Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1412 Withdrawal of Shares

"I don't know either. There has been no news from him." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shen was on a mission and never contacted her again.

She wasn't worried, he would be fine.

Liu Ming and Zhou Bing are not worried. The Zhu family was disabled when they left, and now it is just a matter of ending the past. With Brother Shen's ability, there will definitely be no problem.

It is better to worry about yourself than to worry about others.

What to do next.

How can you not worry? It's a bit sad.

They were used to life in the army, and then they got used to working with Hua Zhao.

Now they can no longer work as bodyguards and will have to go out to fend for themselves in the future. They are worried.

It's not that they are worried about money, they have a lot of money, but they are worried about not knowing what to do in the future.

Speaking of this, Liu Ming and Zhou Bing looked at each other.

Liu Ming said: "Boss, we have something to tell you. We don't want the shares in the dumpling shop. We have taken them in vain for so many years. We deserve it... It would be shameless to take them again." ”

As for the dumpling shop, what contribution do they make?

From the beginning, I worked hard together, making dumplings and selling dumplings for my contribution!

As a result, I get so many dollars for nothing every year...

The wealth was really exciting before, and Hua Zhao was distributed to many people. At that time, several of their bodyguards had a share.

If he alone says no, what will others think?

But now, he failed to protect him and almost killed Hua Zhao!

So in the past few days, he had discussed with Liu Ming and his family to return the shares to Hua Zhao.

From now on, they will no longer belong to the boss, no longer work for the boss, and they will not be able to do such a shameless thing if they continue to take other people's shares for free!

"What are your opinions?" Hua Zhao did not refuse, but asked Song Xue and Zhao Hui.

Song Xuedao: "I have no objection. If they withdraw their shares, they will withdraw their shares, but I will not repay the dividends I received cost me all! Haha, I blame you. You always encouraged us to buy a house before. Now we have several houses falling into our hands, but we can’t live in them, and we can’t sell them. We don’t have the money, but if we want a house, I can give it to you.”

They have money in their hands, or a lot of money, so naturally they will not buy a small house or a room in a large courtyard. They will buy the courtyard.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands per set.

There are very few people taking over this kind of yard. Anyone who wants to sell it will not be able to sell it immediately. There is no one to compete for it. It depends on fate before it can be sold.

"Of course I won't take back what I had before, and don't sell the yard either. When the time comes, it will be left to your children and grandchildren. They will appreciate your kindness." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

"I guess not. When they get married, they will definitely like to live in a building. No one wants to live in a bungalow. The surrounding environment is too bad." Song Xueyao said.

Hua Zhao did not refute that his house could be repaired and left there for another 20 years.

But the surrounding environment cannot be changed easily.

Their courtyard is an independent courtyard. Other courtyards in an alley may be large courtyards. Not to mention the complicated situation of people coming and going.

Liu Ming and Zhou Bing did not live in the yard they bought, but they bought a welfare building in a certain unit through their connections.

The building is clean and the staff is uncomplicated.

"Anyway, I'll let it go. It's up to you whether you want to keep it or not. Don't come back and cry to me when the time comes." Hua Zhao said.

The houses that are despised now will start at tens of millions in the future and easily reach over 100 million.

Did you keep it for yourself? Those are all deposit slips!

"What about you? Do you support him in returning the shares?" Hua Zhao asked Zhao Hui again.

She had to ask them one by one to avoid any trouble in the future.

"Of course I support it. I have long felt that the money was too hot to handle, but I didn't have the chance to return it to you before. Now, the opportunity has come." Zhao Hui said and looked at Hua Zhao.

"I was so scared before that I didn't have time to thank you properly. Thank you for saving me!"

Hua Zhao not only saved her man, but also saved her and Song Xue.

What would happen to these two beautiful women if they fell into the hands of those bandit Haiba?

They are not just simple little white flowers, they have acted in bully TV series.

That end would definitely be worse than death.

"My family's money hasn't been used much and I haven't bought a few houses, so I can return it to you." Zhao Hui said.

"Hurry up." Hua Zhao smiled: "What you are doing is putting others on the fire. If you don't tell me about this dumpling shop, I will forget about it."

The Yao family is now in charge of the dumpling shop, and she doesn't even look at the accounts. She almost forgot.

"You guys call Ye Shu yourself about withdrawing shares," Hua Zhao said.

She knew the kind of people Liu Ming and Zhou Bing were, and the shares would definitely be withdrawn. If they did not withdraw, they would be uneasy.

People in this era can always do things that will look silly to future generations.

There are many, many people who can donate all their property, but these two people just refuse to accept it later, and their consciousness is still within the scope of normal people.

"What are your plans for the future? What should you do?" Hua Zhao asked.

This sentence is quite relevant.

Liu Ming asked: "We have been thinking about it for several days, but we haven't come up with it. It seems that besides taking care of the children at home, there is nothing else to do."

Song Xue and Zhao Hui relented and wanted to have a baby.

But the two have no intention of giving up their acting careers.

They don't know how to do anything other than acting. They don't pay anything to their men and let them think for themselves.

Liu Ming and Zhou Bing looked at several bodyguards who had retired before. Most of them took the money and returned to their hometowns.

Buy a house and land in your hometown, honor your parents, start a family and start a business, some do business, and some join the work unit through relationships.

They don't want to go back to their hometown. They are used to life in the capital.

They also don’t know how to do business.

Even though Hua Zhao has done several businesses, letting them take the lead is frightening just thinking about it.

It is not easy to get into work units in the capital city, and after entering, they will be labeled as members of the Ye family.

Don't be unable to help the Ye family, and instead hold them back.

"Look at how unmotivated you are, I feel sorry for you." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Of course, she also understands that not all men want to be domineering CEOs and work hard for their careers.

Some people are suitable for "honest duty".

"But I don't have any good suggestions. You should recuperate first, give birth to children, and take care of children. Maybe one day you will think of what you want to do." Hua Zhaodao.

She now has several businesses in her hands, including food factories, real estate companies, restaurants, and vegetable bases.

It's easy to arrange for 2 people.

For example, Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping were easily stuffed in.

But Liu Ming and Zhou Bing can't do it. It won't work if the arrangement is too low, and it won't work if the arrangement is too high.

Each executive has a maximum of 10 years. If she cannot continue to be promoted, she will be replaced.

That's when feelings get hurt.

And she had actually seen it a long time ago. These two people were suitable to be guns. They could shoot wherever they wanted. Let them be managers and bosses. They were not the material.

So you can go and do whatever you want. She asked, just to hint to them that she couldn't do this, so don't look for her.

Sure enough, Liu Ming and Zhou Bing looked at each other with some disappointment in their eyes...

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