O'Neill learned the news that Susanna borrowed loan sharks, went bankrupt in gambling, and was detained that day.

Song Biao sent people to disperse. If they didn't disperse, how could they ask Susanna's relatives to redeem her?

O'Neal was so angry that he almost kicked his leg off on the spot.

"This waste! Let her keep an eye on people to find out information! She actually went gambling! She was tricked and she didn't even know it! Let her die!"

Being on the outside, he thought it looked like a trap.

"Master, what should we do now? We can't really ignore Miss Susanna," the housekeeper said.

Susanna didn't know where O'Neal was, so she called her father as soon as she was detained.

Maury Dylan was so angry that he almost didn't go there. He couldn't come in person, so he called the butler.

"What should I do now? How do I know what to do? I don't have 500 million Hong Kong dollars to redeem her!" O'Neill said.

Song Biao also said that he wanted 500 million.

I lent out 300 million, and it became 500 million in two days. That’s how you make money.

The steward said: "What the master means is that we have no money, but others have money."

"Who?" O'Neill asked.

"That Miss Fang." The butler said: "The master said that the shadow of Miss Fang is indispensable in this matter. Please keep your eyes open, don't be soft-hearted, grab her in exchange for Susanna, and by the way, keep her money. .”

Or can an outsider see clearly...

Although Hua Zhao is very clean, sometimes you don't need evidence to decide something, just intuition.

I say you do it, you do it, no evidence is needed.

It doesn't matter if he is wronged. Anyway, Miss Fang is indeed rich, and she can definitely get 500 million. If she is taken away, Susanna can be returned.

O'Neal hesitated: "This is not good, I still plan to..."

"Miss Susanna said that she is already married," the housekeeper said.

When sending word to her family asking them to redeem her, Susanna mentioned this in passing.

She had thought of everything, the idea was hers, and she was afraid that O'Neill wouldn't let him go.

"What?" O'Neill was shocked: "She's married? It doesn't look like it!"

"She admitted it herself," the steward said.

"This..." O'Neill was shocked and speechless.

But it was right to think about it. Miss Fang is actually not young anymore. It is not what she looks like. It is normal for a teenage girl to get married.

He just didn't want to think about it before.

Now that she is married, there is no need to maintain a perfect image in front of her.

It's time to show her what he can do.

"Okay, I'll do it," he said.

The housekeeper smiled: "The master has kept his promise. From now on, the family will rely on the young master. I brought some things to the young master."

He said taking out a package and opening it.

Inside was a small, tightly kept bottle.

O'Neill recognized these things as the various drugs found in the biologist's safe.

"With this bottle of poison, she won't be able to use any number of bodyguards," the housekeeper said.

O'Neill felt the same way. He took the package and left with a few bodyguards.

The next afternoon, O'Neal returned to the hotel.

Hua Zhao is waiting for him in the hotel lobby.

As soon as O'Neill entered, he saw her sitting in the dessert area.

The sun shone on her body, making her eyebrows shine like a layer of gold.

He was about to have her.

O'Neill was a little excited.

The fact that the other party is married only prevents him from legitimately marrying her. It does not prevent him from getting her.

Of course, if she was willing to divorce and remarry him, he wouldn't mind her being a second-married woman.

I'm just a little concerned...

"Miss Fang." O'Neill took the initiative and walked towards Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao also smiled at him.

O'Neill's smile started to fall, and he frowned and said, "Miss Fang, I asked you to take care of my sister before, but where is my sister now?"

He also felt that there was a shadow of Hua Zhao in Susanna's trap.

Before Hua Zhao could speak, O'Neal said: "I thought we were already friends. You saved me and I saved you. I don't believe you don't feel my feelings for you at all...

"But it makes me so sad that you did this."

Hua Zhao pretended to be stupid: "What are Mr. O'Neal talking about? Are you blaming me for not taking care of your sister? I'm really sorry, I wasn't there at the time, otherwise... I might not have been able to stop her. You should know that people who are betting on red eyes , even when my biological father comes, I can’t hold him back.”

"Miss Fang, you should know what I mean." O'Neill frowned.

"It's now time. If you have any request, just say it, 500 million? Yes, our Dylan family has nothing but money." O'Neill said arrogantly.

"But this is not the place to talk. Let's go up and talk." He said.

It's not easy to prescribe medicine here.

Hua Zhao called the waiter: "Bring this gentleman a glass of ice water."

"Okay." The waiter stepped back and went to the bar not far away to pour a glass of water and put it on the table.

"It's been a long journey. You've worked hard. Let's sit down and have a drink of water." Hua Zhao said, "If you have anything to say, just talk here. Judging from your attitude, it seems there is some misunderstanding. I don't dare to go upstairs."

Her eyes moved around the bodyguards behind O'Neill, and her meaning was obvious.

The other party brought 6 people.

And she only has 4. Now besides Ye Shu, there are only 2 behind her, so there is no advantage in numbers.

"We are here to clear up the misunderstanding." Hua Zhao said.

O'Neill sat down.

He was really thirsty. He had traveled all the way. The bodyguard was not a nanny, so he was not considerate at all. No one prepared water or anything for him. He was so thirsty.

But he didn't drink the water in front of him, even though he saw the waiter pouring it at the bar.

Hua Zhao smiled, she didn't necessarily put the poison into the water.

Sit down and he loses.

"Miss Susanna didn't tell me before she went out. Although my bodyguard found out and informed me, I can't restrict Miss Susanna's freedom." Hua Zhao spread his hands: "I stopped her before, but I didn't and was scolded by Miss Susanna. After a while, I was not allowed to interfere with her freedom."

That was before, Susanna couldn't help but go out to have fun at night...

She didn't come back until noon the next day. Who knows what kind of fun she had~

O'Neill also knew his sister's temperament and felt embarrassed.

Hua Zhao continued: "She went to the place by herself, found the people by herself, and bought the things by herself. No one forced her at that time."

"If it was a trap, then it was just that the person who lent the money had already targeted her and was waiting for her to take the bait. It is none of other people's business, let alone mine."

It sounded like that, and O'Neill almost believed it.

He rubbed himself on the chair, not knowing why there was a sudden itch behind him.

It may be that the living conditions in the place where he has been hiding recently are not good and the quilt is dirty.

He wanted to go upstairs quickly, take a shower, and then catch Miss Fang...

"Let's go upstairs and talk." He said, "Tell me the details."

"Okay." Hua Zhao smiled.


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