Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1575 Dig the hole and fill it yourself

It’s really the fun that I haven’t seen in a long time!

Everyone who opened the door and stood inside to check it out was very excited.

I haven’t seen the bustle of Huazhao’s family for several years!

I miss you so much!

Since they moved away, this alley seems deserted.

Day after day, year after year, it seems like it will never change.

Now the fun is coming again!

It's a pity that there are no melon seeds in my hand.

Hua Zhao sighed.

Either she had to move out of here before.

Although the few neighbors around here are considered respectable, for some reason they are all very gossipy.

What happened in her family spread throughout the circle within an hour, and they were indispensable.

Hua Zhao watched Old Mrs. Liu and Old Man Liu crawl up to her.

If the two of them want to sell out badly, they can sell it.

She looked at Liu Xiangqian and Liu Cong who were hiding behind and said, "Don't you know my mother's address? How did you find it here?"

Liu Xiangqian just glanced at her and didn't dare to look at her again. He lowered his head and hunched his shoulders, squatting at the door of Ye's house, and said in a muffled voice: "There is no one there."

Hua Zhao remembered that Dawei and Daqin went to her house to help during the holidays, Xiaoqin was still in class, and Xiaowei must have gone out to do business and were not at home.

General Tie held the door, but they couldn't find out anything, so they had to find someone somewhere else.

Liu Cong had tracked and discovered this place before and remembered it.

Unexpectedly, it was General Tie who guarded the door, and the neighbors also didn't know anything about it.

He obviously knew it but didn't tell them!

The Liu family had no choice but to wait at the door. Unexpectedly, Hua Zhaozhen came.

"What are you doing here?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I want to see my grandson, I miss my grandson!" Mrs. Liu cried as she rolled on the ground.

I can't do anything without rolling around, the ground is too cold.

It snowed a few days ago, and although it has been swept clean, the ground in the cold winter months knows who is lying on it.

So Hua Zhao smiled and asked them to lie down for a while.

"I remember that in Dawei's previous agreement with you, there was a condition that you were not allowed to come to the capital?" Hua Zhao asked.

She was in a trance and couldn't remember clearly.

The Liu family didn't hear it.

Old Mrs. Liu continued to roll: "I want to see my grandson! How can there be any reason in the world to prevent grandparents from seeing their grandchildren? You are not the king of heaven! I want to see my grandson!"

The neighbors behind the door were wondering who this man was and who their grandson was.

Anyone who knows Dawei can guess how many people signed the agreement before?

Hua Zhao wanted them to lie down for a while and find someone to chat with.

"Who is this? Liu Cong, your wife?" Hua Zhao asked Liu Cong, who was standing under the gate building to take shelter from the wind.

There was a woman huddled next to him, and two children standing behind them.

One is Liu Yue, and the other is an unknown little boy, only a few years old.

Unexpectedly, Hua Zhao would ask him such a thing. Liu Cong was very excited and immediately said: "Yes, this is my wife, and this is my youngest son!"

"How old are you?" Hua Zhao asked.

"5 years old... It's so cold. We arrived in the capital in the middle of the night and have been standing there until now. The child is freezing..." Liu Cong said pitifully.

Hua Zhao was not sympathetic: "This is because you are incompetent as parents. You should stay away from home and let your children suffer this."

If she remembered correctly, if this was still the woman who forced Liu Cong to pay a high gift of money, then the two of them should have a child who is more than ten years old.

But now I didn't bring it, so I brought a small one over and sold it miserably.

"The family really can't open the pot..." Liu Cong cried: "My grandparents were seriously ill before, and the little living expenses given by Dawei have been spent and they still haven't been cured. We had no choice but to come to the capital for help, otherwise A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse!”

The eldest man, a man, burst into tears, and a line quickly appeared on his face.

"It's hard for you too. You actually took the path of suffering. Life is really not easy." Hua Zhao said.

Liu Cong almost didn't break the defense.

I remember how cool he was back then... He was the most powerful guy in their area!

The whole family also dotes on him, and the two younger brothers can't get enough of the love from their grandparents and father.

The stepmother is also her nanny!

Looking at it now, he has never had a good life since Widow Zhu came in!

Now it’s time to rely on tears to win the sympathy of the stepmother’s eldest daughter!

He felt aggrieved for himself, so why did he get to this point?

It’s all his father’s fault!

"Dad, please say something." Liu Cong hinted.

"Are you, your mother okay? I'll come over and apologize to her." Liu Xiangqian said.

Hua Zhao ignored him and looked at the ground. The two old men could no longer roll.

Rolling is also physically strenuous and makes me dizzy.

Now the two of them sat up shakily without Hua Zhao's persuasion, and sat on the ground shivering.

Hua Zhao looked at their expressions, which were purple with blue, especially their lips, which were purple.

It was really bad. It was either very cold, or it was due to lack of oxygen and ischemia.

Don't die in front of her.

New Year's Eve.

"Let's go, I'll take you to find someone." Hua Zhao said.

Not even opening the door to let them in.

However, Hua Zhao agreed so happily to take them to find Dawei and Xiaowei, and the Liu family was already very surprised.

Liu Cong and Liu Xiangqian rushed out to help the two old men up, followed closely behind Hua Zhao.

Liu Yue followed a few people and looked back at the tall vermilion door.

It's so beautiful, just like those palace doors on TV.

Why isn't she the one who lives in the door?

Hua Zhaozhen brought people to Dawei's house...

His own grandfather, he left hidden dangers by himself, and he solved them by himself.

Who asked him to go back and make people say nothing, and also left living expenses, looking soft-hearted.

If you don't give him a headache, who will have a headache?

She took out the key to the door, opened it and invited a few people in.

Every door in the yard was locked. Hua Zhao only opened the door to the guest room and invited them in.

Dawei and Daqin both burned the earth dragon before leaving.

The ground dragons in several rooms are connected, and the guest rooms are as warm as spring.

Old man Liu and Mrs. Liu instantly felt like they were alive.

Hua Zhao took out Big Brother and called Dawei back, digging the hole and filling it himself.

None of the Liu family has ever seen their eldest brother.

Their small county doesn't have a big brother yet.

Several people looked at Hua Zhao curiously.

Hua Zhao didn't look at them. She looked back at the bodyguard.

Shi Yang followed today, just in time.

"You stay and watch them, I'll go back first." Hua Zhao said.

Shi Yang nodded.

She was the one who stayed in the north to deal with the affairs of Widow Zhu's family, and she was familiar with the Liu family.

"Don't leave, we haven't eaten yet!" Old Mrs. Liu shouted.

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