Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1458 She doesn’t even know, don’t ask

Hua Zhao left with his people, and Old Man Liu, Old Mrs. Liu, and Liu Xiangqian did not come to cause trouble for the next two days.

Maybe recuperating at home.

I heard that after returning home, the three of them had constant conflicts with Meng Xin and Meng Jiao.

Liu Cong didn't know what he was thinking about, but he finally showed up and moved back home with his wife and children., they are evenly matched, and they have the upper hand. Currently, they don’t have time to bother Hua Zhao.

On this day, Dawei hurriedly came back from the hospital and shouted: "Meng Qiang is awake."

Hua Zhao nodded: "Let's go and have a look."

In the hospital, the doctor had just finished examining Meng Qiang. He was awake and cognitive. He knew what one plus one equals, who he was, and why he was in the hospital.

Liu Daqin wiped his neck in public.

Not stupid, not frustrated, I have feeling in my limbs.

The doctor marveled at the miracle of medicine and announced that he was fine and could go to the police station.

Qi Feihong asked the doctor: "How many days will it take?"

"A week will be enough, as long as the wound heals, but it will take a while before you can move freely, and you need to exercise." The doctor glanced at Qi Feihong's uniform and stopped talking.

He had heard about what Meng Qiang had done. The county was not big, but what the Zhu family had done had become a major case and almost everyone knew about it.

It is estimated that Meng Qiang will spend most of his future life in prison, and there will be plenty of opportunities for training.

The doctor gave Meng Qiang a look of disdain and left without giving him another look.

Hua Zhao walked in with Daqin.

Meng Qiang's still somewhat confused eyes immediately stared when he saw Daqin, and shouted hoarsely: "Why are you here?"

Shouldn't she be in jail?

How could she still be walking around outside after hurting him like this?

"Humph." Daqin suddenly smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't be here soon, I'm going to fly back to the capital soon!

"And you will be in the cell in a week, but don't be afraid, your mother, your seven or eight uncles are all waiting for you inside!

"You and your family can still take care of each other inside, and you will never be alone." Daqin said.

Meng Qiang's eyes widened with anger, not believing her words at all.

How can this be? Why?

As long as they don’t admit what they did, who has the evidence? Anyway, no one else saw it.

But looking at Daqin's expression, it didn't look like he was joking at all.

Qi Feihong saw what he was thinking, and actually cooperated with Daqin: "She is right, she is not guilty, and you are the guilty one."

"How come she is not guilty?" Meng Qiang said hoarsely: "She hurt me like this! So many people saw it, so many people can testify!"

"You deserve it." Daqin said.

Qi Feihong said: "But now the doctor has said that you are fine and you will be fine in a week. This is a small matter. I could have compensated you for some medical expenses, but considering what you have done, there will be no medical expenses."

Qi Feihong turned to Daqin and said: "The money he spends on medical treatment can be recorded in the account. When he goes to work and makes money, he will pay you back."

Daqin's eyes lit up, can this still be done? That's great!

Some of the bad anger in her heart came out again.

Meng Qiang was shocked and frightened. He looked at Qi Feihong and asked, "Who are you? Why do you say that?"

Qi Feihong ignored him and said to Hua Zhao and Daqin: "The identification results of the rope, rag and soy sauce bottle are out. The matter of the Zhu family is basically settled. You can leave."

He said as he walked out.

Only two people were left looking at Meng Qiang.

Hua Zhao and Daqin didn't want to stay here and argue with Meng Qiang, wasting time.

The two of them went out with Qi Feihong.

Daqin was finally sure that he could really leave and jumped up happily.

"I, I, thank you! Call me when you go to the capital, and I will pick you up! I will entertain you well!" She was talking happily and incoherently.

The emotion of joy is contagious.

Qi Feihong smiled and didn't care about the minor flaws in her language.

Daqin suddenly took out his pocket and took out a card, a homemade business card with her name, school address, home address, and phone number written on it.

Qi Feihong took it and raised his eyebrows: "The writing is really good."

Daqin immediately became even happier: "Yeah, haha, actually it's still far from good, not as good as my sister and brother-in-law's writing."


Qi Feihong glanced at Hua Zhao. He had heard of Ye Shen's name.

He came here professionally and was once on the same team as Ye Shen, but Ye Shen had already left when he entered.

But he finished his years as a soldier by listening to Ye Shen's stories.

The word Ye Shen is simply an unavoidable curse.

He didn't want to say anything at first, but he said to Daqin: "Well, I'll come to the capital when I have the chance to find you."

Daqin was simply pleasantly surprised: "Okay, okay! You must come! I tell you there are many fun places in Beijing...

"I will write down the renovation plan for your hotel when I get home..."

"There may be deficiencies. You should act at your own discretion. If you feel something is wrong, you can modify it, or call me and we can discuss it..."

"I'll be on vacation in January. Do you have the opportunity to go on a business trip to the capital during the Chinese New Year..."

Hua Zhao and Dawei didn't know when they had walked behind the two of them, following closely.

Dawei wanted to interrupt several times, but Hua Zhao held him down.

Later, he came to his senses and didn't want to intervene in the conversation. He just watched quietly, his eyes twinkling.

Daqin may finally be free again, he is as happy as a child, chattering non-stop, and his smile is as bright as a flower.

Qi Feihong's expression was indifferent, with a vague smile on his face, and he didn't even respond.

But this does not prevent Daqin from being happy.

Dawei turned to look at his sister... This is so unreserved!

Hua Zhao smiled and shook his head.

The police station arrived soon.

Daqin went in and signed a few words, and then he was really ready to leave.

Qi Feihong walked them to the door, waved goodbye, and simply turned around and went in.

Daqin still stood there and giggled for a long time before coming back to his senses and said: "Let's go too!"

Dawei finally couldn't help it anymore and said: "He is just a case handler. He may have helped you out and saved you from possible physical pain. He is not a lifesaver! He won't be so moved, right?"

Daqin's face froze, but he soon calmed down and said: "What? What are you talking about? I'm just happy! I'm free, I'm fine, I'm happy! What does it have to do with the savior?"

Dawei wants to say more.

Hua Zhao gave him a tug and said, "Yes, I'm really happy today. Let's go buy some souvenirs. We can go home tomorrow!"

Planes are not taxis. They come and go when you call them.

What's more, this small county doesn't even have a taxi now, and the train leaving for the provincial capital today can't be caught, so it can only be done tomorrow.

As for Daqin's thoughts, she doesn't know yet, so don't ask.

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