Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1533 Stone Gambling Conference

Zhang Liang looked at the wool in Hua Zhao's hand. It was as big as a winter melon and dark green.

The skin is very smooth, and this kind of wool generally performs well. Even if there is no color after cutting, the seed is still good.

Nuozhong bracelets can be sold even if they are not high-end, but if the materials are not expensive, they will not be compensated.

If you don’t compensate, it won’t be considered a failure.

But Hua Zhao has now opened several small windows for this material. There are a total of five or six coin-sized skylights on the front, back and top of the "Winter Melon".

You can clearly see the color of the jade inside, which is fine in texture and green in color. When you shine the flashlight on it, the whole "winter melon" turns green!

The color is pleasing.

That's the look of money.

"Is the color reaching the level of imperial green? Is the meat reaching the level of ice type or even above?" Zhang Liang excitedly touched the jade meat inside through the small skylight, and his eyes turned green.

Imperial green is imperial green. After collecting wool for so many years, he has only seen others drive abroad three or four times.

And every time it’s a small meal. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a big winter melon!

"Why sell such good things to the Jin family? It gives them an advantage!" Zhang Liang said.

"I think it's because of the green skin." Hua Zhao said.

"Can't?" Zhang Liang quickly looked down at the "winter melon" in his hand.

"There are so many windows open, it's such a large area, front, back, left and right, how could it be because of green skin?" Zhang Liang retorted.

"It's an exaggeration." Hua Zhao said, "I only moved one side, but not the other side."

The skylights were opened in the front, back, top, bottom and left and right of the "Winter Melon". She did not move in a larger area.

There is either black moss or cracks there, and if it is opened, it will not be sold at a high price.

"Believe me, I have cut more wool than you have cut watermelons in the past few years. I said it relies on the green skin, and it relies on the green skin." Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Liang's greatest advantage is that he is obedient.

Hua Zhaodu said this, and it seemed very reasonable... He nodded and said: "Okay, I will definitely sell it at a high price, hehehe."

Since I believe what Hua Zhao said, this is a green guy, then this matter is interesting.

Hua Zhao continued to solve the next one.

This material is not big, only about the size of a football. Hua Zhao opened a small window on the entire "ball", so that you can see the performance inside, Ice Zhongyang Green.

Continuing, this piece of material is big, as big as a suitcase, rectangular, and Hua Zhao opened a linear window on it....

The two of them worked until midnight, opening the skylights for more than 20 pieces of wool, and discussed some other details before they separated.

When we meet again, it will be a stone gambling conference.

The conference was held on a golf course.

The venue here is large, and the Stone Gambling Conference needs it the most. Each piece of wool is placed on the ground, leaving space around it for people to stop and look.

Small wool merchants bring hundreds of yuan to participate in the exhibition, and large wool merchants bring hundreds or even thousands of yuan.

The organizer did not expect Zhang Liang's sudden participation. He brought so many people, which immediately caused the organizer to panic.

Fortunately, the golf course was big enough, so we finally put down the 2,000 pieces of wool he brought.

As soon as Hua Zhao and his people arrived, they saw a group of people surrounding Zhang Liang, chatting harmoniously and enthusiastically on the surface.

Everyone couldn't care less about being subtle and asked him if he was the big boss who never saw the end of the dragon and asked the Myanmar side to open a back door for him to sell his wool directly.

If they want to buy wool, they can basically only go through the jade auction, which is the stone gambling conference held by Myanmar.

This conference has been held since 1964. All jadeite raw materials are centralized and auctioned. Only jadeite purchased on the public market has legal procedures and can be exported abroad. Otherwise, it is smuggling.

Ninety-nine percent of the people here are honestly going to the public market to buy goods.

Zhang Liang never went, however. I heard that only two-fifths of the output is listed on the public market every year, and the remaining three-fifths are operated privately by Myanmar.

Some were kept for later sale, and some were sold to others.

"Hahahaha, easy to talk about."

"Where there."

"That's an exaggeration. Give it to me wherever you have it. Do you have any related goods that you can bring out without going public? I only take a little bit. I pay heavy taxes!~"

Zhang Liang explained truthfully.

The purpose of Myanmar's jadeite public sale is to avoid tax evasion and increase foreign exchange.

Zhang Liang really paid taxes and used materials to offset them.

And what he brings is really in short supply. If he doesn't bring it in, they may not be able to buy it with foreign exchange.

In the end, it’s all good for you, me, and everyone, and everyone gets what they need.

It’s all for sale anyway, but to whom is it not for sale?

There were dozens of wool merchants participating in the exhibition today, but only a few big businessmen were around Zhang Liang.

There was jealousy in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do.

They knew Zhang Liang, but they had never met him. They also found out how Zhang Liang got along with him.

But they cannot copy this method.

The things Zhang Liang sold to the other party were too many, too miscellaneous and too cheap.

They can get so many things, what can’t they buy with money? But it would be uneconomical for them to sell it at such a cheap price.

It would be more cost-effective to honestly participate in the public offering.

Even if someone is willing to spend money to follow Zhang Liang's path, they can't do it. They have already maintained the relationship and they can't pry it off.

I can only regret myself for not discovering this method a few years ago and being the first to try it.

Hua Zhao and others came in, and Zhang Liang's eyes fell on her.

No one was surprised, because their eyes also fell on Hua Zhao and the others.

Three beauties came in, each with his or her own merits, one more beautiful than the other.

Yeshu and Susanna also came.

Susanna also went shopping with Hua Zhao and Ye Shu in the past few days, but they didn't go and instead dragged her to play mahjong.

Suzanne can play mahjong and likes it.

But how could she play with Hua Zhao and Ye Shu?

I've been losing so much these days that my face has turned green.

Even so, he didn't back down.

She observed that Hua Zhao and Ye Shu did not team up to trick her, but they were just a little better in skills and a little luckier than her. As long as she worked harder and had better luck one day, she could win it back!

The woman who had no filming experience gradually fell in love with gambling out of boredom...

In the past two days, she had always heard Hua Zhao and Ye Shu talk about gambling on stones. When she heard it, she felt that it was gambling and getting rich overnight. She was immediately interested and insisted on following.

Hua Zhao welcomes anyone to send her money.

Jin Kaiwen came over personally: "Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Yao, you are here."

He ignored Susanna.

She was just an actress whose family was in ruins. She could not bring him any benefit, so he never looked down upon her.

Susanna was an experienced dramatist and knew how to look, so she immediately glared at Kevin Jin.

"Has the conference started already? I can't wait anymore." Hua Zhao looked around and said.

"It's already started. Please feel free to do so, Mrs. Ye," Jin Kaiwen said.

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