Zhang Cuihua smiled awkwardly, ignored Hua Zhao, and found a corner to eat fruit.

When the snow stopped, Fang Haixing left with his eldest brother and his family and continued to look at the house.

Until they said goodbye, the sister-in-law didn't do anything, and Fang Haixing felt relieved in her heart.

Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang drove Mr. Wang to take him home.

Mr. Wang suddenly sighed: "Every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite."

"Who says it's not the case?" Hua Qiang said: "Just me and Xiaohua, it was very miserable more than ten years ago. Neither of us had enough to eat during the New Year."

He was comforting Mr. Wang.

Happiness is expressed through comparison, and Mr. Wang really smiled.

He was indeed dissatisfied with the behavior of his children, but he dare not say that his life was hard. At least he had never been hungry, even in the most difficult times.

Mr. Wang started talking and said, "I didn't expect Butler Fang's family to be like this. They are really different from her. Why do I feel that you will be in trouble in the future?"

"Don't scare me!" Hua Zhao joked from the side: "You are always right in judging people. If you say that, I will not be able to live well this year."

"Hehehe." Mr. Wang smiled happily.

A few people chatted casually and arrived at the gate of Wang's community.

Hua Qiang and Hua Zhao got out of the car to see Mr. Wang off. A jeep happened to be passing by. When it saw them, it stopped suddenly.

Several people in their 50s and 60s got out of the car, both men and women.

"Dad, why are you out? Is your leg okay?" A woman said and rushed towards Mr. Wang, apparently trying to hug his thigh.

"Dad!" a man shouted: "Didn't I tell you not to come out...!"

At first, his tone was stiff and angry, but then he turned a corner and turned into worry for some reason.


Several men and women rushed towards Mr. Wang, dragged him away from Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang, surrounded him, and asked him about his welfare.

Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang were stunned.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were a group of filial sons!

But Mr. Wang has clearly said before that several of his children are unfilial.

An arrogant sarcastic remark from an old man?

Hua Zhao looked at Grandpa Wang.

He had a dull face and looked unhappy at all. He was really unhappy.

Mr. Wang shook the walking stick in his hand vigorously and drove the people around him away: "There's no need to be pretentious. I don't know what your little thoughts are? Seeing that I'm going to die and the old house is vacant, everyone wants to Do you want it?"

Grandpa Wang's home next to the Ye family's old house is not small.

In the past, several children looked down upon them because they had jobs and houses.

But times have changed. The yard that used to be not very valuable is now being offered 300,000 yuan to buy!

According to the current growth trend, if it is left for another two years, it can even rise to 500,000 or 600,000...

This is no longer small money.

Only saints are unmoved.

"Don't be anxious, just wait. I don't care how you divide it up after I die!" said Mr. Wang.

He really couldn't control it at that time.

But looking at the expressions of his children, they were obviously dissatisfied.

They wanted to settle the ownership or distribution rights of the house while Mr. Wang was still alive.

Otherwise, all the married daughters and granddaughters will make money!

Why? !

"Dad, I am the eldest son, and I gave birth to the eldest grandson. According to the rules, that house should be mine! Even if I am not left alone, I must at least occupy the majority!" said Mr. Wang's eldest son.

"What rules? Whose rules do you set?" One of Mr. Wang's daughters said: "Now is New China, a society ruled by law! The law stipulates that children have equal inheritance rights! Our father's things are mine and One for my daughter!"

"Yes, yes, we also have a share." Another older woman said.

Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang looked at each other and understood.

These children are indeed unfilial. The old man has not left yet, and they are very anxious to earn inheritance.

During the Chinese New Year, they would make a lot of noise in the street for the neighbors to watch.

Mr. Wang's face turned black with anger: "Shut up! Don't even look at where this place is! If you fart, go home!"

After saying that, he was too embarrassed to say hello to Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang, so he turned around and went home with his cane and birdcage.

Mr. Wang's children also don't know Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang.

They must have heard of him, but what a coincidence, they hadn't been around Mr. Wang for so many years, and they had never seen him before.

I don't have the time to entertain a few strangers now.

Since the fall, the old man's health has been much worse than before. If they didn't pry his mouth open while he was alive and write down the distribution method in black and white, wouldn't they suffer a loss?

Men think this way, women just the opposite.

If the old man doesn't let go, they can sue him after he dies! The property left by the father must be distributed according to law.

Both sides tried their best to drag their feet and walked away noisily.

Hua Qiang suddenly sighed: "The girls here are all debts."

"Haha." Hua Zhao said with a smile: "Then my debt must be what they owed me in the previous life, and they come to pay me back in this life."

She firmly refused to admit that her little cuties were here to collect debts. They must be here to pay off debts~

Hua Qiang chuckled and suddenly remembered his two "debt collectors".

Or 3.

Hua Zhao's father died a long time ago, and he was asked to give birth to a man with white hair and a man with black hair. He didn't know how many times he secretly felt sad.

He is also here to collect debts.

The remaining two alive begged for more!

"I haven't heard from them for a long time. Where are they? How are you doing?" Hua Qiang asked as he sat back in the car.

The car started and Hua Zhao said, "Everything that develops in a small place is fine."

Qi Xiaoxian was gone, and Qi Baoguo and Qi Shulan left the capital to develop elsewhere for several years.

With the skills of the two of them, without Hua Zhao holding them back, if they want to get ahead... they are too old to be able to do it anymore.

But if you want to make ends meet, it’s absolutely fine.

Or maybe it's the smell that's far away but the smell that's close to them. After not seeing each other for a few years, Hua Qiang missed them a little bit... He felt relieved knowing that they were still alive.

After all, it was born by myself, not by others.

He is getting older and his mentality gradually changes.

Right and wrong, grudges, right and wrong, don’t care so much anymore.

As long as they are alive and get screwed over, that's fine.

Hua Zhao looked at his grandfather's expression and said, "How about calling them over to spend the New Year with you?"

She is not as energetic as she used to be.

Grandpa is so old...if you want to take a look at them, just take a look.

Hua Qiang shook his head: "Forget it, I don't have such thoughts, just spend the New Year in a down-to-earth manner."

He had a feeling that if they came back, they would definitely have a bad year.

Since he was rejected, Hua Zhao didn’t try to persuade him again.

A smart person will never cause trouble for himself.

When I got home, it was almost dinner time.

Ye Shu was having a barbecue with a group of children, and the yard was filled with the smell of meat.

Seeing Hua Zhao coming back, she immediately said, "Would you like to go to the second aunt's house? I heard that Ye Tao and Ding Xinyue were fighting."


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