Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1552 Let him die with his eyes open

The housekeeper brought Maury Dylan to the hotel, but did not see Hua Zhao. The front desk said that she had checked out.

The two looked at each other, a little anxious.

If we can't find anyone, are our children really hopeless?

"Yes, Mr. Maury Dillon?" the front desk asked tentatively, looking at the old man sitting in the wheelchair.

Maury Dylan looked sharply and said, "It's me, do you know me?"

"The Miss Fang you were asking about left a letter for you before she left." The receptionist smiled and handed Maury Dillon an envelope.

Maury Dylan's heart sank to the bottom.

The other party actually expected him to come back and left a letter.

Why do you think everything about her two children has something to do with her!

Maury Dillon opened the envelope. There were no provocative words on it, just an address.

Maury Dylan's eyes were heavy and he asked the butler: "Are everyone ready?"

"Ready!" the butler said through gritted teeth.

Someone actually wants to kill O'Neal and Susanna! That is until he dies.

Who else will Dylan serve when his whole family is dead?

People like this who are used to being housekeepers will never do anything else but housekeeping in their lives. Their children and grandchildren will usually inherit the career of housekeepers.

Their family has been housekeepers to the Dylan family for several generations.

As a result, his generation will become the last generation?

He wants to eat Hua Zhao's meat now.

The two people left the hotel and looked for it according to the address above.

And the members of what is said to be the world's most powerful mercenary team hired by their family are following them.

Seeing that the meeting place turned out to be a villa on the top of a mountain, Dylan whispered a few words to the butler, who personally passed on the order.

For a while, no one is allowed to come out of this house except the two of them!

The housekeeper pushed Dylan in, followed by 10 bodyguards.

How could he be so stupid as to go to the meeting alone?

There are also some people arranged around, with the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind.

The villa on the top of the mountain looks a bit old, the appearance is a bit old, and the yard is messy.

The water in the swimming pool has dried up, and overall it is not grand, but rather shabby.

A group of people were standing in the yard.

Xiang Qian transformed into a real estate agent and was explaining the villa to his client Hua Zhao.

"Miss, actually I don't recommend you to buy this house because it is said that its feng shui is not very good." Xiang Qian said: "This house has been built 40 years ago and has had 4 owners. Each owner was once a wealthy businessman. As a result, After 10 years, everyone will sell the house in despair and leave, so please think about it again.”

Hua Zhao looked at him funny: "Is this what you, an agent, do?"

Xiang Qian said proudly: "Yes, Miss, you can go out and ask for my name. Although I love money, a gentleman loves money in a proper way. A good house is good, and a bad house is bad. Advantages and disadvantages I never hide it, I tell my customers and let them weigh it themselves.”

Unlike other real estate agencies, in order to sell the house, they boast about the haunted house.

The "reality" of Xiang Qian is indeed the basis for his development today.

Hua Zhao looked at the villa in front of him. Although the house was dilapidated, it was large in area, several thousand square meters, and in a good location. It was on the top of the mountain and had a good view.

At the foot of the mountain is the sea, endless as far as the eye can see, magnificent waves, and the scenery is incomparable.

As for Feng Shui, it may be because there is no "backer", which is really not good.

But Hua Zhao smiled, she had always been a backer for others, and no one could be a backer for the Ye family.

So some people can't hold down this house, but she thinks she can.

If she can't do it, Ye Shen can definitely do it. He is definitely very tough...

"That's it. Give me a real price." Hua Zhao said.

Xiang Qian was still a little hesitant and wanted to persuade him again.

He has been in Hong Kong City for a long time and has been dealing with Feng Shui, so he believes it.

He also hopes that Mr. Ye will live a long life.

"I'll find a master to change the feng shui. It will definitely be no problem." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Since she said so, Xiang Qian stopped persuading her.

And he knew that Hua Zhao bought this house not to live in it, but to kill people...

It is very troublesome to deal with people in the hotel. You must have a quiet place away from the crowd....

Out of the corner of his eye, the housekeeper had already pushed Maury Dylan in.

Xiang Qian shuddered and said that this house had a bad reputation!

It used to just make people bankrupt, but now it's about to turn into a haunted house! What an evil nature!

But he said: "This house has been vacant for more than two years and has not been sold. I know the owner's reserve price. The original owner had some friendship with me before, so I will treat it as a favor and not make any money from you." , I won’t charge you agency fees.”

The first half of the sentence is false and the second half is true. He definitely doesn't want Hua Zhao's agency fee.

"Okay, it's a deal, go and go through the formalities." Hua Zhao said.

He nodded to Qian, took the information she handed him, passed by Maury Dylan, and glanced at him curiously.

Who is this old man? He was already lame and Hua Zhao fished him out and killed him. He must have done something outrageous, right?

Go faster, don't spatter him with blood!

Hua Zhao suddenly remembered Maury Dillon's previous instructions outside the door, and quickly called Xiang Qian: "I still have something to trouble you, a local coward. You go and wait aside."

Real estate agents, before the house is sold, can be transformed into personal assistants and asked to do whatever they want.

Xiang Qian "went aside" with a good attitude and stood in the pavilion in the garden waiting.

He had a hunch that something bad would happen if Hua Zhao kept him...

Hua Zhao had already lowered his head to look at Maury Dylan in the wheelchair, and said with emotion: "I haven't seen him for a few years. I didn't expect Mr. Dylan to have aged like this. I'm really surprised."

She had attended a banquet at Dylan's house before and met Maury Dylan.

She still remembers him.

But Maury Dillon apparently doesn't remember her.

This old man only has a career in mind and no women, no matter how beautiful he is.

However, the housekeeper still remembered and explained to Maury Dylan about Hua Zhao rescuing O'Neal.

Maury Dylan tapped his hand, and then he realized that the woman next to Yeshu had this relationship with O'Neill.

"Logically speaking, I should thank you." Maury Dillon said.

"You're welcome." Hua Zhao said.

"I shouldn't doubt you." Maury Dillon continued: "But it's what you do."

He looked at Ye Shu next to Hua Zhao and asked, "Why? Why do you do such a thing? Is it because of Su Zhe?"

He didn't want to beat around the bush anymore, so he asked Ye Shu directly: "What is your relationship with Su Zhe?"

"Who is Su Zhe?" Ye Shu looked puzzled. She thought for a while and then said, "I don't have any relatives named Su, and I don't have any friends named Su Zhe."

She won't reveal any information to Maury Dylan, she wants him to die in peace!

Ye Shu's acting skills are incredible, and Maury Dylan made her lose her confidence.

But he still couldn't believe that two rich and powerful women would harm his son and daughter for no reason.

"I found that your child looks very much like a man." Maury Dylan was well prepared. He took out Ye Shen's photo and handed it to Ye Shu, and asked, "What is your relationship with him? If you tell me, I will Okay, I’ll give you the antidote.”


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