, what are your plans?" Hua Zhao asked.

Without outsiders, Mrs. Hua would kneel down to Hua Zhao as soon as her legs became weak.

Hua Zhao quickly got out of the way and pulled her up.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry for you! I almost gave your child back!" Old Mrs. Hua cried.

The more she thought about it now, the more she became afraid. There were actually tigers in the mountains!

A few kids went into the mountains and met a tiger!

Fortunately, they were fine, otherwise her life would not be enough to compensate her.

"You have told me the truth in advance. It is me who insists on going, not you. You don't need to apologize." Hua Zhao said.

It seems that this is really what happened to the old lady...

"That's also my fault. If I hadn't gone home, this wouldn't have happened, and I wouldn't have involved Ye Zi, who was almost beaten to death."

Mrs. Hua looked very distressed at Hua Ye, who had a bruised face.

All her sons were born in vain, and this daughter was the only one who could be used.

Huaye didn't say it didn't matter, it didn't matter, but said: "Do you know who they are this time? Will you go back in the future? Don't wait for the day when you miss your son again."

She is annoying, and she really blames her mother.

She said at the beginning that she couldn't go back, she couldn't go back, but the old lady insisted on going back, why did the fallen leaves return to their roots, and why did her son dare not beat her.

Yes, I didn’t beat her, I almost beat her to death!

At that time, she really thought she was going to die.

It almost hurt Hua Zhao.

I won’t come back, I won’t come back, I will die outside! Never go back to Kaoshantun again! From now on, you can bury me casually, and after you are gone, let your son bury us together, okay? Mrs. Hua said a little humblely.

She is still afraid of being a lonely ghost and being bullied by others when she is alive and bullied by ghosts when she is dead.

Huaye looked at her speechlessly, unable to understand her concerns.

But Hua Zhao understood. She chatted with many elderly customers, and they all made great efforts to choose and build cemeteries for themselves.

I really thought there would be another life after death.

I was also afraid that I would become a ghost and be bullied, so I wanted to be buried in the ancestral grave, where the whole family would take care of me.

"Let's not talk about the past. What should we do now? Tell your man?" Hua Zhao asked Hua Ye.

"If you don't say anything, it will make him worry in vain." Huaye said, "I'll take care of him for a few days and then go back when his face heals."

She looked at Hua Zhao with some embarrassment, as she would have to trouble Hua Zhao to take her in for a few days.

"It's all small things." Hua Zhao said.

The next day, she asked someone to bring them a bunch of specialties from the capital, but she never showed up again.

After all, she was Huashan's family, so she still felt a little uncomfortable...

She went to the countryside again, picked up the eldest daughter, the third child, and the fifth child, and arranged for them to be admitted to the hospital.

Hua Laoda’s leg needs surgery.

She hired a very powerful orthopedic surgeon in Beijing for specialized diagnosis and treatment.

The other party looked at the film and nodded: "It's not a big problem. If you boil a few more plasters yourself, combining Chinese and Western medicine, a two-pronged approach, the effect will be better."

The old doctor's eyes flashed, and he looked at Hua Zhao with a gossipy face and asked: "I don't know much about Chinese medicine. Do you think the black jade intermittent ointment on TV is real? Is it true?"

Hua Zhao is now a member of the circle.

Mr. Sun is particularly famous, and Hua Zhao, who is often talked about by Mr. Sun, is famous.

"Haha, of course it's true. Traditional Chinese medicine is profound and has everything." Hua Zhao said.

There are many prescriptions for bone setting and nourishing in traditional Chinese medicine. When she returned home, she specially prepared a "Black Jade Intermittent Ointment" for this child to use.

Although Hua Lao Da is Huashan's great-grandson...but now his surname has been changed to Ma, right? She doesn't care about a child anymore. She should be treated well when she needs it.

Okay, let me see the magic of Chinese medicine this time. I'll watch it while you are taking the medicine. The doctor said.

"Do you still need to see it from this child? You can see it from the other two patients!" A doctor came in.

Hua Zhao recognized that this was the doctor in charge of Liu Ming and Zhou Bing.

She was going to see them today.

"How are they recovering? Can a broken hamstring recover?" Hua Zhao asked.

The doctor said with a serious face: "If it were someone else, I would definitely tell him no. If the nerve is broken, it is broken and cannot be connected. Otherwise, why are there so many patients with paralysis due to trauma?

"However, the two of them are a little strange. When I checked this morning, their feet were able to move slightly. Although the movements were very slight, they were indeed controlled and not shaking unconsciously. This is amazing!"

The doctor stared at Hua Zhao closely: "I have seen the simple surgery you performed on them. To be honest, the surgery was not very good. They just sewed it up casually. It will definitely not work for others. This means that it was you who used it for them. The medicine worked... Chinese medicine is really amazing!"

Hua Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, that’s great! Help!

And she didn’t learn Chinese medicine in vain. Look, now they are all putting the credit on “Chinese medicine”.

It's not her that's miraculous, it's Chinese medicine that's miraculous.

Hua Zhao said modestly: "These are all prescriptions passed down by our ancestors. I didn't expect them to be really effective. However, this prescription also has very strict conditions for rescue. It must be used immediately within 10 minutes of the break, otherwise it will have no effect." "

Hearing what she said, the light in the surgeon's eyes suddenly went out.

He just wanted Hua Zhao to donate the prescription to benefit the people, or she could sell the ointment.

But within 10 minutes?

Then it's useless.

Who can get to the hospital in 10 minutes with a broken hand or hamstring?

It would have to happen at the entrance of the hospital.

Hua Zhao quickly confirmed the time for the operation with the orthopedic surgeon, which was this afternoon, and then she left.

Went to see Liu Ming and Zhou Bing.

The two of them were in the same ward. Song Xue and Zhao Hui were both there. The four of them were talking and laughing. They didn't look sad at all. Instead, they were very happy and excited, playing poker.

Hua Zhao: "...You have such big hearts."

"Yes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. I will wait to enjoy the blessings in the future!" Liu Ming said with a smile.

Zhou Bing also laughed: "The doctor just came and said that our feet are fine and will probably recover. I don't want to recover as before, as long as I can walk on the ground."

He knew this in his mind. He still had feeling in his feet, so walking would be no problem.

So what are you worried about?

I just worry that I won’t be able to be Hua Zhao’s bodyguard anymore.

However, both of them are approaching their forties, which is definitely the age to retire among bodyguards, and they have long been mentally prepared.

"It doesn't matter if you quit. Once you are discharged from the hospital, you can have a child as soon as possible. From now on, your wife and children will be on the bed, and you will be really blessed." Hua Zhao said.

The two of them immediately started laughing.

But Liu Ming suddenly asked: "Has Brother Shen come back? How is the Zhu family doing?"

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