Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1560 A rare timidity

Hua Zhao shook his head: "I didn't say that she had a good life...but the news that was sent back before was not like this.

"She gave birth to a son, and she is capable and can help the man in his career. She is very respected. Who knows what life is like inside." Hua Zhaodao.

Upon hearing this, Ye Dan found a rich boss and gave birth to a son. Everyone thought they were living a good life.

As a result, he was shouted around and seemed to have little status.

Ye Shu shook his head: "She found it all by herself. Although her life was so good, she was not greedy enough."

Ms. Ye's family has a decent job, a husband, and children. If she works hard enough, she will have a house and a car. The family will be responsible for all the children's expenses, including marriages. She has nothing to worry about.

Liu Yuegui was extremely satisfied.

As a result, Ye Dan was obviously not satisfied and ended up like this.

The boy returned to Ye Dan's table and started fighting with the little boy again.

Hua Zhao saw him pinch the little boy secretly under the table, and the little boy suddenly started crying.

It was so noisy that no one at the table could eat, and people around him looked over frequently.

The man scolded Ye Dan dissatisfiedly, cursed and couldn't eat anymore.

The other two people at the table stood up.

The man quickly apologized and everyone at the table left.

Hua Zhao heard the two talking about leather jackets and bread and walked away.

When passing by, the boy glanced at Hua Zhao and Ye Shu again, but Zhang Guilan stared back rudely.

The boy was not afraid at all, and made a face at Zhang Guilan with a playful smile before leaving.

"Who is this! Why are you so annoying! How old are you? Are you an adult? You only know how to look at beautiful women." Zhang Guilan muttered in anger.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu didn't say who they were before, so she didn't recognize them.

"Ye Dan." Hua Zhao said.

"Ah?" Zhang Guilan was suddenly surprised and quickly stood up and looked at Ye Dan's back.

She was seen holding the little boy and following the potbellied man, quietly like a nanny.

Just in time to see the big boy reach out and pinch Ye Dan's butt.

Ye Dan just glared at him and moved away, but did not hit or scold him.

It seems that this kind of thing has become very common.

"This, this, this, this!" Zhang Guilan was shocked.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu also saw it and were speechless.

This day is really bad.

"Hey." Zhang Guilan finally sighed and let it go.

It's none of her business.

She returned to the table to eat with the two of them.

Pengcheng is neither cold nor hot in winter, and the wind from the seaside is very pleasant without catching the cold air.

Breathing the sea breeze, drinking beer, and eating seafood, it’s such a tiring day.

It would be even better if I could have a grandchild now.

Zhang Guilan asked Hua Zhao: "How is the matter with Dawei's rotten peach blossom?"

She left early before, and she didn't know that Wang Feifei would chop off her own hands and frame Dawei later.

Hua Zhao told her.

Zhang Guilan was immediately frightened. Before, she thought Wang Feifei was a good daughter-in-law candidate.

"It's true that people are separated from each other... Mom's vision is not as good as yours. I will have to trouble you to keep an eye on Dawei's marriage in the future." Zhang Guilan said.

"The palm eye is definitely good at palm eye, but he has to rely on himself to find a partner." Hua Zhao said.

"Okay, okay, okay, I know what's wrong with you, I don't need you to find a partner for him." Zhang Guilan said.

It's really not a good job to introduce a partner to others. She still regrets it occasionally. If she hadn't been forced to marry Liu Xiangqian, she doesn't know what her life would be like now.

Thinking of this, she thought of that rotten Liu Xiangqian.

"What are they doing now? Didn't they go to the capital to find me?" Zhang Guilan asked.

Liu Xiangqian knew that she was in a small courtyard house in the capital, and even knew the previous location of the Ye family, so he could really find it if he was anxious.

With Hua Zhao's current status, if the other party comes, she can't just beat him out.

The identity of the biological father of younger siblings is really embarrassing.

"I haven't returned to the capital yet. I had some matters in the port city before. They wouldn't pass on such trivial matters to me," Hua Zhao said.

Widow Zhu and her family have all gone in. Without them to tie their legs, it’s hard to say how long Liu Xiangqian and Mrs. Liu, Old Man Liu and Liu Cong can stay in their hometown.

"Oh, let's not mention these troublesome things. I see that Xiao Shu looks good. Has he recovered?" Zhang Guilan asked.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine, I'm so happy!" Ye Shu said.

She felt like she was surviving a disaster, everything she saw was pleasing to the eye and she was happy.

Thinking of Yao Kun, I am no longer angry.

I started to pity him.

"Now that I think about what I have done before, I feel that it is too much... When will he come over? I want to apologize to him properly, and the divorce matter, can we put it on hold?" Ye Shu asked Dao Hua Zhao.

"The company's insiders haven't been found out yet. What kind of connections did they use, from contract to production, to deceive Yao Kun, you and me? We need to find out." Hua Zhao said: "Otherwise the same thing happened. It will happen again."

Ye Shu nodded, making money is still more important, husband can see you in a few days...

The three of them were sitting on the beach, chatting all over the place, banging their hammers here and there, talking about whatever came to mind.

Except for Ye Shu who couldn't drink, Hua Zhaodu drank a few bottles of beer and enjoyed the rare comfort.

On this day, a few people were resting on the shore.

When he got up the next day, Ye Shu took Hua Zhao shopping again.

This time she wants to buy some specialties and bring them back to the capital, or even to country M.

After the poison on her body was cured, if Yao Kun still couldn't come back, she would go find him.

She had to go home. She really wanted to see him now and repair her relationship with him.

Hua Zhao wants to buy even more things.

There are many good things along the coast now that will never be available again.

She can collect wild large yellow croaker, large abalone, various precious fish maws, and medicinal seahorses.

There are many things that you won’t be able to buy even if you have money in the future.

Moreover, her space can be kept fresh, so Hua Zhao began to raid major docks.

When I see them, I buy them by the boatload.

She not only buys wild large yellow croaker, but also other aquatic products, including large crabs, sea shrimps, and all kinds of seafood.

After all, the quality of sea water now is better than it was a few decades ago, and things are fresher.

Hua Zhao didn't mind the stench of the port either, so he stayed there for a whole day, picking up any fishing boats he liked and sending them to the designated port.

There, she has a large warehouse, and there are familiar fishermen on call to help her pack the seafood and store it in storage.

Huazhao then shipped some out in the name of distributing it to various restaurants and food factories.

The rest has gone into space~

She basically does it herself, and no one will notice.

Ye Shu was impatient to hang out with her at the dock, and the two of them had already separated.

Her health is getting better and better, and the number of bodyguards around her has doubled, so Hua Zhao can rest assured that she will go shopping alone.

On this day, the warehouse was full again, so Hua Zhao came over to do some operations.

She saw someone waiting for her at the door of the warehouse.

The look of two fishermen.

As soon as he walked into Hua Zhao, he recognized her as Fang Haixing's brother and sister-in-law.

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