"Daqin, your brother knows he was wrong and he is willing to return everything! Go talk to your mother and don't sue him!" Old Mrs. Liu said.

Only then did Daqin know what happened at home.

Liu Cong almost emptied out all the money her mother had accumulated?

This is someone who was caught, and there are still people here crying and admitting their mistake.

If they hadn't been caught, they would have been the ones crying!

"The amount involved in the case is so huge, there is nothing my mother can do. Let's wait for the court to decide." Daqin said.

Old Mrs. Liu rolled up on the ground.

"If you don't release Liu Cong and your father, I won't be alive! I'll let you support us in our old age!"

"You are an unfilial daughter, you actually asked someone to arrest your father and your brother."

"They just took some of their own stuff and broke the law!"

"Just take it, just give it back, you won't let me go."

Mrs. Liu was on full fire, kicking her legs, spinning around and cursing.

It was a lively spectacle for the people around.

Daqin's face was so red that he was bleeding.

Suddenly a female voice next to her said: "Daqin, this is your grandma? How could you let grandma do this in such a cold weather? What should I do if I catch a cold? Why don't you help her up quickly?"

Daqin immediately rolled his eyes at her: "I want to help you."

"This is your grandma." The girl stood still.

"If you know it's my grandma, don't mind your own business." Daqin said.

"Why are you like this? Aren't you usually filial?" the girl said in disbelief.

"When did I tell you that I was filial?" Daqin rolled his eyes at her: "Go, go, go, stir up trouble without looking at the time. They are now suspected of criminal offenses. What do you mean by speaking for them? You talk to them Are they an accomplice? Did they hide the stolen things with you? "

"You are so slanderous!" The girl didn't get the advantage and left angrily.

Others who were watching the excitement did not dare to speak.

Daqin couldn't leave either. He was surrounded by several people. Old man Liu also sat on the ground and was about to start rolling.

Qi Feihong looked at the things in his hands and walked in.

"Liu Xiangqian and Liu Cong stole something? Why were you released?" Qi Feihong asked.

Several members of the Liu family still remember him.

Although it was a bit strange why he appeared here, due to his identity, Sun Xiaoxia said: "I was not involved at all. The police naturally let me go after investigation!"

"You didn't participate?" Qi Feihong stared at her, not believing it at all.

This method of enjoying the fruits of victory without participating is of course the most advanced.

Sun Xiaoxia's eyes were firm, she just didn't participate! The Beijing police had let her go, so he still wanted to meddle in her own business?

"You didn't participate, did they? Why were they released?" Qi Feihong asked.

"My grandparents are old, and the police said they would be exempted from punishment." Sun Xiaoxia said.

"No." Qi Feihong said, "You must have lied to the police. They are not old enough to be exempted from punishment!"

The two old men have suffered a lot over the years. Their hair is gray and they look very old. They look to be in their 80s.

In fact, he is still under 75 years old.

Elderly people over 75 who commit crimes may be given lighter or reduced punishments.

Qi Feihong took out the snow-white handcuffs from his pocket: "Let's go, which police station are Liu Cong and the others at? I'll send you there."

Old man Liu and Mrs. Liu looked at each other, got up and ran away.

After more than a month of maintenance, the results can now be seen in my body, and I am running very fast.

Qi Feihong said to Sun Xiaoxia again: "We are cracking down hard recently. If the amount involved is too large, you can prepare his funeral arrangements."

After speaking, he glanced at Daqin, turned around and left.

Daqin pushed through the crowd and followed.

Both of them left, and Sun Xiaoxia stood there with a gloomy expression.

Walking outside the school, Daqin caught up with Qi Feihong and said, "Thank you, I really don't know how to get rid of them...it's too difficult."

Those few people just looked like they were convinced of her.

"Go back and tell your sister about today's matter." Qi Feihong handed her the bag in his hand and said, "I'm leaving first. If you need anything... see your sister."

After saying that, he happened to arrive at a bus stop. The bus stopped along the way. Qi Feihong got on the bus and turned around to wave to Daqin.

Daqin waved his hand blankly and looked a little frustrated as he watched Qi Feihong walk away.

I don’t want to have any more contact with her...

Everything in my hand no longer smells good.

She carried her things home.

The house is busy.

The New Year atmosphere has dissipated, school has started, and there are not many people at home, but because of Liu Cong's incident, Hua Zhao and Zhang Guilan are busy.

Dawei and Xiaowei are also there.

Seeing Da Qin come back outside of class time, Hua Zhao was stunned for a moment and said, "They are looking for you?"

"Yeah." Daqin said.

"I thought I would go to Dawei and Xiaowei, but I didn't expect to go to you. What did they say?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Hey, just say some unreasonable things and roll around on the ground. Then Qi Feihong said they were not old enough to be exempted from liability, so he scared them away." Daqin said this and smiled.

Hua Zhao also smiled.

"Qi Feihong is here?" she asked.

"Well, I'm here on a business trip." Daqin said.

"He came on a business trip, why did he come to the school to find you? What did you get?" Dawei asked directly.

After asking, I went to pull out the bag. Inside was a jar, two packages of dried vegetables, one package of dried mushrooms, and one package of dried radishes.

Even though the jar is sealed, you can still smell the smell of miso.

"After I returned to the capital, I kept in touch with his parents. His parents asked me to help buy specialties from the capital twice, and I also asked them to bring me some specialties from my hometown. When it comes to miso, it is better to make it from our people. Eat." Daqin lowered his head and said.

"This is true." Dawei took a deep breath of the miso flavor and said, "This tastes really good. I haven't eaten Northeastern miso for a long time. I just want to dip a cucumber in it. Sister, are there any cucumbers in the kitchen?"

Hua Zhao and Zhang Guilan both looked at him speechlessly.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat!" Zhang Guilan said angrily: "There is plenty in the kitchen, go ahead and dip your cucumbers!"

No eyesight at all! The head is made of elm wood, is it now a matter of cucumber? It's his sister who's going to be kidnapped!

Dawei didn't realize at all that what he just said was a casual question. Daqin and the policeman who kidnapped her continued to be in contact, which meant that something would happen to Daqin. This kind of relationship must be maintained frequently. Don't break it, maybe something will happen. God used it.

For example, wouldn’t it be used now?

According to Daqin's advice, without Qi Feihong coming to the rescue, she would not be able to get rid of her grandparents for a while.

Now that his mother was angry, he was quite confused, so he took the jar to the kitchen to dip it in miso...

"Hey!" Zhang Guilan let out a long sigh in anger.

But just in time for him to leave, Zhang Guilan asked Daqin: "Tell me, what's going on with Qi Feihong?"


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