Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1578 Afraid that he will die too slowly

Hua Zhao asked Xiaowei: "What can you do?"

"Although they have been to the capital twice before, they still have a dark eye." Xiaowei said: "I will show them the way."

"No." Hua Zhao said, "That's too deliberate, and it's suspected of seduction. You must not seduce me in this matter, otherwise your brother will feel guilty."

She originally thought that Xiaowei would also feel sorry for her...but now it seems that obviously not the case.

He was afraid that the Liu family would die too slowly.

Xiaowei had a cold face, and the last trace of childishness was gone from his face.

"Widow Zhu and her son discussed the plan in the house that night. At that time... he was in that room. Was he deaf or..." dead?

Didn't hear anything?

Not to stop them, not to report the news to their brothers and sisters?

Xiaowei was angry, and he was the closest to his grandparents, father and brother, who did not leave a good impression on him. Of course, his sister was the closest.

Hua Zhao thought that maybe the dog man was just asleep, and some people were just big-hearted. No matter what happened during the day, they would just sleep on the pillow at night.

But why did she intercede with Liu Xiangqian?

The dog man may have really heard it, but didn't care.

"Sister, don't worry, I know how to lead them into a trap without them discovering it." Xiaowei said, "I heard that Liu Cong was a land shoveler. It happened to be in my hands."

There are generally three types of antique dealers. One type is those who open antique shops. They do not open for one year and last three years after opening.

An item can easily cost millions or tens of millions.

There is also someone like Liu Cong, a land shoveler who doesn't have much professionalism, but can tell whether something is good or old. He goes to rural areas and people's homes to collect things at cabbage prices.

Sell ​​to an antique shop or antique dealer.

Many of the things they collect are "junk" and are worth dozens or hundreds of dollars. They can make a profit by collecting a few dollars.

But not all antique stores accept this kind of "junk". They don't have time to ask each one, and they have to sell it in different categories.

They like to give their goods to antique dealers.

Antique dealers then go to the market to set up stalls and sell them themselves, or use the resources at hand to sell them to shops or players who like to collect them.

Xiaowei shoveled land a few times, and then concentrated on being an antique dealer.

No, what he focuses on most is studying... Being a dealer is just a hobby.

Liu Cong and I are really peers.

"What are you going to do?" Hua Zhao asked.

The two siblings stood in the corner and muttered a few words, and Hua Zhao patted him on the shoulder and told him to let go.

It doesn’t matter if you have flaws. Dealing with problems when they arise is also an exercise.

Xiaowei went back.

Hua Zhao waved to the dark place, and Jian Bai walked out.

"I'm very busy during the New Year. Keep an eye on this matter. If he wants people or things, you can make arrangements." Hua Zhao said.

"Okay." Jian Bai said.

Hua Zhao nodded and said to the people around him in a moderate voice: "I just made everyone's midnight snack. Remember to eat it after get off work."

The family prepares midnight snacks for them every day, but the nanny makes them together during dinner. Whoever eats goes to the kitchen to heat them up, where there are pots and microwaves.

But what the nanny cooks and what the boss cooks definitely don’t taste the same!

Hua Zhao had good ears and heard the rustling commotion around him.

She went back to sleep happily.


After Xiaowei discussed it with his sister, he took action immediately.

He returned to his home early in the morning.

Seeing a bunch of people eating in the kitchen, he said hello with a bad expression and went to the main room.

Open the door and go in, and soon you will come out with a big bag on your back.

The things inside are too long, and half of them can't fit in the pocket.

A long box, and a long wooden box.

Liu Cong was now considered an insider, and he recognized that the box was for holding scrolls, and he didn't know what the box contained.

But just looking at the box itself, it looks like an old object.

Why are you taking these out so early in the morning? Is this the most valuable thing in the house?

Liu Cong couldn't help but chased him out of curiosity and asked: "Xiaowei, what are you doing?"

Xiaowei didn't seem to want to say more to him, so he said concisely: "Go sell something."

"What? Are you taking these to sell?" Liu Cong asked.

"Don't sell it, keep it for eating?" Xiaowei's words seemed to be sarcastic, and he walked out of the yard with his head down.

Liu Cong didn't care about eating and chased him out.

"Where to sell it? Why are you selling these?..."

You can't just pawn things to live just because they're here, right?


"Why should I sell it? Why should I buy it if I just throw this away?" Xiaowei didn't want to say more.

Liu Cong's eyes lit up and he was a little excited: "Is this what you're doing? Aren't you in college?"

When I returned to my hometown before, Xiaowei didn't say that he was still doing this in his spare time.

"I want you to take care of so much." Xiaowei was about to ride his bicycle while carrying his things.

Liu Cong shamelessly sat in his back seat: "Brother has never been to the capital, please show me something."

The two people walked away noisily. The Liu family watched them disappear into the alley together and looked at each other happily.

But Shi Yang, who was taboo in the yard, didn't say anything, lowered his head and continued to eat.


Hua Zhao left everything to others and really let go.

When I have nothing to do, I go out to buy things or attend various banquets.

Little New Year is coming soon, and reunions are popular on this day. People who have a lot of annual leave will go home for the holiday today.

The Ye family is relatively homogeneous.

Ye Tao saved up his vacation time, started his annual vacation today, and is back.

Ye An thought that Ge Hongmian had been quite sensible in the past few years, and quietly acted as her background, and never came near him again, so he came back.

He actually misses the capital very much and homesick...

Except for the two who were expelled from the family, two who went overseas, and one Ye Shen, everyone else in the Ye family was here.

Hua Zhao also gave the servant a day's price.

After today's holiday, the next holiday will be the day before New Year's Eve, and then I won't come back to work until after the third day of the Lunar New Year.

If there is any housework these days, we all go together.

None of them are people who cannot take care of themselves and cannot wash their clothes or eat without anyone to take care of them.

Hua Zhao was loading New Year's goods for Fang Haixing and said, "I heard that your nephews have all found jobs? Since they are going to stay in the capital for a long time, they can't stay in hotels all the time. It's too expensive."

A room costs 2 yuan a day, which is 60 yuan a month.

Fang Haixing gave them four apartments with a monthly rent of 240 yuan.

At this time, you can rent a 200-square-meter high-rise building in the city with a monthly rent of 240!

if so.

I guess not. Nowadays, people don’t like to build houses that big.

Even if there were, the owner of that kind of house would not rent them out.

In short, staying in a hotel is too luxurious.

I originally thought that the Fang family just came to the capital for a visit a few years ago and went home as the Chinese New Year was about to come. They didn't like to spend the Chinese New Year in other places.

Who would have thought that Fang Haixing's nephews actually went out to find jobs when they heard that they were asked to do so.

I really found it.

Then you can't leave.

Fang Haixing was half happy and half sad.

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