Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1553 You are really poisoned...

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu looked at Maury Dylan strangely, not expecting him to go straight to the point and say that he had poisoned Ye Shu.

Ye Shu looked surprised: "Give me an antidote? What antidote? I'm not poisoned. What antidote do I need?"

Her reaction made Maury Dillon relieved that he still had things under control, which was good.

"No, you were poisoned. As for how you were poisoned, you don't need to know. You just need to know that I have an antidote that can detoxify you."

Maury Dylan continued to ask: "Where is Su Zhe?"

Ye Shen had opened a company there before, and he was also a dark horse and had been in the newspapers.

He was also secretly photographed because of his scandal with Susanna.

However, the photo is not very clear, it is just the side face and a bit blurry.

In addition, the temperament is different, and it is not a familiar relationship, so I can't recognize him.

Of course Ye Shu knew him, but she continued to act stupid.

"This man..." She looked at the introduction of Ye Shen in the newspaper and said, "He is a genius in the business world. I heard about him by chance. It was said that this fellow was a pity. If he had grown up, he would definitely be a leader now. Big boss.

"Oh, it said jumping into the sea, what a pity." Ye Shu shook his head.

She fiddled with the newspaper: "You said he looks like my child? Are you kidding me? It doesn't look like him at all!"

If Ye Shen's appearance hadn't been etched in Maury Dylan's mind and he often dreamed about it, he wouldn't have been punished again.

"There are so many strangers who look alike in the world. You must have found the wrong person." Ye Shu said regretfully.

Maury Dylan's face was dull and dull.

Hua Zhao suddenly asked: "Where did you put the antidote?"

This question is too simple, it just lies in my mind.

Maury Dylan said casually: "The bodyguard is holding it, not here."

The housekeeper frowned and asked, "Isn't it good to tell the other party this?"

But come to think of it, they didn't say anything.

The bodyguard didn't say anything, he didn't say where he was, he couldn't be found.

"Tell me about the poisoning. You can't just say you were poisoned and we were poisoned. Did you inject it with your mouth?" Hua Zhao said: "Tell the truth, so we can believe it."

Maury Dylan frowned, but there was nothing wrong with Hua Zhao's question.

Even if he believed them just by saying a word, he would doubt their intelligence.

Maury Dylan gestured to the housekeeper. He was a little tired and didn't want to talk.

The housekeeper said: "Miss Ye Shu, have you been feeling... lately?"

He told some of the symptoms that Ye Shu should have in the manual, and they were very accurate.

Ye Shu's expression gradually became surprised, and when he finished speaking, he blurted out: "You bribed the people around me to find out, right? I have seen a Chinese medicine doctor for this problem, and they said it is due to insufficient qi and blood, and a deficiency of yin and yang. Drinking Just take some Chinese medicine and it’ll be fine.”

The two foreigners didn't understand.

But they understood what Ye Shu said about traditional Chinese medicine.

The two faces suddenly fell.

Is the trump card useless?

What else are you playing with!

"You are really poisoned!" Maury Dylan gritted his teeth!

"Believe it or not, I don't believe it, you are the one who was poisoned." Ye Shu said.

It almost pissed Maurice Dylan off.

Hua Zhao looked at Maury Dylan's face and suddenly said: "Mr. Dylan, do you often have headaches, insomnia, and heart palpitations recently? Do you always wake up in the middle of the night? You have no energy during the day, you always feel sleepy, and you want to sleep but can't?" Especially when you are about to fall asleep, do you suddenly wake up?"

Maury Dylan's eyes widened as he looked at her, and she had hit the mark.

what happened?

"Because you were poisoned." Hua Zhao said.

Hey hey?

Maury Dylan and the housekeeper opened their eyes wide at the same time, looking at her in disbelief. When? what happened?

The air was silent for three seconds.

Just when Maury Dylan was about to let the bodyguard behind him take action at all costs, Hua Zhao suddenly laughed out loud: "Hahahaha! Do you really believe it? It's so funny. These are problems that a more powerful Chinese medicine doctor can see. You don’t even know.”

The two looked confused.

Ye Shu explained sarcastically from the side: "Traditional Chinese medicine, have you ever heard of looking, hearing, asking, and checking? Just by looking at your face, you can tell whether you have any disease or not!"

"You must have asked a Chinese medicine doctor to look at my face, tell me my symptoms, and then deceive me!

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, you are very smart, you actually want to get the benefits of using a fictitious antidote?

"Mr. Maury Dillon, no wonder your family was so rich in the first place. It turned out that they were doing business without a business! Now they are in such a big mess that they deserve to be over."

Ye Shu was so embarrassed that both Maury Dylan and the housekeeper turned green.

Don't tell me, after hearing this, Ye Shu said it was really a good idea.

However, this time they were really wronged!

"You're so poisoned!" shouted Maury Dillon.

Ye Shu spread his hands and said, "Prove it to me. You said I was poisoned and I said you were poisoned."

How do you prove this? Put poison on someone else for her to see?


I can only detoxify it and show it to her.

Maury Dillon yelled, "Get the antidote!"

The housekeeper is also very angry. I don't know why, but he has been very easy to get angry recently, and his temper will get angry at the smallest things.

Maybe it's because the Dylan family is in a life-or-death situation.

Now that he was being ridiculed by two women, he was also excited. He took out his phone and notified the bodyguard to bring over the antidote.

After saying that, his mind was agitated and he felt a little regretful.

But after thinking about it, the antidote will have to be taken out sooner or later. If I take it now, I won't just give it to the other party.

"I don't care if you believe it or not, you are going to die anyway." Maury Dillon said: "If you want the antidote, you have to agree to my mission and rescue both O'Neill and Susanna!"

Ye Shu found a chair and sat down comfortably.

"Do you really think I'm a fool? Give me a bottle of VC, tell me you've detoxified me, and let us release him. Do you think I look like a congenital fool?" Ye Shu said.

"You are really poisoned... I really have an antidote..." Maury Dylan felt so tired that he was going to be angry to death.

But he finally confirmed one thing: "As expected, it was you who harmed O'Neill and Susanna!"

"No." Hua Zhao shook his head: "O'Neal himself said that he killed eight people. What does it have to do with me? I didn't know him at that time. I didn't expect him to be such a person. It's too scary."

Maury Dylan choked.

"As for Susanna, she is a bad gambler herself, and she can't blame me." Hua Zhao said: "I will never take care of loan sharks at any time. I can't borrow money to gamble. It's not like I don't have money... I lose if I lose. Not finished.”

Really, so irritating.

Maury Dillon felt like he was out of breath.

Of course it's true that he was poisoned...

Hua Zhao's eyes were on the two bodyguards who walked through the door.

They worked hard and wasted so much time just for the sake of the backpacks behind them.

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