But this is to be expected. The retired bodyguards all have good relations with Hua Zhao and the Ye family.

There were also people who wanted to stay with Hua Zhao and continue to serve, but she kept none of them and gave them all money to retire.

Hua Zhao actually wanted to stay...but these people were all made to be bodyguards, they were good at fighting and obedient.

But these are not qualities for being a boss.

Anyone who can be a good bodyguard cannot be a good boss.

Hua Zhao changed their medicine again and went home.

The next day, she received a call from Ye Shu.

After it was confirmed that the two of them would withdraw their shares, Hua Zhao also agreed, but Ye Shu had no objection.

"Why do they suddenly want to withdraw their shares?" Ye Shu asked strangely.

Okay, after holding it for so many years, if you suddenly withdraw your shares, something must happen, right?

Hua Zhao then remembered that she had not been told what happened before. It was not easy to elaborate on the phone. She simply said: "I was almost kidnapped again. They didn't protect me well and my hamstrings were severed."

"Ah!!" Ye Shu immediately exclaimed: "When did it happen?"

"Not long ago." Hua Zhao said.

"Just wait, I'll return home right away!" Ye Shu said.

"Okay, come back and take Dabao, Xiaobao and Xiaomei with you." Hua Zhao said, "Mom misses them, and she will talk about them occasionally."

Ye Shu has not been idle in the past few years. She has given birth to three children in total.

There are two boys and one girl. The youngest is a girl named Yao Mei. She is 3 years old this year and is as beautiful as a doll.

Miao Lanzhi occasionally misses her grandchildren.

"Okay, bring them all and I'll be back soon!" Ye Shu said and hung up the phone.

Hua Zhao immediately told Miao Lanzhi the good news, and Miao Lanzhi laughed when she heard it.

She thought that her biggest worry at that time was that Ye Shu had no children. Unexpectedly, she got married again in her 30s and gave birth to three children in a row, which silenced those who said that she could not have a daughter.

The children of Huazhao's family were also very happy when they heard that their little cousin was coming back.

Maybe it was the magic of blood at work. They and Ye Shu's three children only met once or twice a year, but they were very close, like brothers and sisters.

Ye Shu didn't say that she would come back soon. It was not yet time for the children to go on summer vacation, and she couldn't let go of the work at hand for a moment, so she could only wait a few more days.

After waiting for half a month, Ma Qiuping gave birth.

Hua Zhao's medical skills are already very good. The previous pulse diagnosis said that she was almost half a month old, which is half a month old.

Ma Qiuping gave birth to a boy.

In a normal family, the mother-in-law would be so happy that she gave birth to 6 children in a row, all boys.

But Ma Qiuping didn't look happy at all.

But after listening to what her mother had said before, she no longer disliked the child so much.

Hua Laoda and Hua Lao Wu have both been discharged from the hospital after treatment.

The two children were hospitalized, and Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping were not with them. They were busy making money, and they felt panicked when they had no money.

And if the child is handed over to Hua Zhao, why are they worried? They are 100 assured.

Hua Zhao just sold the child, and they all...

The two children are very sensible and well-behaved. They know that their mother is busy and cannot accompany them, so they are not afraid or cry.

Boss Hua was even more amazing. His legs were broken and reattached. After the anesthesia wore off, he didn't even cry!

Just sweating with a straight face.

Xiao Shenxing admired this strong look.

Hua Zhao did not take care of the two children personally, but hired two nannies from the family, each of whom took care of one.

But she takes her children to see them every day.

I think children would definitely prefer to play with children.

Sure enough, when Hua Laobao saw Xiao Shenxing, he could still laugh no matter how painful it was.

"Is this a child? Why is it so...small?" Xiao Shenxing stood by the bed and looked at the swaddled baby.

Actually, he wanted to say ugly, but he knew that would be rude.

"If Aunt Ma eats less, he will lose weight, and he will be fine in the future." Ma Qiuping looked at him and smiled.

Who can not like a little boy who is as beautiful as an elf?

"Oh." Xiao Shenxing looked at her with sympathy. Aunt Ma must be sad because she looks so ugly, right?

"Children are like this. They look better when they grow longer." Mr. Hua said with experience on the other bed.

He looks up to his younger brothers and has experience.

"Oh." Xiao Shenxing responded politely.

He didn't believe it. His younger brother and sister were very good-looking when they were young.

Ma Qiuping smiled again and said to Hua Zhao, "I want to trouble you with something."

Without waiting for Hua Zhao to ask her, he said: "These children want to change their names. I have been thinking about it for so many days and I can't think of a good name. Why don't you give them a name."

Before, I was just thinking about giving this surname to a few children, but after changing it, they called them Ma Lao Da, Ma Lao Er, Ma Lao San?

This was still the Huashan family's naming style, and she didn't like it.

She wanted to completely sever ties with their family.

But thinking of a new name was too difficult for her. She stopped going to elementary school after learning Pinyin.

Name it? This is hard for Hua Zhao. Few of the children in the family were named by her, well, none.

But looking at the boys who were like brothers in Calabash, she suddenly thought of a few words.

"Take a look at these and see if they are suitable. Prosperity, democracy...patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendliness. Which ones do you choose?"

They are all popular names. Nowadays, people like to call them these names, and these names are actually a bit unsophisticated for children born in 1988.

People in the 1960s and 1970s liked to call themselves prosperous, patriotic, and so on.

In 1988, boys liked to be called Wei, Dong, Tao, Ming and so on.

However, Ma Qiuping is out of step with the times. She thinks these names are quite good.

"The boss will be called Fuqiang! This is good! Boss, listen, you will be called Ma Fuqiang from now on, do you know?" Ma Qiuping said to Hua Laodao.

Hua LaoDa looked at his mother and Hua Zhao in surprise, nodded repeatedly, his eyes were red.

He has a decent name.

His name, in the whole village, is better than that of Huadagou.

The boss, the second, the third and so on are very perfunctory at first glance.

Now, his name is Ma Fuqiang! Prosperity! How nice!

"The second brother's name is Ma Wenming! Let him curse every day, and be more civilized in the future!" Ma Qiuping said to the outside.

Huaman didn't like to get close to her when he had nothing to do. He didn't like Ma Qiuping, and Ma Qiuping didn't like him either. She always beat him these days, and he got angry when he saw her.

But she couldn't help but lie under her window and listen to the noise.

Now that he heard that he had changed from Huaman to Ma Wenming, he curled his lips and was very dissatisfied.

"The third child should call Ma Youyou... I hope everyone will be kind to him." Ma Qiuping sighed.

The third child is a child with congenital stupidity. Hua Zhao took him to the hospital before, but the doctor could not do anything. Hua Zhao could not do anything, she could not change the gene.


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