Mr. Wang no longer lives in the house next to the Ye family's ancestral house.

He is older, over 80 this year, and his body is no longer so strong. Not long ago, he fell due to slippery conditions in the snow and suffered a fractured bone.

So the boss of the Wang family borrowed it to his own home.

Hua Qiang called him and he said he was able to go out for a walk just now.

Hua Qiang came to his house with a bird cage to look for him and walked around his house.

The car drove to the gate of the community, and Mr. Wang was already waiting there.

Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang looked at each other and understood what the other meant.

According to Mr. Wang's character and his relationship with Hua Qiang, he wouldn't have gone so far.

He came out because he was afraid that they would go in and he didn't want them to meet his eldest son's family.

It seems that in the eldest son's family, Wang Lao is still not welcome.

Mr. Wang's sons and daughters seem to be unwelcome to him...

Hua Zhao didn't hear Mr. Wang say why, but she knew how to read it.

She had been neighbors with Mr. Wang for several years, but she had never even met these people, not even once.

Even during the holidays, Hua Zhao went to Wang's hometown to visit and give gifts, but he never saw her.

At that time, the old man was in good health and lived by himself all the time, including the Chinese New Year.

The room was deserted, except for the Spring Festival couplets pasted on the door, there wasn't even a word "Fu" inside.

There is no festive atmosphere at all.

Having children is the same as not having children.

Living in a home with children like this would definitely not be pleasant.

Hua Zhao got out of the car and greeted with a smile: "Grandpa Wang! Have a great New Year!"

Grandpa Wang's face suddenly burst out into a smile: "Okay, okay, happy New Year, happy New Year, Xiaohua personally sent your grandpa here, how filial!"

Grandpa Wang blurted out.

It seems that what he cares about most is whether he is filial or not.

After saying that, the expression was a meal.

"There is no way. My grandfather and I grew up dependent on each other. Even if I am not filial to anyone, I still have to be filial to my grandfather." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

When Mr. Wang thought of this grandson's life experience, his envy faded away.

It's too bad. It's really not filial.

As for the children in his family, they were probably spoiled by him when they were young.

Hua Qiang also walked over to greet him.

The two of them chatted about recent times, the weather, birds, and the plaster that Huazhao sent over, then strolled to the small park next to them to walk the birds.

Hua Zhao also had a rare moment of leisure, admiring the beautiful scenery of the riverside park.

Mr. Wang's children are naturally doing well. In their fifties, his son is about to retire and his daughter has already retired.

After working all my life, I have held a high position.

The house of the eldest son of the Wang family is built by the river next to the Second Ring Road. It is a 4-story building. It is very new and was only completed last year.

This building will stand for many years and cannot be demolished. Even if it is demolished, high-rise buildings will not be allowed to be built. It cannot be demolished without recouping the cost.

"Hey, old man, Mr. Wang, you are here to walk the birds." Fang Haixing suddenly greeted from a distance.

She had met Mr. Wang several times and recognized him.

"Hey, why are you here?" Hua Qiang asked curiously.

After asking, he saw the people beside Fang Haixing, Fang Dahai and Zhang Cuihua.

He knew the two of them and stayed at his house for several days. He and Fang Dahai had a bad temper and almost became friends every year.

If Zhang Cuihua hadn't sold Haixing in the end, he would have had a very bad impression.

But now, Mr. Hua can greet Fang Dahai and Zhang Cuihua with a smile.

"Da Dahai, you are in the capital. I have long said that I would like to visit you, but I never found the time. Today I met you just in time. I will find a restaurant later and I will treat you to dinner as a landlord!" Hua Qiang said with a smile.

Fang Dahai was also very happy to see Hua Qiang. He strode over, took Hua Qiang's hand and shook it vigorously.

"Brother, why have you... not changed at all? You seem to be younger!" Fang Dahai said excitedly.

This was meant to be a flattery, but I was really surprised when I said it halfway.

Looking carefully at Hua Qiang, he looks exactly the same as when we first met him a few years ago, even younger and more energetic.

My hair was gray before, but now it's completely black! He looks younger.

There are not many wrinkles on the face, the skin is smooth, and there are no age spots. He looks like a person in his fifties or sixties.

At first, calling Hua Qiang brother was just a courtesy, but now he is really a brother, like a peer.

"Haha, you have dyed your hair, and you are young. I know a barber shop with very good skills. The color does not fade after half a year. I will tell you the address later." Hua Qiang said with a smile.

Of course his hair was not dyed, but it was the easiest thing to say and dispelled many people's doubts.

As for how good my skin is, I can only say that I know how to take care of it.

Fang Dahai didn't worry about this. Rich people eat and drink well, are in a good mood, don't have to work, have many children and grandchildren, and naturally grow up young.

He shook Hua Qiang's hand vigorously: "Brother, thank you back then! Thank you for saving Haixing! If she really let this ignorant woman sell to Zhang Lezi, I, I will be sorry for my dead parents, Sorry Haixing, I have no shame in being a human being!"

Hua Qiang looked at him, a man who could soon become an old man. His face was dark and red, his eyes were red, and his face was sincere.

He really meant it.

Hua Qiang smiled. Haixing was a good brother after all. He was very, very good. He was happy for Haixing.

"Let's go and have dinner together." Hua Qiang said and pulled him away.

Fang Haixing opened his mouth to speak but held back.

Hua Qiang looked after the house and asked, "By the way, why are you here?"

Today is a small year, even if I want to go out to visit the capital, I won't go to this small riverside park with no characteristics.

There are temple fairs, lantern festivals and flower festivals in several big parks in Beijing.

"We are looking at houses." Fang Haixing said, "There happens to be a place around here, I just finished viewing it."

"How is it?" Hua Qiang asked with concern.

"Everywhere is pretty good, the house is neither small nor big, 60 square meters, two bedrooms and one living room." Fang Haixing said: "It's just that the landlord heard that there are so many people living in us and doesn't want to rent."

Nowadays, there are no public shares in houses, especially houses built in this type of unit.

The house is 60 square meters, and the indoor usable area is only a lot more.

The 60-square-meter two-bedroom and one-living room is suitable for a family to live in.

But living with a large family, actually 4 people, is not possible.

The landlord thinks that too many people will disturb the neighbors.

This is a unit house. The owner and his wife work in two units. They also share a house there, so the one here can rent it out when they are free.

But it would be bad if you annoy your colleagues at work because of this.

Hua Qiang asked with concern: "You want to live together as a family? There are 12 people, big and small, so you have to rent a small yard."

Otherwise, it would be best for four families to live in a four-bedroom house to avoid embarrassment.

But only a big leader can get a four-bedroom building! This kind of person will not rent out the house easily if he doesn't miss the rent.

Fang Haixing said without seeing anyone else: "I think so too, but my sister-in-law wants to live in a building."

"I see, it's really hard to find. Even if you find it, the rent will definitely not be cheap." Hua Qiang said.

"That's right, or they can rent two units, so that everyone can live more comfortably." Fang Haixing said.

"This is a good idea." Hua Qiang said bluntly.

The two chatted casually, in a relaxed and casual tone, just like family.

The others didn't react at all, only Zhang Cuihua stood behind, her eyes moving around the two of them, her expressions changing, not knowing what she was thinking.

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