Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1579 What happened to your hand?

After all, her mother's family came to her, and she felt warm.

But looking at her sister-in-law with her current mentality and knowledge, she really doesn't like her at all.

There were also those nephews and nieces who looked more like sisters-in-law than brothers, which made her unhappy.

So the joy faded away.

"I will go over and talk to them today." Fang Haixing said, "If they don't go out to rent a house, I won't pay for the house. Anyway, the three nephews have jobs, so they can support themselves."

She didn't tell Hua Zhao these trivial things, she just talked about them with Hua Qiang.

Hua Qiang told Hua Zhao again.

Fang Haixing didn't think Hua Qiang was too talkative. They were all ordinary things. Hua Lao liked to talk to everyone, and she didn't feel embarrassed.

Hua Zhao asked her and she said.

"It hurts the feelings to say that." Hua Zhao said: "After all, they are brothers and sisters. They are different from other people. It is fate to be brothers and sisters. Under normal circumstances, if we can maintain a peaceful relationship, we should try our best to maintain it."

Her relationship has always been weak.

In her previous life, her parents died young and she had no brothers or sisters. She suddenly became an older orphan.

At the beginning of my life, I had a grandfather, but later I worked hard to find a mother and four younger siblings.

After many years of business operation, it can be said that there are real feelings everywhere.

The rest are people like her husband's family, who have a temperamental temper towards her, and get along with her more closely than they are close to her.

Those who were dissatisfied with her were expelled from the family or exiled overseas...

The blood relatives on the other side of Huashan were dead and disabled, and those who went in were even worse.

Hua Zhao felt that she really didn't mean it... She really didn't have to quarrel with her relatives. If the other party wasn't overly aggressive and only made some small moves, she could pretend she didn't see them.

She also didn't want to see Fang Haixing reduced to the status of a middle-aged orphan, even though he obviously had relatives.

Fang Haixing thought for a moment and said, "I will try my best to maintain it, if what they do is within the 'normal' range."

It's a bit abnormal to insist on staying in a hotel without leaving.

"You weigh this yourself." Hua Zhao said.

Only she knows how flexible her relationship with her brother is.

As the two chatted, Hua Zhao prepared a lot of new year's goods, six boxes.

One box of fresh fruits, one box of meat products, cured sausages and bacon, braised chicken, braised duck, roast goose, one box of drinks, one box of beer, one box of liquor, one box of candies and pastries.

Not the small and exquisite box, each one is a big box of 20 kilograms.

New Year's gifts for the family's employees are particularly affordable.

Every nanny was happy when she left. It was very honorable for them to take these things home with Hua Zhao.

Fang Haixing couldn't understand it in the past because she was the only one who didn't go home during the New Year.

She has no home....

Now even though her brother and sister-in-law are here with their nephews, she doesn't feel like home.

What's more, she was still spending money when several people stayed in the hotel.

"By the way, wait a minute." After Hua Zhao finished speaking, he hurried into the room, found Qin Zhuo and said a few words, and Qin Zhuo put in some papers and handed them to Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao was handed over to Fang Haixing again.

"What?" Fang Haixing asked while looking.

She couldn't read before, but she was willing to learn!

After coming to Hua Zhao's house for so many years, she learned to read from Hua Qiang.

It can even be beautifully written!

Hua Zhao's housekeeper cannot be embarrassed.

Fang Haixing glanced at it and smiled, his eyes deeply moved.

Here are some listings for rental houses.

"Qin Zhuo has come to the capital to open an agency. It's a trivial matter to care what he wants." Hua Zhao said.

Now there are few serious real estate projects and almost no intermediary companies.

The market in Beijing is currently not as big as Pengcheng.

Qin Zhuo has opened chain stores in several coastal cities, but has yet to open one in Beijing.

This time, because he was detained by Ye Fang and asked to get married before leaving, he stayed in the capital for a long time and actually started a career.

Not only did we open a chain store, but we also hired a bunch of young and beautiful salesmen...

It was hard to say whether it was for opening a store or for finding a salesperson. Hua Zhao planned to discuss this issue with him later.

Fang Haixing nodded, said nothing, and got into the car that the bodyguard sent her to the hotel.

In the hotel, Fang Dahai, Zhang Cuihua, several daughters-in-law, and grandchildren were watching TV together.

The room has floor heating, heating, a soft big bed and a particularly large color TV.

Breakfast is free, they can order whatever they want for lunch and dinner, and Fang Haixing will come back to pay the bill.

This day has never been more relaxed and comfortable.

No need to go out to sea, no need to dry nets, no need to deal with smelly fish, no need to be exposed to wind and sun, no need to put your feet into the cold sea to touch clams in the middle of winter.

What a magical day.

Zhang Cuihua and her daughters-in-law particularly enjoy the present day.

Only Fang Dahai felt awkward and could no longer watch the TV he loved in the past.

"Staying in a hotel is not an option. It's too expensive. Why don't we go home and let the children rent a house to live in." Fang Dahai suddenly said.

One sentence makes the TV taste bad.

The daughters-in-law fell silent, and Zhang Cuihua immediately said: "I'm not going back. If you want to go back, you go back. When I think of my hometown now, my legs and hands hurt!"

She stretched out her hand to show Fang Dahai: "Look, look, I haven't had a good day since I married you! Look at this hand, it looks like the hand of an 80-year-old lady! And, it's really It hurts!"

The joints of her hands were enlarged, red and swollen, and she had frostbite.

Not only frostbite, but also rheumatism.

Living by the sea, your hands and feet are soaked in water all year round, especially in winter, which is really bad for your joints.

"It's all your fault! It's okay if I don't say it! It hurts again when I say it!" Zhang Cuihua felt an itch in her heart, and her temper suddenly became bad.

The hands and feet of several daughters-in-law became itchy.

It is impossible for someone who was born by the sea and married a fisherman to have no problems with his hands and feet.

Fang Haixing pushed the door open and came in. The two bodyguards behind her helped her move in all the New Year's goods and then left.

This time Zhang Cuihua did not immediately go to pick up the box to see what was inside, but looked at Fang Haixing's hands.

She had discovered it before, but never thought of asking, and now she finally remembered what an important question she had forgotten!

"Haixing, let me look at your hands!" Zhang Cuihua said as she grabbed Fang Haixing's hand and raised it in front of her eyes.

The hands are white and tender, with ten long and thin fingers. Not to mention rough and cracked hands, there are only a few detailed questions.

Just looking at her hands, they look like the hands of a young lady in her 20s who has no fingers in her life.

"How is that possible!!" Zhang Cuihua exclaimed: "Your hands were not like this before! Your hands are uglier than mine! And you suffer from frostbite every year! How did you get better?"

In the past, Zhang Cuihua asked Fang Haixing to do some of the water-soaking work at home, but she would never do it herself.

So Fang Haixing's hand was worse than hers at that time, and she was often so painful that she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night.

Now it's like changing hands!

Zhang Cuihua suddenly stared at Fang Haixing's face. She even felt that this person was not Fang Haixing at all, but was being impersonated!

The real Fang Haixing must have been harmed by Hua Zhao...

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