Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1422 She thinks this person is good

After Liu Yuegui left, Hua Zhao also started to tidy up.

Quickly find clothes for Hua Qiang to dress up.

"No, no, no, just do what you usually do, don't dress up in a special way." Hua Qiang said, "Let people misunderstand you again."

I thought he was looking forward to it so much.

If the other party expects too much and is rejected by him in the end, wouldn't that put him off for a while, and he would feel bad about it.

"It's not good to be too casual. It's better to dress up and show that you take it seriously." Hua Zhao said.

It would be too much to deal with it, but if you don't even bother to do superficial things, then it is really too much.

"Okay." Hua Qiang refused and personally directed Fang Haixing to get him clothes.

Fang Haixing was quick with his hands and feet, but a little quieter than usual.

If it were normal, she should be teasing Hua Qiang with a smile on her face at this time...

The two of them are not masters and servants, their relationship is as good as uncle and nephew, or they have been friends for many years.

Today, Fang Haixing was particularly silent, being ordered to do this and that in a business-like manner.

If Hua Zhao wasn't particularly sensitive to smells, she wouldn't even notice it.

She glanced at Fang Haixing.

Hua Qiang didn't feel anything. He found the clothes and put them aside, waiting to wear them when he went out. He took the bird cage and went out for a walk.

When he left, he called Yao Lin.

Yao Lin is also willing to go out with him.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu also started to prepare clothes, planning to go there together at noon to watch the fun.

"What's wrong with you two? You like to join in the fun even before you're old enough?" Miao Lanzhi joked.

"It's different. This is my grandpa's blind date. I have to check it." Hua Zhao said while choosing clothes.

"Then you two go, I won't go." Miao Lanzhi said regretfully, she was also quite curious.

"It would be great if we can achieve success." Ye Shu said: "I also think it is good for the old man to have someone to accompany him, otherwise it would be boring to be alone... How about calling my husband at noon? In case he is interested Did you get hit?"

She felt that Yao Lin was quite lonely at home alone when he was not working.

She wouldn't mind finding a wife for Yao Lin.

"Three children are not enough for him to coax?" Miao Lanzhi asked.

"The children's interest classes are all fully booked. In fact, we don't have much time to spend with them." Ye Shu frowned.

She didn't know if this was good or not.

If you don't go to those interest classes, if you can't keep up with the pace of your classmates, you will be outclassed by others.

Come on, the day is as busy as a spinning top, almost busier than when they go to work.

She looks really distressed sometimes.

But if you don’t go up, that’s really not possible.

She will be conflicted to death.

"I want them to go home and go to school." Ye Shu said, "But I can't bear to do this."

Hua Zhao would not express an opinion on this issue, as she was still conflicted.

She wants to arrange music, art, dance, martial arts, and science for the children.

But the children's time and energy are really limited, and she is very worried.

Fortunately, the current domestic environment is not so complicated, and she can also let her children choose of their own free will.

Unlike Ye Shu, who went to a century-old aristocratic school, he had to learn horse riding and shooting, and he couldn't do it without learning.


The morning passed quickly, and Hua Qiang and Yao Lin came back in time.

Ye Shu encouraged Yao Lin to change into clothes and accompany him.

Hearing that he was keeping company, Hua Qiang also expressed his welcome, and Yao Lin followed suit. He went back to the room and changed into a haute couture suit.

Standing next to Hua Qiang’s Chinese tunic suit, you stand out.

Looks a lot more advanced.

That’s not to say that Hua Qiang’s tunic suit is not good. Hua Zhao made it himself. It is a century-old classic style, and every detail is fashionable.

But most people can't see it.

They will only see the fashion and high-end suit.

Moreover, Yao Lin has the temperament of a boss, which cannot be compared to Hua Qiang, who has been keeping a low profile all his life.

When Hua Qiang is not murderous, he has no temperament and is just a amiable old man who can be seen everywhere.

So as soon as the two of them entered the hotel box, Xiang Hongying and the two women beside her turned their eyes on the two of them, and suddenly fell on Yao Lin.

Liu Yuegui was already waiting in the hotel with the principal and her two daughters.

Liu Yuegui didn't expect that both of them were here, so she immediately got up happily and introduced them to both parties.

Hearing that Hua Qiang was the real owner, Xiang Hongying and her two daughters were a little disappointed, but not too much.

They also know Hua Qiang's identity.

The grandfather of Liu Yuegui’s niece-in-law.

Hua Zhao, a college student, starting a company, and the daughter-in-law of the Ye family!

They all know these identities.

It was also because of these identities that Xiang Hongying agreed to go on a blind date with Hua Zhao's grandfather, an old man in his 80s.

Otherwise, she won't look for anyone over 55 years old.

However, I heard that Yao Lin's identity is that Ye Shu's great-grandfather is a Chinese American and lives in country M. He is back to visit relatives this time.

The eyes of the three women were still bright, and most of them fell on Yao Lin.

By marrying this old man, they can go abroad, right?

In this era, there is nothing more attractive than going abroad. It seems that going abroad will keep up with the Western Paradise. You will get rich and enjoy happiness in the past.

Hua Qiang was happy when he saw it.

Yao Lin felt embarrassed. He was just here to be a green leaf, so why did he steal the limelight?

He doesn't want this limelight at all!

"Ahem." Liu Yuegui also noticed it. As soon as she rolled her eyes, the topic fell on Yao Lin.

Hua Qiang planned to refuse anyway.

"Why does Uncle Yao have any hobbies?" Liu Yuegui asked.

"I don't have any hobbies, I don't have time." Yao Lin said.

"Oh, yes, Uncle Yao is engaged in big business and is busy." Liu Yuegui said.

"What kind of business does Uncle Yao do?" Xiang Hongying asked a daughter next to her.

The woman is in her 30s and has a clean face.

"It's nothing, it's just a small business, selling some dumplings." Yao Lin said.

This is Yao Ji's fortune food.

"Oh." The two daughters behind Xiang Hongying were a little disappointed.

Xiang Hongying didn't think so. The two children had never heard of Ye Shu's husband's family, but she had heard of it. They were big businessmen.

People are being humble and low-key now.

Xiang Hongying opened her mouth and started chatting with Ye Shu.

Occasionally, I would say a few words to Yao Lin.

He didn't give Hua Qiang any cold shoulder, and he also talked to Hua Qiang more.

This is a very talkative woman.

Although her appearance is consistent with someone in her 50s, she is not very young and beautiful, but she is eloquent.

Something else will happen.

There is also temperament.

If there is such a woman running and accompanying the family, an old man's life in his old age should be good.

Hua Zhao tried his best to reduce his presence and watch the show quietly.

Xiang Hongying didn't talk to her much because she had heard of Hua Zhao's reputation and Liu Yuegui had told her that she had a bad temper.

Now that her target has been changed, she doesn't dare to have more contact with Hua Zhao, for fear that Hua Zhao will be disappointed and angry with her.


The lunch ended in a relaxed and slightly embarrassing atmosphere, and Hua Zhao quickly left with Hua Qiang.

Ye Shu held Yao Lin's arm and walked behind, continuing to chat animatedly with Xiang Hongying.

She thinks this guy is nice.

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