Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1554 Can she know magic?

Both bodyguards were actually carrying backpacks with a bunch of bottles and cans written with letter numbers.

Hua Zhao knew all the mercenaries ambushing around the villa.

They were even searched.

She had already searched these two people with extremely thin vines. She knew what was inside the backpack, but she didn't know which one was the antidote.

Otherwise it would have been stolen long ago!

Then put Maury Dylan "kakaka"! Put it in a bag and give it to Xiang Qian.

But no.

Now we still need to test Maury Dylan to see which one is the real antidote.

Maury Dylan personally took the two backpacks, opened them to show Hua Zhao and Ye Shu the bottles and jars inside, then zipped them up and returned them to the bodyguards.

"The antidote is here. If you let O'Neill and Susanna go, I will give you the antidote." Maury Dillon said.

Ye Shu looked at him speechlessly and rolled his eyes: "Don't you understand people? I told you I don't believe it anymore."

Maury Dylan was also very powerless and asked: "What do you have to do to convince yourself?"

"Give me the antidote and I'll take it for testing." Ye Shu said.

"You let them go first."

"Give me the antidote first."

"Let the people go first."

"The antidote first."

Maury Dylan couldn't afford to be hurt, so he said feebly: "Give the person one hand and the antidote in the other."

Hua Zhao said: "Give us some of the antidote first, and I will take it for testing. I will release you only after it is proven to be true.

"Stop arguing, otherwise we'll just wait to collect the bodies of your children."

Maury Dylan raised his eyes and glared at her: "Why? We have no grievances. You saved O'Neill, and O'Neill also saved you..."

"Susanna is so annoying. She actually wants to plot against me behind my back." Hua Zhao said, "I just went to the nightclub to find a wild man. She also wanted to drag us into trouble. If I didn't teach her a lesson, she thought I was easy to bully."

Maury Dylan and the housekeeper were stunned. That's it?

But this is indeed something Susanna can do. She has always disliked this Miss Fang. When she called home to ask for help, she wasted half of her time saying bad things about Miss Fang.

He also asked O'Neill to capture Miss Fang and replace her.

This sentence is not that Hua Zhao wronged Susanna. Every time Susanna went to the nightclub, Hua Zhao sent someone to follow her, and then discovered the situation.

Susanna found several people who claimed to be elder brothers, and they were trying their best to "sell" Hua Zhao. He was young, beautiful, rich, and had nothing in his family. He was just a nouveau riche who won the lottery and had no power.

He talks like a 200-pound fat sheep.

Many people with bad intentions were really moved and came out to inquire about Hua Zhao and Ye Shu.

Some roads were not hard, and they withdrew when they saw the bodyguard next to Hua Zhao.

But four or five bodyguards can't stop a tough guy.

I don't know how many people in Hong Kong City are staring at Hua Zhao and Ye Shu now, waiting for them to be alone.

"Miss Fang, my little girl is ignorant. I apologize to you on her behalf. You can make any compensation you want, but please keep her alive."

Maury Dillon said: "And O'Neal, he is innocent, please save him."

"Do you want to exchange their lives for an empty bottle, or simply a bottle of poison?" Hua Zhao sat down and looked at him: "I don't think you are sincere at all. You just want your two children to die. Old If the old ones don’t go and new ones don’t come, do you plan to have a few more?”

Maury Dylan was so angry that his brain was congested, and he felt that Hua Zhao was poking at his Achilles heel.

If he could still have another child, he wouldn't be so humble and begging her for a little girl now!

But when it came to this, he had no other choice. It seemed that the other party had given up on the rabbit.

"Bring the bag." He called a bodyguard, took the backpack in his hand, took out two bottles from a pile and looked at them.

"The two complement each other. One is the poison and the other is the antidote. It doesn't necessarily mean which one." Maury Dillon said.

So he had to take out two bottles, otherwise it would be poison when tested.

He also had to expose another thing....

"Oh~~" Hua Zhao suddenly realized: "So if my sister was really poisoned, it was you who poisoned her!! You still dare to come to your door with the antidote to make terms!"

Maury Dylan clutched the two bottles tightly: "Don't say anything else. Now we are exchanging Ye Shu's life for the lives of the two of them. If you want to change, you can do it. If you don't, we will die together!"

His expression was fierce.

If Hua Zhao does not agree to the exchange today, no one will be able to leave this villa!

Mercenaries can carry large thermal weapons and can directly level the villa to the ground outside!

But he still wants to live if he can live.

Hua Zhao looked angry: "Of course my sister's life is worth more than the two miserable lives of your children! Bring me the antidote!"

Maury Dylan is angry, no one has ever dared to say that about him!

But now, the tiger has been bullied by the dog!

The housekeeper was also very angry. The two of them shook their hands and poured two bottles of antidote and poison into small blank bottles, and handed them to Hua Zhao for testing.

Keep packing the rest and give it to the bodyguard.

Hua Zhao took the bottle and asked casually: "Assuming that what you brought out is real, how can I detoxify my sister? Orally or by injection? How much at a time? How many days will it take?"

This was originally a question that should not be told to her easily, but Maury Dylan was restless now and said irritably:

"Drink one ml at a time. She used 50 ml of poison, so she has to drink 50 ml of antidote."

The poison that was put into Ye Shu's body lotion was almost 50 ml.

This is what the medicine instructions say. The amount used for poisoning is the same as the amount used for detoxification. It must be exactly the same, otherwise the balance point is exceeded and the antidote becomes poison.

Hua Zhao frowned, this is actually not easy to handle.

Because when Ye Shu was poisoned, he did not drink it, but penetrated through the skin. It is difficult to calculate how many milliliters he drank.

Also, the original body lotion has not been completely used up, and it is difficult to calculate how many milliliters are left.

Maury Dylan had a gloomy face, but his eyes were filled with joy.

Of course he also knows this, and he also knows that the balance point is difficult to break.

But this is what he wants!

When the time comes, Ye Shu will die if he eats more!

It can be regarded as a release of the bad anger in his heart.

What about Su Zhe? Since she doesn’t admit it, she shouldn’t admit it.

If it was really just an unlucky child who looked like Su Zhe, then she deserved to die!

Through his expression, Hua Zhao could guess everything.

The most important thing is that the two bottles of medicine in hand are probably correct.

Then he is useless.

Hua Zhao suddenly threw the tea cup on the table in a bad temper, and the aroma of tea spread out.

Just when Maury Dylan was about to ask her what she was dissatisfied with, Ichika was in front of him. He felt happy, and just when he was about to shout, his eyesight turned dark.

The dozen or so bodyguards behind him had strong physical fitness and stronger drug resistance, but they were not stronger for a second. As soon as their hands touched the guns, they all fell to the ground.

Xiang Qian, who was watching the excitement on the sidelines, was dumbfounded. What happened?

Can Hua Zhao know magic?

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