Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1421 Blind date at noon

When Hua Zhao heard Liu Yuegui's introduction, she thought she was introducing a nanny to herself at first, but later she realized that she was actually introducing someone to her!

Give Hua Qiang!

Hua Zhao had previously revealed his intention to find a wife for Hua Qiang, and Hua Qiang himself agreed.

At first, Liu Yuegui and Miao Lanzhi found several people.

But either Hua Qiang's appearance is not right, or Hua Zhao's appearance is not right, it doesn't work.

Later, Hua Qiang stopped being looked for. He was always at odds with her, which was not enough to offend anyone.

Hua Zhao also gave up because the house was so busy that Hua Qiang had no time to be alone.

He now often goes out to the park to find some peace and quiet.

Otherwise, if the children get into trouble, the roof will be lifted off, and he lives very close to the classroom.

Only at night, in the dead of night...

But Hua Qiang sleeps well. People are sleeping at night and there is no time to be alone.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, Liu Yuegui would introduce someone to Hua Qiang again.

After Hua Zhao listened quietly, he actually felt that the other party's conditions were good.

In his 50s, he just retired.

She lost her husband in her early years and has two daughters. Both of her parents have passed away, leaving only one brother and one sister. They each have families and their family conditions are not bad.

Both daughters also got married and had children.

She owns a house and a pension, but living alone is too lonely. She is persuaded by her old best friend to find a wife.

"Do her two daughters agree?" Hua Zhao asked.

"We all agree, can I bring this up without asking before asking?" Liu Yuegui said, "I am quite reliable in doing things, especially this kind of thing."

She is also very self-aware.

She can't do anything else, and she does a lot of matchmaking. So far, no couple has complained about her.

"I'll ask my grandfather for his opinion later." Hua Zhao said.

Just as he was talking, the game of chess between Hua Qiang and Yao Lin ended, and they both came to the living room.

The restaurant is here and they come and wait to eat.

Hua Zhao also made a few side dishes quickly and came out.

The family now has housekeeping staff and someone who specializes in cooking. She just cooks a few dishes herself when she has free time.

Today Yao Lin and Ye Shu came back, so she made a few more.

The steamed buns haven't been steamed yet, and the porridge hasn't been cooked yet. It still takes time to start the meal.

Hua Zhao took advantage of this moment and asked Hua Qiang directly: "Grandpa, the second aunt is here to introduce you to someone again. Please listen to the terms."

Before Liu Yuegui started, Hua Qiang's head was shaking like a rattle.

"If you don't look for it, don't look for it. I won't look for it anymore," Hua Qiang said.

"Why aren't you looking for it? It would be great to find someone to be your companion!" Liu Yuegui said: "Old man, let me tell you, you are already looking for someone too late. You said you were looking for someone a few years ago. Are you enjoying a few years of happiness now? Already?

"But it's not over now. I think your body can live for another 30 years! It would be great to find someone to accompany you!"

Hua Qiang Yile: "Live another 30 years? Then I'm afraid the other party won't survive me."

Liu Yuegui......

"Find someone to keep you company, okay." She could only say this: "And I've already contacted him. You can meet and take a look at it, and then I can find a suitable reason to say no."

She really thinks the other person is a nice person and has known him for many years.

Originally, she didn't mention it when someone said she wasn't looking for a wife, but now they let her go, and she finally got a chance for Hua Qiang.

At first, when people heard that Hua Qiang was over 80, they disagreed and even gouged out her eyes.

It was only after she had said all her good things that people agreed to meet her.

Now if Hua Qiang gives up her choice and refuses to see her, she will really be a different person inside and out.

Hua Qiang, a worldly person, also understood, thought for a while and said, "Let's meet, but be mentally prepared. It's probably not going to work. I don't want to find a wife anymore. My life is just right now. One more person and one more variable."

Now the children are making noises in the morning and evening. During the day, he has to walk, exercise, play chess, write, draw, and help Hua Zhao organize the warehouse. He is very busy!

Hua Qiang now has many interests and hobbies.

Hua Zhao also found him a job of maintaining cultural relics. This job was important and consumed a lot of his energy.

There is simply not enough time to entertain my wife.

"Okay, okay, meet me, you will definitely like it!" Liu Yuegui said confidently.

"When will we meet? Where will we meet?" Hua Qiang asked.

He wanted to cut the knot quickly and end this matter.

Liu Yuegui looked at Hua Qiang and then at Hua Zhao: "What do you think?"

"Let's go to the hotel." Hua Zhao said, "The time is set at noon today?"

The restaurant she was talking about was her own restaurant.

Although Zhang Guilan is no longer in the capital, Zhang Ji's private kitchen is still there.

Without Zhang Guilan, there is still Hua Zhaoni. The quality of vegetables has kept up, and there are special condiments. The reputation of Zhang Ji's private cuisine has become more famous, seats have become more difficult to book, and the price has become higher.

Hua Qiang nodded in agreement.

Liu Yuegui put aside the important matter on her mind and started chatting with Yao Lin.

Seeing the extraordinary Yao Lin, her eyes lit up.

Hua Qiang can't do it here, there's Yao Lin here!

Overseas Chinese, big boss, with this status, not to mention old ladies in their 50s, even young girls are all posting online, regardless of 80 or 90 years old.

The older the better...

Liu Yuegui is stubborn, but not stupid. She understands what the current social climate is like.

"Uncle Yao, do you want to find a partner? I know many suitable candidates, and I guarantee that I can find you a satisfactory one!" Liu Yuegui said.

Yao Lin immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, no, I'm fine by myself, fine."

"What's so good about being alone! Even if you have money and a nanny, the nanny will take care of you differently from your wife." Liu Yuegui said.

Hua Zhao couldn't stand it anymore: "Second Aunt, do you want to open a dating agency?"

Liu Yuegui was stunned and shook her head: "No, why should I drive that thing?"

"Then why are you acting so proactive and professional? It seems like you will receive a big red envelope if we become a couple." Hua Zhao joked.

"Hey, you kid, am I doing it for money? I am really doing it for the good of two old men! You don't know how a man can live, it's a hard life..." Liu Yuegui said sincerely.

To put it mildly, these are two old bachelors!

What old bachelor doesn't want a wife?

She said, maybe these two people just couldn't let go of their dignity and were waiting for her to persuade them.

She couldn't take their excuses seriously.

Men, aren’t they all like this?

She knows many men in their seventies or eighties, who are so eager to find a wife that even their children can't stop them!

And they are very selective, they have to be young, good-looking, have a pension, and have children who are married and not a burden!

She also had to learn new clothes, cook and work as a nanny.

There are so many things going on.

So she was very confident in Hua Qiang, who had few things to do. If he wasn't a good old man, she wouldn't introduce him to him.

Time was tight and the task was heavy. After breakfast, Liu Yuegui immediately went back to inform her good sisters.

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