Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1548 Let’s buy it together

Susanna had some sense. After the stone gambling conference was over the next day, she did not go back to the hotel, but went to find Zhang Liang.

She told him not to attend the stone gambling meeting on the third day, and she had covered all the remaining information he had.

Of course, it has to be cheaper for her.

Zhang Liang's head shook like a rattle.

"This is not okay, this is not okay, this is against the rules." Zhang Liang said.

"It's all business, what's wrong with the rules?" Susanna said: "Besides, all the good things in your hand have been sold, and no one wants the rest. If someone wants it, they won't be able to keep it now.

"Sell them to me in a package, and it's you who make the profit. Otherwise, if you can't sell them, they'll just be a pile of broken rocks."

She understood quite well and spoke in an expert tone.

"No, no, I still have some good stuff for the finale that I haven't come up with yet. I'm just waiting to make a lot of money tomorrow." Zhang Liang said.

Susanna's eyes suddenly lit up.

Are there any good products at the bottom of the box?

"And I plan to auction it, and Miss Fang will definitely get a good price." Zhang Liang said with twinkling eyes.

Hua Zhao's generosity has been obvious to all in the past two days, and all the wool merchants like her very much.

This sentence stimulated Susanna.

Why do all the good things belong to her?

"I have money too! Can't you see I'm generous with my money?" Susanna ordered: "Take me to see your materials quickly, money is not an issue!"

She, the eldest lady in heaven, is still very powerful.

Zhang Liang seemed unable to resist, so Qiqi Aiai took her to the warehouse behind.

"But let's make an agreement first, I won't sell it if the money is short. No, I'd better call Miss Fang and ask her to come and take a look.

"Oh, Miss Susanna, I heard that Miss Fang is staying in the same hotel as you. Which hotel is it? What's the phone number?" Zhang Liang asked.

Of course Susanna wouldn't tell him, she was glad that Zhang Liang didn't know.

The two came to a corner of the warehouse. Zhang Liang hesitantly opened the covering canvas, revealing several large pieces of material inside.

Each ingredient is huge, like tons.

Most people will take a detour when they see this kind of material, because it is big and changes a lot.

There cannot be tons of imperial green. I have never heard of such a good thing since ancient times.

But Suzanne didn't understand.

The two of them went back and forth and began to bargain.

Zhang Liang was not satisfied with the price she paid, so he called several big customers and jewelers.

There were fewer people, no, it was just the two of them, and he was afraid that Susanna would default on her gambling... or that it would turn out to be a trap.

After all, he didn't get Miss Fang's contact information and didn't call her over.

Although others knew the hotel where Hua Zhao was staying and had just attended the banquet yesterday, no one told Zhang Liang.

If there are more people, there will be more competition, which is still strong competition. They are also very interested in the materials Zhang Liang brings out.

Everyone is grabbing the good stuff.

Susanna acted boldly, just like the second Miss Fang.

Qian winked at someone in the crowd.

The boss from Southeast Asia was also very generous and pursued him closely.

The price soared in an instant, and everyone else became silent.

I feel like I'm looking at two idiots.

Just such a big item with mediocre performance has sold for 200 million? Crazy? Which one of them is the trustee?

The silence around her made Susanna's mind go silent, and she felt a little regretful.

"210 million!" The man shouted out the high price.

Looking at the strange expressions of the people around her, Susanna hesitated.

Zhang Liang showed his impatience and immediately shouted: "Deal!"

Susanna suddenly felt a little regretful, but also a little lucky.

More than 200 million, even in Hong Kong dollars, is more than 20 million US dollars, which is almost all her property now, and it is not cash.

This tycoon, who is unfamiliar to Southeast Asia, seems to be very rich and likes to carry cash.

Several boxes of U.S. dollars were taken out, and after the real money transaction was completed, Liang Liang grinned from ear to ear.

I did it on purpose, but I wasn't really happy.

Both the people and the money belong to the boss. If the left hand goes to the right hand, there is no profit.

"Boss, do you want to solve the stone?" he asked.

"Excuse me. If the bet goes up, take it home and sell it yourself. If the bet goes up, throw it away. Whoever travels across the ocean to get a piece of rubbish." The man spoke in broken Cantonese.

Everyone speculated on his identity.

Who is so rich? If more than 200 million yuan of materials collapsed, wouldn't you feel bad at all? Are you pretending?

Let’s see if he can still be so free and easy.

No one is very optimistic about this piece of material, but you can buy it for a few million and gamble. 200 million is really a fool with too much money.

The master who cut the stone didn't take it very seriously. The man said he could cut it casually, so he cut it in the middle with one knife.

Then the house filled with joy.

Another piece of ice-grown spring material.

Because there were lessons learned from the Jin family, no one immediately exclaimed whether it was a big rise or a big fall.

Susanna was so anxious that she kept asking: "What's wrong? Is it going up or down?"

"It's hard to say." Zhang Liang said.

"Why is it hard to tell? Wasn't it cut open? I looked at it and it was fine. Is it swollen?" My heart ached a little.

"It's hard for an immortal to break an inch of jade. You have to cut them all open and look at them to find out." Zhang Liang's voice was a little wavy.

He really didn't expect that an ordinary piece of material could produce this.

The appearance on the outside does not match the inside at all!

And now it’s not a matter of not making money, it’s a matter of making a lot of money.

The boss is indeed the boss.

The rich man seemed to be very excited, his voice changed, and he shouted: "Cut it, cut it into slices, the fortune teller said I will make a fortune this year, I want to see if it is true!"

This time the stone master was careful, but cutting thick slices is a very simple matter, just cut it.

A whole piece of material was cut into more than ten pieces. Except for the front and back pieces, which were average, they were filled with spring ribbons and floating flowers of the high-ice variety, and two pieces were particularly bright.

An absolute surge.

This time, all the jewelers were so excited that they blushed and their necks were thick with each other. One family bought more than one piece.

Rich man earns a net profit of HK$500 million.

Susanna's guts turned green with regret.

"Boss, you see this piece of material is good, it only costs 100 million." Zhang Liang was selling a small piece of material to the wealthy man with a smile on his face.

"100 million? I want it!" The man waved his hand.

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up, as if he was looking at the God of Wealth (a fool), and he said excitedly: "How about you take all of this, for only 1 billion Hong Kong dollars."

Suzanne immediately glared at him.

Others didn't know it, but she knew it when she came. Zhang Liang only wanted 200 million Hong Kong dollars for these pieces of material before, but she negotiated for 100 million Hong Kong dollars and he refused.

Now the price is rising from the ground up!


She immediately broke the news.

But the man said he didn't care. He had money and he thought it was worth it.

The fortune teller didn't lie to him. He was lucky this year and was going to make a fortune no matter what.

Others also wanted to get involved, and they were also jealous.

The price was lowered, all materials were packaged, and bidding started from 100 million.

But in the end, only Susanna and Tuhao were left bidding.

The price soared higher and higher, and Zhang Liang's grin grew wider and wider.

The rich man is not a fool, he suddenly reacted.

"Oh, I didn't bring so much cash." He turned to look at Susanna: "Don't just shout, do you have that much money?"

Susanna's expression suddenly turned bad, no.

Now the two have raised the price to HK$900 million.

"Why don't we buy it together? Each of us will contribute half, and we will share the profit equally." said the rich man.

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