Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1562: Tearing up votes

Hua Zhao already knew what was said on the phone, she had a good ear.

The Zhou family called to inquire about the whereabouts of Mr. Zhou and Zhou Wenxuan. Not only did the two fail to return home at the specified time, they also lost contact.

The Zhou family suspected that she had kidnapped someone and were clamoring for her to return him. They had already reported the crime in Hong Kong City and would soon come to the mainland to report the crime.

Hua Zhao must be brought to justice!

"Who are you?" Hua Zhao asked holding the big brother.

The man's voice on the other side of the phone paused, and then said: "I am Zhou Wenxuan's uncle, Zhou Zhida! Please let my father and nephew go! Otherwise, our Zhou family will not let you go! No matter what, I, I, I’ll make you pay with your life!”

"How arrogant." Hua Zhao said: "Is this what you, a family member of a meat dealer, should say? Shouldn't you first ask how much the ransom is, and then kneel down and beg for his release? And finally, the threat?"

Good guy, he didn't take the first two steps and just beat the kidnapper to death.

"You're expecting me to vote, right?" Hua Zhao said.

On the other side of the phone, the man's breathing suddenly became heavier.

A few seconds later he screamed: "It was you who kidnapped my father and nephew! You're done! The police are on the way!"

"I didn't, you framed me." Hua Zhao said calmly.

"You just said you were going to tear up the vote! My phone call was recorded! I recorded it all!" He said proudly.

The sound was surprising.

Hua Zhao narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I mean tearing up train tickets, what? No? I have a hobby. I like to tear up train tickets when I have nothing to do. Do you have any opinion?"

There was no sound on the phone again.

"Don't quibble!..."

Hua Zhao reached out and hung up the phone and said to Jian Bai, "There is something wrong with this person. He might have tied him up."

Jian Bai was stunned.

"It's definitely not me anyway." Hua Zhao said: "His voice was nervous, excited and was impossible to hide it."

"Wealthy families are ruthless," she sighed.

You don't need to read the newspapers, just read the history books and you will know that for the sake of profit, there are many people who kill their fathers and their children, and this has been passed down for five thousand years.

How can ordinary people endure things that even emperors couldn't bear? Not a saint.

Jian Bai wasn't surprised anymore, because it really wasn't them.

"What now?" he asked.

"Didn't the other party call the police? If it makes a big fuss, investigate carefully and let him shoot himself in the foot!" Hua Zhao said angrily.

She was angry.

After finally choosing someone she liked to cooperate with, she even showed him his background and worked on thirteen moves, but the person was gone.

She was busy in vain.

He was also given a shit basin.

She is not a saint, of course she is angry!

"I heard that this person still holds 10% of Zhouji's shares?" Hua Zhao said, "Very good, I want it."

She immediately took action and contacted Ye Shen's deputy and asked him to investigate the whereabouts of the Zhou family's grandfather and grandson in the past few days.

Where did the person disappear and how did he disappear?

Ye Shen's people are very easy to use, especially for this kind of thing.

The news quickly spread back.

Zhou Ji's grandfather and grandson were inspecting the mainland's jewelry market these two days, and they met a big boss in the local jewelry business and asked them to cooperate.

The two disappeared while having dinner together last night.

The taxi driver said that they had been taken to a seaside hotel. The waiter at the hotel said that the two people were picked up by a boat as soon as they arrived, and that they were going to a fisherman's house to eat authentic private cuisine.

The people got on the boat and disappeared over the sea.

The clue ends here.

And no one knows who the so-called skilled jeweler is.

It is questionable whether it is a jeweler or not.

Zhou Zhida actually called the police, and the police came to Hua Zhao as a routine matter.

But when it comes to Hua Zhao kidnapping a grandson and grandson, they don't believe anything they say.

There is no reason!

Moreover, it is true that Hua Zhao did not have time to commit the crime.

The police withdrew and changed directions to continue the investigation.

A wealthy businessman from Hong Kong City disappeared in Pengcheng. Now it has been in the newspapers. The impact is very bad and they are under great pressure.

Hua Zhao is now sitting on the yacht, which is parked next to the hotel where the Zhou family's grandfather and grandson were last seen.

This is a seaside hotel with its own small pier and one or two small boats parked there. Sometimes it takes diners to go fishing or sightseeing.

Hua Zhao's yacht was floating around here, and then he called all the seaweed here to check the memory...

Pengcheng is her base camp. Over the years, she has put down and propagated countless seaweeds by herself.

Many people are surprised why the seagrass in Pengcheng's coastal waters is so lush.

But it was just an accident. No one investigated, and the investigation could not find anything.

Hua Zhao was lying on the side of the boat, swinging his hands in the water, looking very leisurely.

Ye Shu sighed beside him: "I think that Zhou Wenxuan is quite pleasing to the eye, but when I see your face, he is still thinking about doing business... It is a pity that such a rare businessman is gone like this."

After this happened, she was no longer in the mood to buy specialties and came back to accompany Hua Zhao.

"Do you think they are in danger?" Hua Zhao said.

"If it's like you said, Zhou Zhida did it, then it's for sure." Ye Shu said: "What he wants is all the family property, not the ransom. The ransom is already in his pocket. To be on the safe side, he must be caught." Seize the ticket immediately after arriving.

"What are you keeping for? Are you keeping it to give them time to escape and let his plan fail?"

Hua Zhao nodded, Ye Shu was right.

Any rational person would do this. The purpose is not to kidnap, but to kill.

A day and a night have passed now, and maybe the two of them have been put into an iron cage and sunk into the sea together with the stones.

This kind of thing was not unheard of in my previous life.

Even at this moment, it is happening in every corner of the world.

Human nature...

Hua Zhao sighed, she and Ye Shu had the same idea.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

Finally, a piece of seaweed brought a different memory.

She saw a fishing boat with several men on it.

Because it was night, I couldn't see clearly, but the man in a suit and leather suit was obviously not a fisherman.

Moreover, Hua Zhao recognized that he looked very similar to Zhou Ji’s grandfather and grandson.

The fishing boat disappeared from the sight of the seaweed.

They are just seaweeds. They drift with the current and will not follow the boat when they see it.

That's what seaweed specially cultivated for fishing for parallel imports can do.

"Take me to the water where you saw them and go in the direction where they disappeared." Hua Zhao gave the order.

Then he suddenly got up and went to sail the boat by himself.

The movement was a bit fierce, causing Ye Shu to jump.

"What?" she asked strangely.

"If you feel depressed, let's sail the boat and take a walk." Hua Zhao said, "You can't let the cool breeze blow. Come into the cabin quickly."

"Oh." Ye Shu also felt quite depressed and didn't want to stay outside and look at the dark sea.

I don’t know how many lives have been lost in this vast sea. It’s scary to think about it!

Hua Zhao personally sailed the boat and chose a direction to move forward. Soon he reached the position where the large water plants saw the boat.

She chased for a while and then stopped.

The last line of sight was here, and it would be inaccurate to follow the direction any further.

They are too stupid to "guess" and "judge" the ship's next direction.

Hua Zhao parked the boat here and called out to the water plants floating around...

Soon, there will be a relay of new aquatic plants...

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