Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1576 An unfilial idea

Hua Zhao didn't even look back, ignored them at all, turned around and went out.

The Liu family wanted to stop him, but looked at the bodyguards behind Hua Zhao and didn't dare to move.

Hua Zhao is no longer the helpless and bullied little flower in Paoshantun.

No, they didn't bully others at that time, but were beaten badly.

Liu Cong touched the back of his hand, and it hurt as if it was broken again.

Dawei pedaled his bicycle back with sweat on his forehead and met Hua Zhao's car halfway.

He braked suddenly and stopped.

Hua Zhao also stopped, rolled down the window, and looked at Dawei with a smile.

Dawei's face turned red with embarrassment.


He was a little afraid to look at Hua Zhao because of his sudden filial piety, which caused him so much trouble now.

"It's nothing. This is also a kind of experience. Just practice hard." Hua Zhao said.

"But, I'm so sad." Dawei said bluntly: "Those are my grandparents and biological father after all. I can't beat or scold them, nor can I drive them away, otherwise they will definitely fall at the door and not leave, making the neighbors laugh. "

"Don't ask me, it's easy to ask gods but hard to send them away. You caused it yourself and solved it yourself." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Dawei grimaced.

Hua Zhao smiled and waved goodbye to him and went home~

Leaving Shi Yang behind to help him take care of the house is her greatest help.

He is his biological father and grandfather, he can handle it himself.

Dawei grimaced and pedaled home.

In the yard, grandparents were begging Shi Yang to open the kitchen door because they wanted to eat.

They haven't eaten since they left home.

How miserable.

This is also the reason why Hua Zhao doesn't deal with them.

It’s all so miserable, there’s really no place to start.

These people were like bubbles that would break when poked. She didn't dare touch them.

Dawei took out the key, opened the kitchen door, cooked for several people with his own hands, and then went to clean up his and Xiaowei's rooms.

Take out all the valuables inside and put them in mom's room.

Watch him working back and forth.

Liu Cong called his wife to come over and help.

Dawei blocked his hand: "You don't need to, just rest."

Liu Cong licked his face and smiled: "We are all brothers, why are you so polite! If you have any work in the future, tell your brother, and he will do it for you!"

As he spoke, he looked at the box in Dawei's hand. It was made of wood, very delicate, carved and locked. It looked like an old object. It was valuable!

Nowadays, there are people who specialize in collecting antiques on the streets. His grandmother also bought two pickle jars at home for 5 yuan.

It was then that he began to become an apprentice, going to the countryside with others to "shovel land", collect some old objects, and then sell them to antique dealers.

The time to get started is short, only a few months, and I haven’t learned any serious antique knowledge until now.

But sometimes you can actually tell whether something is good or not by looking at it.

The wood of this box is shiny and the carvings are exquisite. It makes people like it at first sight. It must have been used by wealthy people in the past, and wealthy people use good things.

Liu Cong's eyes suddenly became hot.

"Dawei, where did you buy this box?" Liu Cong asked.

He even wanted to ask how much it cost.

But you can't mention "money" now. It's too sensitive and hurts your feelings~

Dawei also took a look at the box in his hand. His sister heard that he was looking for a box to put valuable things in, so she asked him to go to the warehouse to pick it out.

When he was choosing, he only looked at whether the size was what he wanted, and nothing else.

You can’t look at it. If you look carefully, you’ll be spoiled for choice, because all of Hua Zhaona’s boxes are beautiful!

Dawei glanced at Liu Cong and said, "Bought from the cultural relics store."

After that, he continued to move the box, entered the main room, kicked the door shut, and blocked Liu Cong behind him.

Liu Cong stopped in disappointment.

Since the thing was bought from a cultural relic store, he knew it was a "cultural relic" and wouldn't sell it to him for a few dollars...

Liu Cong quickly turned around and entered Dawei's room to check what was inside.

He didn't move, just looked.

This is incredible, they are all old items!

The tables, chairs, benches, beds, tea cups, and even the shelf of the wash basin all have the atmosphere of the times.

This is all money!

After Dawei moved the boxes he packed with his things, he also moved his bedding away.

Nothing else was moved.

He couldn't move all the tables, chairs, benches and beds away, that would be the case.

This room was designed for them to live in.

He kept the people here instead of sending them to the hotel. He intuitively felt that was impossible and the other party would make trouble.

It would be embarrassing to make a scene in the hotel or in front of him.

The one who disgraced him, the one who disgraced his sister.

So the best way is to satisfy them for the time being and shut them up.

"You guys can stay here for now." Dawei said with a bad expression: "But you can only use these two rooms and the kitchen. The other rooms are locked, so don't move.

"If I find out that you broke the lock and entered another room, I will call the police and kill the relatives! I will arrest you as thieves." Dawei said with a cold face.

"You child, how can you talk? You think your grandparents are thieves!" Old Mrs. Liu said: "This is your home. If your grandparents touch something, it is considered a steal?"

It seems like I really want to move...

Dawei was extremely tired and regretted his sudden filial piety again. That was not filial piety, but nerves.

He almost harmed Daqin.

Thinking of this, he became even more embarrassed towards several people.

He suddenly had an unfilial thought...

"This is not my home, this is my mother's home! My mother bought the house and will not give it to me in the future. I have a work unit and will be divided into houses in the future. Xiaowei will also have a job and welfare housing from the work unit in the future, and the two younger sisters will She will get married, so this house will always belong to my mother and will be left for her to take care of in her old age."

Dawei said: "My mother has made a lot of money over the years, bought a lot of valuable things, and kept them in the house. If you pry open the lock, you can't tell what is missing...

"The things are not mine, and I have no right not to argue with you. If my mother finds out, she will definitely call the police! When the police come to arrest you, I won't be able to save you.

"Also, you can use anything in these two rooms, but you can't sell it! These are antiques and very valuable. If my mother pursues me for missing anything, you can't afford it."

After Dawei finished speaking, he turned around and left: "I still have something to do and won't be back until tonight."

The Liu family's group was left in a daze, with no one moving or stopping him.

Everyone's eyes shine with a different light.

Only Liu Cong's youngest son was chewing a chicken drumstick with great joy, and suddenly asked his father: "Dad, this is what you said is a good life, right? Can I eat chicken drumsticks every day in the future?"

After a long while, Liu Cong gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"


After leaving the gate and boarding the bicycle, the north wind blew loudly, and Dawei's head finally cooled down.

My heart is also a little cold.

Did he go too far just now...

But I can't take back what I said.

Dawei rode the bicycle in silence all the way, first went to Xiaoqin, and then Xiaowei, asking them not to go home in the past few days and go directly to his sister's house.

There are a lot of troubles at home that haven't been resolved yet.

Finally, he returned to Hua Zhao and muttered about what he had done impulsively...

"Sister, am I going too far?" he asked weakly.

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