Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1573 How did you become like this?

When she arrived at the train station, she quickly found her elder brother, sister-in-law, and several nephews.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law are still the same as before, only a little older. They are still wearing the same clothes as before, even made by her.

The nephews are older. They were young men before, but now they are men.

As for her three nieces and nephews, she has never met them.

Not to mention a few children.

The older one is three or four years old, and the younger one is still holding her in her arms, looking so cute.

Fang Haixing suddenly laughed, walked over quickly, and reached out to hug the youngest.

"Whose baby is this? Why is it so cute?" she asked with a smile.

The woman holding the child hid her hand. Why are these people in this city so familiar?

The Fang family all frowned and looked at her, who is it?

Seeing their unfamiliar expressions, Fang Haixing was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses.

She smiled again.

As a result of years of training, the smile is unconsciously elegant.

"Brother and sister-in-law, the warehouse is full, the iron boats, and the fish schools, long time no see." Fang Haixing said.

Shi Yang, who was standing behind her, couldn't help but tremble at the corner of his mouth as he looked at Fang Haixing's nephews.

Full of warehouses, iron boats, and schools of fish?

It really represents the best wishes of the fishermen.

On the other hand, several people from the Fang family were stunned.

Who is this elegant and generous woman? Why can you call them by name?

Big brother and sister-in-law?

Zhang Cuihua's eyes widened. She had some guesses, but she couldn't believe it.

It's still Fang Dahai. After all, he grew up with his sister, and he still remembers her appearance when she was young and at her most beautiful.

But even then, it couldn’t be compared with now!

Their temperament is incomparable, they are like two people in heaven and earth.

"You, are you a starfish?" Fang Dahai asked.

"It's me, brother." Fang Haixing smiled.

Fang Dahai didn't dare to admit it.

Zhang Cuihua exclaimed and rushed over to hold Fang Haixing's hand: "Are you a starfish? Oh! How can you be a starfish? How did you become like this?"

The voice was shrill.

There seemed to be something strange in the surprise, a sour smell.

The Fang Haixing in front of her really made her heart sour.

She is no longer the dark, thin, skinny, skinny, and dull-looking woman she used to be.

She has fair and plump skin, willow eyebrows, big eyes, and long hair neatly coiled, delicate and beautiful.

Wearing a cashmere coat, half-length leather boots, and a noble temperament, she looked like a rich lady.

Where is the slightest trace of Fang Haixing?

Looking at herself, she didn't need to look in the mirror to know how miserable she was now, and her appearance was not much better than when Fang Haixing left home.

"How did you become like this?" Zhang Cuihua asked again.

Fang Haixing did not answer the question. Instead, he looked at the children and said, "It's cold and the children are still young. Stop talking here and leave quickly."

"Hey, hey." Fang Dahai finally came to his senses and agreed.

The faces of the nieces and nephews were full of surprise.

I had only heard that the man had an aunt who had been away from home for many years and had no news of her.

Not long ago, I suddenly heard that I had found someone working in the capital.

The elder sister-in-law recently encouraged the whole family to come to the capital to have a look. If the other party does well, they can join in the fun.

If you don't get along well, then it's just a trip to the capital.

She had never been far away in her life, and she couldn't move anymore, even if she wanted to go.

Fang Dahai couldn't refuse the last reason. Several children also wanted to visit the capital.

They just came.

I didn't expect the surprise to be so big.

How could my aunt be doing so well with her arrogance? It was a great mix!

Their hearts instantly became hot.

After leaving the train station gate, I was blown by the old north wind and cooled down.

But when they saw a shiny, high-end car parked in front of them, waiting for them to get in, the flames roared up again, almost breaking through the Tianling Cap.

"The boss's car was specially lent to me when he knew my family was coming." Fang Haixing said, "I, a nanny, can't afford such a good car, which costs hundreds of thousands."

She is no longer the Fang Haixing she used to be. Her ability to observe words and emotions was something Hua Zhao had specially taught her.

The fire in the Fang family's eyes suddenly extinguished.

Fang Haixing asked her nieces and nephews to get into the car with her while holding their children.

As for the eldest brother, sister-in-law and several nephews, they took a van to follow them.

Shi Yang drove the car directly to the guest house where the two had discussed on the road.

It's cheap and hygienic, and it's an internal guest house. It's basically not open to the public. Of course, acquaintances can stay there, and it's very cost-effective.

A room only costs 2 yuan a day.

60 yuan a month.

A little less than a person's monthly salary....

Moreover, Fang Haixing now wants to book 4 rooms.

Twitching in distress.

Fortunately, this was her brother and nephew, so she could just persuade herself.

"You have traveled thousands of miles by train for two days before coming here. You should rest first. I will find time to come over and see you tomorrow." Fang Haixing said.

Zhang Cuihua was both satisfied and disappointed that she took them to stay in a hotel.

She wouldn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point: "Haixing, you've made a lot of money over the years, right? Haven't you bought a house in the capital to settle down?"

"No, houses in Beijing are very expensive, 1,800 yuan per square meter. I can't afford it," Fang Haixing said.

She's not a fool either...

Zhang Cuihua exclaimed: "Oh! Why is it so expensive! The house in my hometown only costs two to three hundred yuan per square meter!"

Their hometown is so poor that they don't even have commercial housing, but some people have transferred private houses, basically at this price.

Houses in the capital were so expensive, so she gave up the idea.

Fang Haixing really can't afford it. What kind of nanny can earn over 100,000 yuan in just a few years? Do you also serve that kind at night?

That’s not worth it!

"Well, let's leave after dinner." Zhang Cuihua stayed.

Just as Fang Haixing was about to refuse, he saw her twinkling eyes and reacted.

It was a lie to let her eat, but it was true that she didn't eat.

She smiled and said: "I'll book a table for you in the restaurant. You can go down and eat later. I won't stay. Years ago, the boss's family was very busy. I haven't finished what I'm doing. I can't go back." "

"Then go ahead." Zhang Cuihua said with a smile on her face: "You come early tomorrow! Are you free in the morning?"

Fang Haixing smiled and said: "The guest house provides free breakfast in the morning. It doesn't cost any money. Remember to go down and eat. I'll probably be free at noon."

"Oh, it's so good. Then remember to come at noon and let's have a meal together." Zhang Cuihua said with a smile.

"Okay." Fang Haixing smiled and left.

Fang Dahai didn't even have time to say a word. He was a little dissatisfied and said: "I heard you yelling. It's just eating, eating, eating. Isn't it just a meal? You are also plotting."

"Houses in the capital cost 1,800 per square meter! A meal can't cost 180? Can you afford it?" Zhang Cuihua asked.

Fang Dahai frowned: "Then we can't let Haixing spend money. How much money can she make as a nanny? It's not easy."

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