Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1459 Please take me in

It's not that easy to leave.

When Hua Zhao and Da Dawei arrived at the train station the next day, they met the people blocking them.

Except for Old Man Liu and Old Mrs. Liu, there was no one else.

After some entanglement, he wanted to go with Dawei. After Dawei made it clear that he could not, Hua Zhao said to the bodyguard: "Where is Meng Xin? Was he beaten to death? If he is not dead, bring him over."

"Tell him 10 yuan, and he will probably have to crawl over."

Let Meng Xin deal with these two people.

Hua Zhao now feels that this trick is so useful!

Old man Liu and Mrs. Liu were already stiff-faced. If they hadn't really dared to confront Hua Zhao, they would have drowned her in thick phlegm now!

Dawei sighed and advised: "Grandpa and grandma, please go back. Although you are my grandparents, you have a son and a beloved grandson and great-grandson. Don't think about returning to the capital with me.

"That's impossible. Why did you forget about my mother in the past? You drove my mother away from us when we were a few years old. You even signed an agreement to buy out the relationship, and you still accepted it. money.

"And the house we live in now was bought by my mother. We eat and drink from my mother, but now you are going to live in the home of your ex-daughter-in-law who you drove away and divorced. Does this make sense?"

"Oh~~" The person who had watched the excitement for a long time finally knew what was going on.

Two pitiful old people came out to ask their promising grandson to take them in and provide for them in their old age. Dawei refused, and they felt that Dawei was unfilial.

Now I understand, it turns out that my daughter-in-law has been divorced and had severed ties with her grandson before. It is really a scoundrel to continue to rely on her.

"And I promise to give you 30 yuan a month for your retirement. I will definitely keep my promise." Dawei said and immediately took out 30 yuan from his pocket and gave it to them.

"This is for the first month. From now on, I will mail it to you on the 3rd of every month after I have paid your salary. Please check it carefully."

"Wow! 30!"

"A month."

"That's a lot."

"Ashamed, I only gave my parents 5 yuan."

"Five yuan is a lot. I only give 50 yuan a year."

Everyone immediately started talking.

What’s even more embarrassing is that I have been married for more than ten years, and I can’t squeeze out a penny to give to my parents, so my parents still have to pay for it. I immediately felt envious when I saw the scene in front of me.

I envy Dawei for being rich, and I envy Old Man Liu for being lucky.

Some people also accused them of being dissatisfied.

People at this time tend to be nosy...especially when there is no risk in being nosy.

Now there are two old people on one side and a few young people on the other. It seems that there is no risk, and everyone immediately denounced Mrs. Liu and Old Man Liu.

"Thirty yuan a month is a lot, so just accept it when you see fit."

"That's right, why do you have the nerve to go to your ex-daughter-in-law's house for food and lodging? Is this because your ex-daughter-in-law has become rich? Yes, you can see how the children are dressed up. You can tell she is a civilized person."

"That's not okay. I was kicked out of the house when I heard this. If I didn't have that face, I would hide away even more when the other person got rich. Let alone letting him take care of him in old age, I would never see him in my life! He's so coquettish. !" Someone said in a strange way.

Old man Liu and Mrs. Liu may have been so embarrassed that they were embarrassed, or Hua Zhao's "10 yuan shot" worked. They bowed their heads and exited the crowd and left.

The train was just progressing. Dawei looked at their backs and sighed, then packed the train with the large and small bags of souvenirs bought by Hua Zhao.

Several people didn't pay attention, but there was a small figure following them.

Everyone is rushing to catch this train, all heading in the same direction. Is there anything to pay attention to?

There were hundreds of glances falling on Hua Zhao, but Hua Zhao didn't pay attention.

Until they arrived in the provincial capital, got off the train and prepared to take the bus to the airport.

Suddenly someone ran over from behind and shouted: "Brother! Sister! Wait for me!"

None of them thought this was calling them, but when they turned their heads curiously, they were stunned.

Hua Zhao didn't recognize the little girl running over, but Dawei and Daqin did.

"Xiao...Yue? Why are you here?" Daqin asked in surprise.

This is the daughter of Widow Zhu and Liu Xiangqian, Liu Yue.

Daqin didn't have a deep impression of her, but she was her half-sister after all. She had carefully observed her appearance, and now she recognized her.

It's just that Liu Yue is now much more embarrassed than the day they first met. She is all dirty, her hair is messy, and her face is dirty. She looks like a child picking up rags next to Old Man Liu and Old Mrs. Liu.

"I have nowhere to go, I have no home, they don't want me! They all beat me! They don't give me food! Wow!~" Liu Yue burst into tears.

Immediately attracted another wave of viewers.

Hua Zhao pushed up the hat and sunglasses on her face. Now these two items have become her must-have items. She wears sunglasses all the time in winter.

But it prevented her from a lot of trouble.

Dawei and Daqin both stood there and looked at each other, their faces filled with embarrassment and annoyance.

They believed what Liu Yue said.

The Liu family and the Zhu family are now in such a quarrel, and Liu Yue, who has the blood of both of them, is embarrassed to be caught in the middle.

When the Liu family saw her, they thought of Widow Zhu and regarded her as their enemy. Meng Xin and Meng Jiao turned the other way and disliked her.

However, they don't like her either!

Daqin put away his surprise and said with a straight face: "Your home is still there, and you have a biological father and grandparents at home. What's the matter with following us? My mother is not your biological mother!"

To put it bluntly, it is a love rival!

Although there is no love, if it were not for Widow Zhu, Liu Xiangqian might still be her father now, and she would still have to live with him every day...

Forget it, thank Widow Zhu.

Liu Yue cried and said: "But you are my sister..."

Crying makes everyone around me feel sad.

But they heard a few connections and didn't dissuade them.

It’s really hard to persuade such a relationship.

Daqin was unmoved and said: "You still have three brothers and one sister over there, as well as your father and grandparents. I have no obligation to care about you! I'm only 18 and still a student. I still care about myself. But come here.”

She can also use the power of public opinion.

Everyone immediately sympathized with Daqin, even though he was 18 and still a child, how could he raise another child?

It makes no sense to let his biological father's ex-wife support him.

Liu Yue cried for a while and looked at Dawei weakly.

Dawei was extremely irritable, but he didn't want to argue with an 11-year-old girl, so he didn't say anything and turned around as if he didn't see her.

Liu Yue looked at Hua Zhao again.

"Don't look at me, I have no blood relationship with you at all." Hua Zhao said.

Liu Yue looked at Dawei again and shouted weakly: "Brother... I don't eat much. I only need one steamed bun a day. I don't have to go to school and go out to find work. I will give you all the money I earn." Can you please take me in for a while...I don’t want to be beaten to death..."

She has been quietly observing him for the past few days. Dawei has the best temper and the softest heart.

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