Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1561 Are you still alive?

Hua Zhao was now in disguise, so the two of them didn't recognize her.

Until Hua Zhao took off his glasses and greeted them with a smile: "Uncle Fang, Auntie."

Only then did the two fishermen, who were quite young, looked at her.

The old man recognized it first: "It's really you! Brother Hua's granddaughter! It was you who took Haixing away in the first place!"

"It's me." Hua Zhao said, "When you wanted to find a wife-beater for Fang Haixing to sell to her, she didn't want to get married and wanted to die, so I took her away."

Fang Haixing's eldest brother Fang Dahai suddenly turned red and couldn't raise his head.

His wife said, "We didn't ask for much betrothal gift after we sold her. I just wanted to find a place for her. She has a man, has another child, has a home, and someone will take care of her when she gets old. What's wrong with that?" "

She still feels that she is righteous and has done nothing wrong.

Although she has selfish motives and doesn't want her or her son to provide for Fang Haixing in old age, is she right?

Fang Haixing is her sister-in-law, not her mother! Why should she provide for her in old age? !

"Then can you be more serious and find a good person for her? Even if it's not a good person, it's still a human being!

"What's that guy's name? Did he marry another wife later? How is his wife now?" Hua Zhao asked.

She still remembers the fierce look on that man's face. This kind of man would not treat his wife well.

Fang Dahai, who had been brainwashed by his wife, lowered his head again when he heard this.

Later, Zhang Lezi did spend money to buy a daughter-in-law elsewhere. She was quite young, in her 20s, and her family was greedy for a gift of 1,000 yuan, so they sold her to Zhang Lezi.

The little girl was young and high-spirited. She couldn't survive the days when Zhang Laizi beat and scolded her every day, so she started fighting with him.

Unfortunately, he couldn't beat him, so he had one arm and one leg broken and was tied up in the house.

After a few months of silence, he was released.

There is no work in Shuan's house. Zhang Leizi bought a woman who would not only warm the bed, but also work for him.

The woman seemed to be honest and stopped fighting, and worked for Zhang Lezi like an old scalper.

One day, he ate puffer fish and was poisoned to death.

It is said that he made the puffer fish himself...but she was not allowed to serve it on the table, so she didn't eat it and escaped.

But people around me don't believe it, because no one in their area eats puffer fish. Although they heard that it tastes good, they still have better lives.

You can eat fish at any time. If you get tired of eating it, no one will risk their lives to eat puffer fish.

Also, how could Zhang Laizi cook for himself?

However, no matter how many trials were conducted, nothing came out. The woman refused to admit it and there was no other evidence. In the end, it was just an accident.

The woman was eventually let go.

Hua Zhao listened to Zhang Cuihua's hesitant words, took a long breath, and said loudly: "Okay!"

Zhang Cuihua rolled her eyes immediately. She was somewhat related to Zhang Lezi.

"What are you doing here?" Hua Zhao asked.

Fang Dahai raised his head and said, "Where is my sister? Is she okay? Where did you take her? I want to see her."

"What are you doing? Zhang Laizi is dead, and Li Laizi and Wang Laizi appear again? Are you planning to sell people again?" Hua Zhao said.

Fang Dahai's face turned red and he said, "You misunderstood. I definitely didn't mean to sell my sister. It's all my mother-in-law's fault!"

He glared hard at Zhang Cuihua.

Zhang Cuihua did take advantage of his absence at sea to cause trouble on her own.

If Fang Dahai was at home, she would know that this would most likely not happen.

"I just want to see her. I haven't seen her for so many years. I don't know how she is doing or how she is doing." Fang Dahai glanced at Hua Zhao and said, "Nowhere is as good as my own home. She is not young anymore. You have to find a home of your own, otherwise what will you do when you get old? No one will know if you die in the house."

"I still have to marry her," Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Cuihua couldn't help it anymore: "A woman must have a man and a family. It's easy for her now that she's over 40, but it'll be even harder to find one when she's over 50! Are you going to provide for her in her old age?"

"It turns out I'm still afraid of this." Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Cuihua seemed to be afraid that she would die and provide for Fang Haixing in her old age, and that Fang Haixing would end up alone and go back to find her son to provide for her in her old age.

Fang Dahai probably didn't think so. He really wanted to see his sister.

"Whether she wants to get married or not depends entirely on her own will. I want to see her now. I haven't seen her for so many years. Where is she?" He raised his head and looked at Hua Zhao, letting go and becoming tough.

Hua Zhao took people away for so many years and disappeared without a trace!

If you want to see people alive, you want to see their corpses if they die! Is his sister still there?

If Hua Zhao had harmed someone...he would risk his life to seek justice for his sister!

His momentum made Hua Zhao nod, he looked like an older brother.

"I'll call her and ask her opinion if she wants to see you." Hua Zhao said.

This is Fang Haixing's family. It's up to her to decide whether to see her or not, and she won't care.

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone directly from his pocket and called his home in Jingcheng.

The person who answered the phone was Fang Haixing.

"Aunt Fang, I saw your eldest brother and sister-in-law. They are asking for news about you and want to meet you." Hua Zhao said.

The other nannies in the family are "sisters-in-law", Sister-in-law Li and Sister-in-law Wang.

Aunt Fang was also Sister-in-law Fang before, but since she was promoted to housekeeper, she became Aunt Fang.

Fang Haixing's hand tightened on the phone, and she suddenly remembered the scene when she left her eldest brother's house.

Her life changed dramatically on that day.

She was grateful to Hua Qiang and Hua Zhao for saving her that day and changing her life.

But that didn't mean she forgot the despair that day.

And that despair was brought to her by her sister-in-law.

"Is my eldest brother okay?" she asked.

"He seems pretty good and cares about you. Do you want to say a few words to him?" Hua Zhao asked.

Fang Haixing immediately said: "Okay, I'll have a few words with him."

I met my eldest sister-in-law later, and I have known my eldest brother since birth. We are siblings from the same mother and are connected by blood.

The eldest brother didn't sell her out before, and Fang Haixing also missed this eldest brother.

But when she entered Hua Zhao's house, she was very busy and had no time at all, and she didn't want to go back to see him.

Fang Dahai held the Big Brother clumsily and carefully, still a little confused.

Then I heard Fang Haixing's voice coming from inside: "Brother."

Although the voice has changed a bit, it is indeed Fang Haixing's and has that flavor.

Fang Dahai suddenly became excited: "Haixing, you are still alive!"

Hua Zhao...

Fang Haixing.....

However, both of them could understand his worries. In this era, women were sold casually to the mountains or anywhere, and then somehow disappeared, and there were a lot of them.

Fang Haixing was also a little moved, and the two started chatting on the phone.

Hua Zhao had no time to listen. She walked into the cold storage and arranged the whereabouts of various seafood.

Suddenly, Jian Bai's phone call came to mind.

Now Hua Zhao's bodyguards are as big as one man.

Jian Bai's expression changed after hearing a few words, and he hurried in to find Hua Zhao.

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