Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1549: Angry to death

"Okay." Susanna agreed immediately.

The wealthy man nodded and didn't sign any agreement with her. He just asked the younger brother behind him to carry the box over and count the money.

Susanna was dumbfounded again. She didn't have half of the $40 million for each person,

The rich man saw her difficulty at a glance: "Forget it, I'll partner with someone else."

He looked at the people who had just bid.

But those people remained silent.

They are not fools...

900 million to buy 4 pieces of wool? Although each one is very big.

But is it a matter of size? There are many big rocks in the mountains, which are worth 9 yuan.

Just because that piece of betting has gone up, it doesn't mean that the materials that stand with it will also go up.

According to probability, the possibility of an increase is not high.

But some fools really stepped forward.

A man said: "I, I will partner with you."

Just as the acquaintance next to him was about to pull him, Susanna spoke: "Half,, I have money! I, I have a lot of jewelry, which is very valuable. Do you accept it?"

Several jewelers were interested. Of course they also accepted expensive jewelry.

If they have historical value, they will be sold as antiques, and if they don't, they will be dismantled as gems.

But Susanna didn't take any of these things with her.

Suddenly, a short and fat man in the corner stood up and said, "Miss, do you need money? I can lend it to you."

When the people around him saw who he was, their eyes suddenly flickered.

Isn't this a game?

They all know this person, Song Biao, a moneylender.

I used to hang out in various casinos.

Those who are doing business occasionally deal with him, and there are times when everyone has money but doesn't have enough money to share.

But this was the first time I saw him at a stone betting event.

This is?

Susanna also asked with some confusion: "You want to lend me money? So good?"

"Of course, there is interest." The man smiled and said, "It's not much, the monthly interest is 50%. But I think Miss Susanna Mori can pay it off in a blink of an eye, so I have to add 50 million Hong Kong dollars as hard work fee."

Susanna's wariness was gone. This was a moneylender, and she knew this kind of person.

That's what her brother is doing now.

But because the capital is small, it has not turned around yet.

For such people, as long as they pay back the money on time, there will be no problems.

"You know me?" Susanna asked. This person had just called her by her full name, which she had not introduced to anyone before.

"Of course I know Miss Susanna Mori. I am a loyal fan of yours. I came here today because I heard the news and came here specifically to see you. I didn't expect to be able to help you. It's a great honor." Song Biao said.

Makes sense.

Susanna was really not an unknown person before. She had acted in many movies, her family still had money, and she often appeared in various newspapers.

It's just that it has been out of fashion for too long and has gradually been forgotten.

Hearing Song Biao's admiring tone, Susanna was very pleased and became less wary of him.

"I don't have anything with me to pledge," Susanna said.

She knows the rules.

"No, Miss Susanna's name is very valuable. As long as you write an IOU, I believe you. You will never default on your debt, and you don't need to. You can definitely get a higher bet." Song Biao said.

This rainbow fart completely knocked off Susanna's guard, and she happily signed the IOU.

Song Biao immediately asked his younger brother to go back and get the money.

Because he didn't have much cash on hand, he only lent Suzanne HK$300 million., Suzanne collected all the cash, bank cards, and checkbooks she had with her.

She shaved her head clean, and Song Biao's money was brought over.

Zhang Liang happily counted the money.

The rich man and Susanna discussed how to unblock the stone, while others watched.

The atmosphere is a bit weird, something doesn't feel right.

They won't leave, they want to watch. If they don't see the follow-up, they won't be able to close their eyes for the rest of their lives!

The follow-up came quickly and they felt useless beyond their expectations.

The bet is exaggerated.

The other pieces of wool were all white and worthless.

"Hey, it seems that the place where I made my fortune is not here, but somewhere else. Goodbye!" The local tyrant bowed his hands to Zhang Liang in a cool and unrestrained manner and led the people away.

Susanna didn't react at all, and rushed out as soon as she reacted: "You tricked me!"

But she was stopped.

Song Biao and his younger brother laughed and said, "Miss Susanna, you can't leave now."

The translator was stunned and tremblingly translated for her.

"Me, me, you, you guys." She suddenly looked at Zhang Liang, pointed at him and screamed: "You tricked me!"

"I'm just a seller of woolen materials. The asking price is only 100 million. You called out the price yourself. I paid the money and delivered the goods. What did I lie to you?" Zhang Liang looked aggrieved: "There are many people who have lost their money because of gambling. Could it be that all of them have lost their money?" Was it deceived by a material seller? I don’t admit to this crime.”

"Yes, yes, we don't recognize it." Several other wool merchants said.

Was it because of them that the bet failed? Are you still being unreasonable?

But it’s hard to say whether there is any trace of Zhang Liang in today’s matter.

He suddenly appeared and was so generous...but he didn't trick them, they didn't care.

Zhang Liang brought a lot of materials, and many people present bought them, and there were also a few who bet on the price. They did not think Zhang Liang was a bad person.

"You definitely tricked me!" Susanna shouted frantically.

"Unreasonable." Zhang Liang seemed to not want to get involved with the crazy woman, so he packed up his things and left.

Susanna wanted to chase, but was stopped by Song Biao again.

The others looked at Song Biao, looked at her, and withdrew.

Behind her, Susanna screamed.

Zhang Liang left a younger brother to deal with the remaining wool and left overnight.

The stone gambling conference on the third day was held normally, and Susanna was not seen again.

Everyone would pass on a few words privately, but they were very cautious when it came to Song Biao.

That man is not easy to mess with.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu came again. They stayed at the venue for a day, bought a bunch of cheap woolen materials and played with them, and they made no profit or loss.

After the conference ended, the two returned to the hotel. Ye Shu couldn't help but ask immediately: "Has the news spread? Will O'Neal come? Where is he now?"

"I don't know either." Hua Zhao said, she really wasn't a god, and she didn't have that many people watching O'Neal. She really didn't know where he was hiding.

"But he will definitely pay attention to us. They are still looking for Su Heng. Susanna has forgotten something important and he will not forget it." Hua Zhao said with a smile: "But he must be very angry now hahahaha."

Ye Shu also smiled.

Susanna was left here to do her business, but she started gambling and lost all her family property, and everyone got involved.

If she were O'Neal, she would be angry to death if she had such a sister.

"Is that Song Biao reliable? Is he one of us too?" Ye Shu asked curiously.

Hua Zhao smiled at her and made a "shh" gesture towards her.

Song Biao is not hers, he was conquered by Ye Shen before.

But very few people know this.

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