Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1574 The person you don’t want to see

When Fang Haixing returned home, Hua Zhao walked over and asked her, "Did you pick up someone? How was it?"

"It's all good." Fang Haixing smiled.

Hua Zhao looked at her smile and felt relieved.

No matter what Fang Dahai and his family want to do when they suddenly come here, Fang Haixing can handle it now.

"It's still early for the Chinese New Year, and there aren't many things to do. You should arrange your time. When they need to go out, they can go shopping. When they need to help, they can help. It's no problem with some small things." Hua Zhao said.

The arrangements are small and require less favors. The casual things are really not troublesome.

She is not the kind of person who stays away from relatives and friends when she becomes prosperous, for fear that others will take advantage of her.

She gives all the benefits that should be given to her family.

Dawei's job was arranged by her...

If Xiaowei, Daqin, and Xiaoqin want to come later, she will arrange it.

As he said this, he saw Dawei and Daqin walking over.

If the two of us were not busy before the New Year, we would just buy some New Year's goods and we would be fine, so we came here to help.

When Daqin saw Hua Zhao, he asked, "When will mom come back?"

She hadn't seen her mother for a long time, she thought.

She is still a teenage girl after all.

Hua Zhao said with a smile: "I asked her to go back to the capital with me before, but she said she was too busy with business and wanted to earn gifts and dowry for you."

Daqin's face suddenly turned red and he whispered: "I don't want so many colorful gifts, just be like ordinary people. There are too many and it's too ostentatious."

"Huh? The girl has grown up." Hua Zhao said with a smile: "I have begun to seriously consider the issue of bride price. I asked you before, but you wouldn't get married if you opened your mouth! What's wrong? Is there a boy you like in school?"

"No!" Daqin said immediately.

Hua Zhao secretly observed her expression. This denial was serious, and it looked like it was true.

But that's not necessarily the case. Her eyes are watery and her face is red, and there seems to be something wrong.

Hua Zhao thought for a while and said, "It's okay if you're not a college classmate... If you have someone you like, don't start yet. Let me take a look first. We agreed before."

If it's a boy, just let her look at it after you decide.

As a girl, she has high demands. As soon as her heart is moved and before she starts taking action, she asks to take a look and check.

Daqin hesitated, without nodding or shaking her head. When she saw Hua Qiang coming out of the backyard, she ran to play with Hua Qiang.

When they were young, Hua Qiang took care of them for a while, and also gave them extra lessons, teaching them math and literacy.

Dawei, Xiaowei, Daqin and Xiaoqin also have deep feelings for Hua Qiang, wishing that he was their own grandfather.

Dawei greeted Hua Zhao and wanted to go find Hua Qiang, but Hua Zhao stopped him.

"Mom asked me to urge you to find a partner. Without Wang Feifei, there are others. You are over 20, so hurry up." Hua Zhao said.

Dawei had a bitter look on his face: "I don't want to find a partner right now...I don't even feel interested when I see those women."

This sentence is very scary.

"Don't! Don't be frightened all of a sudden!" This is nonsense!

"What's wrong?" Dawei asked strangely.

"Ahem, it's nothing. I mean, don't take detours in your thinking. There are many good women in the world. You can't stop getting married and stay single for the rest of your life just because you meet a bad one." Hua Zhaodao.

"Oh, I guess not. I just want to work hard and wait three or four years before getting married. It's not too late, right?" Dawei said.

He felt it was not too late.

The men in the Ye family all get married quite late, and there is one who is in his 40s who is not married. The living environment is relatively easy.

"I don't care, as long as you can convince mom." Hua Zhao said.

Dawei smiled and ran away.

He guessed that his mother had no time to care about her. She was addicted to making money now, and she was in Pengcheng all year round, so he was relatively free.


Dawei braked and walked back.

Then he pulled Hua Zhao to the corner and asked in a low voice: "You have been in Pengcheng for so many days this time. Have you ever talked to your mother about her own affairs? ... Does she have a boyfriend?"

Influenced by Hua Zhao, several younger brothers and sisters are very open-minded and do not want Zhang Guilan to die alone.

She is only in her 40s, and her life is still very long. It would be too lonely to go through it alone.

Just like now, she is doing business alone in Pengcheng, and they are all in the capital.

There was no one with her at all.

It’s no use even if you give birth to 5 children!

"She has the same idea as you." Hua Zhao spread his hands: "Or you two can convince each other."

Zhang Guilan's relationship experience has been more tortuous than Dawei's, and she is more afraid of bringing up relationships than Dawei.

To make her heart move, it all depends on fate.

"Forget it, I'm going to work." Dawei watched as several bodyguards went to the backyard with long feather dusters, and he followed.

I started sweeping away the dust so early.

Hua Zhao looked at his home. The children were all on winter vacation and were attending small classes. In the afternoon, they would go out together to buy their own New Year goods.

Don’t go anywhere else, just go to major shopping malls in Beijing.

Feel what it means to be crowded and what it means to be busy.

This kind of thing will never happen again in the future, it is a rare memory.

She had arranged for the photographers to take pictures at any time.

Leave beautiful memories of this era.

As for herself, she had to go fishing now, no, she had to go out to buy new year's goods.

She is in charge of blind shopping this year.... When she goes out for a walk, she buys whatever new and interesting things she sees~

It would be even better if he could be targeted by O'Neal.

But no, she drove around and nothing happened.

But thinking about it, she didn't drive out of the city and only walked around the second ring road.

O'Neal has yellow hair and green eyes. A wanted order has been issued and all streets have asked attention. He would only show up in the inner city if he was stupid.

He was stupid, and the people who rescued him would not let him come out to die.

Ye Ming previously sent back news that O'Neal was indeed rescued.

The car accident was also planned, and O'Neal was picked up as soon as he got out of the car.

Hua Zhao was thinking about things while driving, and the car drove to a familiar old place. When she looked up, she realized that she had arrived at the alley where the Ye family's old house was.

Then come down and have a look, I haven’t been back for a long time.

She is still very sentimental about this place. She has lived here for a long time, and her third and fourth children were all conceived here...

I don’t know where Ye Shen went and whether he can come back during the New Year.

As soon as he entered the alley, Hua Zhao stopped in his tracks.

She saw a few people she didn't want to see.

It seems a bit too late to turn around and leave now.

And why did she turn away?

Hua Zhao squinted his eyes and looked at several people.

The other party also saw her.

After a brief hesitation, Old Man Liu and Old Mrs. Liu rushed over.

I walked too fast and the road was slippery, so I fell down.

The two old men simply didn't get up and just crawled towards Hua Zhao.

Old man Liu cried while crawling: "I finally got to see you! Where is my grandson? I want to see my grandson!"

The old and sad voice sounded far away in the quiet alley, surprising a group of pigeons.

Hua Zhao suddenly heard the sound of "ding-dong-dang-dang" coming from several nearby yards.

Another neighbor came to watch the fun.

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