Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1582 What is she excited about?

Hua Qiang said he was treating guests to dinner, and he was really treating guests to dinner, but it was just past dinner time.

Grandpa Wang was also with him. His legs were just right and he couldn't walk too much.

Hua Zhao asked the bodyguard at home to drive a minibus over.

Because the family has a large population and the children alone can fit into a small passenger car, Hua Zhao specially bought two imported buses to facilitate travel when there are many people.

Now it's used again.

The bus came here to pick up everyone and took them to Zhang Ji's private restaurant.

Zhang Ji's Private Kitchen has moved out of the alley and chosen a lively address.

It is actually very annoying to open a restaurant in a residential area. The smell of oil smoke affects the lives of neighbors, and the noise and the flow of people also affect others.

There's nothing wrong with opening it in a business district.

The private restaurant in Beijing occupies a large area, 10 acres, with a five-entry courtyard, pavilions and pavilions, and the scenery is beautiful and exquisite.

Fang Dahai's family felt as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

If they hadn't been invited, they wouldn't have dared to enter this place.

They didn't expect that the hotel could be built so beautifully.

The capital is great, 10,000 times better than my hometown, so I have to stay no matter what!

Hua Qiang led people directly to the final entrance of the house.

There are several rooms here, but they are all reserved for your family to entertain guests.

When I came in, I saw Ye Ming entertaining guests in a room.

Ye Ming also saw Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang through the open window, and immediately came over to say hello.

Knowing that the visitor was Fang Haixing's family, Ye Ming also greeted him politely before leaving.

Hua Qiang invited everyone to sit down, called the waiter, and didn't ask for a menu. He asked them to serve whatever delicious food they had, and served 16 dishes.

Fang Haixing immediately said: "There are only 8 of us, we can't eat so much."

"The portions are not large. This is your brother and sister-in-law's first time here. Let's try all the specialties of the capital." Hua Qiang said.

"I have already taken everyone to taste the specialties of the capital city before." Fang Haixing said.

"Other people's food tastes different from our food." Hua Qiang said.

This is true.

Fang Haixing smiled with a smile on his face and did not persuade him again.

Uncle Hua is giving her face, and she appreciates it.

Fang Dahai's expression was quite calm, maybe he didn't understand, maybe he didn't care.

Zhang Cuihua couldn't control her expression and blurted out, "Is this a restaurant owned by your family?"

Hua Qiang glanced at her and nodded: "Yes."

"Oh, this...Brother Hua, I knew you were powerful before, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful!" Zhang Cuihua said excitedly:

"You said that you also have a background as a soldier. How can you be so good? How come my family, Dahai, is so bad!

“When I returned home, I became an old fisherman. I was exposed to wind and rain every day. In the past few years, I fell into the sea several times and almost couldn’t be fished out!

"There were several times when I was so sick that I couldn't get out of bed. I thought I was going to die, but even those with bad luck have tough lives, so I managed to survive..."

Zhang Cuihua babbled and began to complain.

Somewhat incoherent with excitement.

Fang Dahai's face turned dark.

Fang Haixing also had a bad expression and interrupted her several times without success.

Fang Dahai pinched her several times secretly, but he didn't stop her.

Fortunately, the food arrived quickly, and Zhang Cuihua finally shut up and ate "reservedly".

But it was only quiet for a few minutes before he started praising Hua Qiang again and how delicious the dish was.

She has never eaten such delicious food at her age, and she has lived like a dog.

Put yourself very low.

Fang Haixing couldn't even laugh anymore.

But Hua Qiang kept a calm face and occasionally answered a sentence so as not to embarrass Zhang Cuihua.

At other times, he invited Fang Dahai to drink.

Hua Zhao patted Fang Haixing's hand and gave her a comforting look.

She knows who she is and who Zhang Cuihua is, so there is no need to be embarrassed.

Fang Haixing took a deep breath and exhaled it, feeling less upset.

She had a bad feeling.

The sister-in-law in my memory was eloquent, but she didn't know how to wink, and she wasn't so incompetent...

She was a little too excited today!

Why are you so excited?

Hua Qiang's family is her host family. It is expected that the host family has money. How can they hire a nanny if they don't have money?

Why is she excited when someone has money?

Want to be a nanny too?

She had discussed this issue with her eldest brother and sister-in-law before, and they had already discussed it.

Fang Mancang, Fang Tiechuan, and Fang Yuqun went to find jobs first, and then Fang Dahai and his three daughters-in-law also went out to find jobs.

Zhang Cuihua will not go out. She stays at home to take care of the children.

Children, big or small, need someone to take care of them.

It is impossible for Zhang Cuihua to go out as a nanny and then let a daughter-in-law stay at home to "enjoy leisure".

Fang Haixing was puzzled and couldn't even eat.

Fortunately, the long and long meal was finally finished.

It suddenly started snowing outside, and a few people just sat inside and enjoyed the scenery without changing places.

Hua Qiang took Mr. Wang and Fang Dahai to chat at the tea table.

Zhang Cuihua's two daughters-in-law had never seen snow before, and they had already gone out to touch the snow excitedly.

Zhang Cuihua winked at Fang Haixing, pulled her out of the room, found a place out of the wind and asked: "I remember that old man Hua was an old bachelor back then, and his wife was long gone? Has he found a partner now? "

Fang Haixing's eyelids twitched, and he frowned and said: "What old man Hua, old bachelor, speak politely, you can call him Mr. Hua, that's not called a bachelor, it's called a single!"

"Oh, you still protected me!" Zhang Cuihua actually grinned, the smile was big and weird.

"Tell me, is he still single now?" she asked.

Fang Haixing frowned and said: "Still single? What are you going to do? Introduce someone to someone else? You should give up this idea as soon as possible! What suitable person can you meet? People look down on you!"

Zhang Cuihua's eyes flashed and she said, "That's not necessarily the case."

Fang Haixing turned cold and said seriously: "I'm warning you, you must not scare others into being a matchmaker! Mr. Hua hates others being matchmakers for him! He has no intention of looking for a wife again, so don't go over and make others uncomfortable. When the time comes, I'll be embarrassed along with you!"

"That's it... Oops, I know, I know." Zhang Cuihua waved her hand and stopped telling her.

She has always disliked winter, it was too annoying, too cold, and her hands and feet were too cold!

But in the future, if you can spend the winter sitting in a warm house enjoying the snow, without going out to work, and having food and drinks brought to you, then this is the kind of winter that people should live.

She entered the room with a smile on her face, and then saw Hua Zhao who was also smiling.

The smile on her face was a meal.

I forgot about her...

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