Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1532 The Great Wrongdoer

Zhang Liang brought 2 trains of leather wool this time.

It was only 1988 and jadeite had not yet exploded in popularity. The main reason was that the market was not big yet and ordinary people did not have the money to afford it.

Rich people don't buy ordinary goods, and no matter what they are, "ordinary" ones are always the most popular.

Therefore, the current appreciation range is completely normal in Hua Zhao's view.

Is 10 quilts normal?

This needs to be looked at comprehensively. In the past 10 years, we have experienced several price surges and inflation, and general commodity prices have also increased a lot.

Popsicles that used to cost a penny each now cost 5 cents.

The price of pork, which costs 1 cent per pound, has increased to 1 yuan.

If the price of wool does not rise, it will fall.

In the future, the price of jade will increase hundreds of times, and then we will call it an increase.

Hua Zhao was busy and picked out a dozen boxes and placed them beside him.

In order to facilitate transportation, the woolen materials are placed in boxes and fixed. They are not just piled in the carriage just because they are stones.

If hit violently, the stone will break.

It’s all money!

Uncut wool is very valuable.

"After a quick look, these are the only ones that I like, so I'll keep these and sell the rest," Hua Zhao said.

Of these two carts, the best ones are all in these dozen boxes.

There are other materials in it, and you can also bet on the price, but the price/performance ratio is not as good as the one she picked out.

"Keep some more. I think that one, that one, and that one are doing well, and maybe they will rise sharply." Zhang Liang pointed to several boxes with compiled labels.

"If the price rises, I will lose money if I sell it to others," Zhang Liang said.

Hua Zhao shook his head: "Since you are selling wool and doing business, don't be afraid of other people's bets going up, but hope that others will bet up and come to buy wool from you. If you don't win after ten bets, who will come?

"Only when people are betting on the increase, will people come. When more people come, you can sell it at a higher price," Hua Zhao said.

"I understand the truth, but it makes me feel sad to see that the raw material of the best jadeite is likely to be sold at a low price." Zhang Liang said.

Hua Zhao shook his head: "You can't be a wool merchant with your mentality. Wool merchants must remember to bet on stones. If you are the banker, you will lose if you gamble."

When selling woolen materials, you should treat yourself as a melon seller. If you sell one piece and earn one piece of money, you will earn hard-earned money.

If you take good care of yourself, you will make a profit without losing money when the price of wool materials continues to rise.

But once you go and gamble by yourself, it’s hard to say.

Cut ten pieces yourself and bet them all on, and the profit from these two trains of leather may be included.

If you cut a few more, you will be unable to stand up.

Many wool merchants have died because of this.

"I understand all the principles." Zhang Liang nodded and grinned. He had been listening to this kind of story for several years, and his ears were numb.

"Boss, don't worry, I can endure it and get through it," Zhang Liang said.

How many good materials has he seen over the years? He wanted to cut it open countless times to see if his guess was accurate, but he held back.

These were bought for Hua Zhao and he couldn't touch them.

"As long as you can hold it back," Hua Zhao said.

"Then boss, I will be a wool merchant from now on?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Part-time job, occasionally sell some to get some blood back." Hua Zhao said: "I can't even fit it in the cave, it's time to sell some."

Zhang Liang's money was converted into wool and saved by her. She never saw the money back.

Some of the goods she provides once a week are "caught" from the sea, and some are indeed purchased through normal channels.

I have spent a lot of money in the past few years, and it is time to pay it back.

Process a batch of general goods first.

"By the way, I have a grudge against the Jin family. A few days ago..." Hua Zhao told Zhang Liang why she wanted to participate in the stone gambling conference this time.

She didn't know about this meeting before, and she didn't come here for it.

Zhang Liang clapped his hands after hearing this: "These grandsons must have been instigated by them! Otherwise, how could they give away 50 million for nothing? Only fools do this kind of thing!"

"It's not for nothing. If you get a big customer like me, the Jin family will get a lot of kickbacks." Hua Zhao said, "And the information I won from gambling must be sold to them first."

The Jin family was a local snake, and they teamed up with several other woolen fabric merchants to set a high price for the woolen fabrics that performed well.

Others who know the business will not buy it. Hua Zhao, a half-knowledge layman, picked up another 50 million for nothing. If he doesn’t feel bad about spending it, he will probably buy it.

At that time, if you spend 50 million, you may only buy something worth 10 million or 20 million.

The excess may return to the Jin family.

She won the bet again and unlocked the best jade. The Jin family bought it again and made another profit.

Then she will be a big victim.

Hua Zhao smiled, what a beautiful thought!

So she called Zhang Liang, otherwise she wouldn't have planned to sell woolen materials so early, and she could still wait 2 years.

"When the time comes, you pretend you don't know me, and I'll spend all 50 million on you." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Zhang Liang suddenly laughed: "Hahaha! This means keeping the money from outsiders! Make them mad!"

"If you are still angry, you will be the same again." Hua Zhao said.

"What?" Zhang Liang asked.

Hua Zhao started walking around the warehouse again.

This is the warehouse that Zhang Liang rented in advance.

Box after box of woolen materials were neatly placed on the floor.

She selected another 20 or so.

"I think these are doing well." Hua Zhao said.

"I think it's not bad." Zhang Liang nodded in agreement.

"Open a window, and we'll sell half a bet then." Hua Zhao said.

Woolen materials can be sold whatever they are dug out of the ground, which is called complete gambling.

Cut off a piece of stone skin on the wool, or drill a few holes to reveal the jade color inside. If there is any, this is a half-bet.

This kind of wool is expensive! The price is several times, ten times or even dozens of times more than the full bet.

It depends on the quality.

Cutting it is shit. The material originally worth 100,000 yuan is suddenly worthless. That means they have lost their gamble.

"Come on, the time has come to test your vision." Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Liang was very excited.

Although he usually solves a few stones to play with, he never dares to solve good and expensive materials.

It all comes with money!

No matter how much money he has, he is reluctant to waste it, so he only solves small items worth less than 1,000 yuan, and he can only solve one piece a month at most.

Tens of thousands of materials have never been touched.

The ones Hua Zhao has taken out now are worth hundreds of thousands or even millions.

He knows how to price wool materials better than anyone else!

"Take a good look and guess well." Hua Zhao said.

But Zhang Liang was not allowed to interpret the stone himself.

She had to do this herself. After all, these stones were a bit special. They were all top-quality and had green skin. If the windows were not opened well, they would collapse.

It's open, but it's going to kill people...

Zhang Liang carefully took a small notebook to record the original performance of each stone and its interpretation.

"Emperor green! It turns out to be imperial green! I really didn't see this!" Zhang Liang exclaimed as he looked at the "skylight" in Hua Zhao's hand.

Hua Zhao looked at the wool and smiled.

"This piece must be sold to the Jin family first no matter what. Then we will see whether it is stone green or their faces are green." Hua Zhao said.

"This..." Zhang Liang hesitated.

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