"Qi Feihong is a policeman from his hometown. My sister asked someone to contact him. His family also owns a small restaurant and the business is very good." Daqin said.

She was indeed able to capture her mother's thoughts. When Zhang Guilan heard that it was Hua Zhao who contacted her through someone else, she was immediately relieved.

I also heard that my family also owns a restaurant, so I asked curiously: "Have you ever eaten at his house? How does it taste?"

I went there with my sister, and the taste was okay, but of course it can’t be compared to my mother’s cooking. Daqin said.

"That's right, ordinary people can't compare with me." Zhang Guilan said: "But there are still many great chefs among the people, so we shouldn't underestimate them."

She glanced at Daqin and said, "He has helped you so much. I don't know, forget it. I know, I have to invite him to my house for dinner. Do you know where he is staying now?"

"I really don't know. He gave me something and left without saying anything." Daqin said.

Zhang Guilan nodded again in his mind, thinking he knew what he was looking for!

She was anxious to find a partner for Dawei, but when she arrived at Daqin, she was no longer in a hurry. Daqin had just entered college and was still a little girl. She could just wait four years before finding a partner!

If it weren't for the fact that dating is not allowed in college, she would have preferred Daqin to find a partner among his classmates.

And this Qi Feihong turned out to be from her hometown, and she didn't like it.

She does not want her daughter to marry far away, let alone to a place like her hometown, where she is poor and backward, and the living environment is so bad that her hands can be washed off when she washes clothes in winter.

She doesn't want her daughter to go back and suffer again.

But this may be the first person my daughter likes, and she needs to meet him.

"Go and find out where he is and invite him to your house for dinner." Zhang Guilan said.

"The house is now a live event and cannot be destroyed." Hua Zhao said, "Invite him to a restaurant to eat. He can also taste your craftsmanship."

It's not appropriate to bring someone into your home before you even know your horoscope.

Zhang Guilan thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Hua Zhao made two calls and found out Qi Feihong's current address, and got some news by the way.

It turned out that he was not on a business trip, but was transferred to the capital.

When Daqin heard about it, his whole face lit up.

This time even Xiaowei was sure.

After thinking about the character of Qi Feihong whom he met last time, he didn't express any opinions.

He just asked: "What should Liu Cong do? Are we really going to sue him?"

"Sue." Hua Zhao said, "After such a hard work, I lifted him up and put him down gently, and then let him go again. He is even more proud. Next time, I will take away the whole house for you."

Xiaowei nodded: "I think so too, but if you really accuse me, I heard that there has been a severe crackdown recently, and the amount involved in the case is hundreds of thousands, which is enough to shoot him..."

Xiaowei shrank his shoulders: "I really didn't want his life."

"Then write a letter of understanding and request a lighter punishment." Hua Zhao said.

It's not that the court is run by her family, it's that this kind of case inherently gives a lot of flexibility.

"I'll introduce you to a lawyer, and you and Dawei can run the rest by yourself." Hua Zhao said.

She just gave her advice and didn't care about the rest.

Xiaowei scratched his head and glanced at the location of the kitchen.

Dawei ran to the kitchen and did more than just dip it in soybean paste! He didn't dare to face other problems.

The problem of grandparents is still not solved...

Now that the family's only son and the most caring grandson have been sent in, they really need to be taken care of in their old age.

This is simply shooting yourself in the foot.

Xiaowei also really wants to go to the kitchen to dip in miso!

Thinking this way, he really went.

"That's right! It's right to let them provide for those two people in their old age, just do it." Zhang Guilan said angrily.

She really has a nameless fire that has not been vented.

Liu Xiangqian was arrested for being a lookout, and he was also a participant.

How embarrassing would it be for a biological father to gang up on one son and steal other sons' homes?

Liu Xiangqian didn't consider Dawei and Xiaowei at all before doing anything, and he didn't even think that they were also his sons!

As for her two daughters, she simply didn’t mention them.

"Sentence him to ten to eight years and don't let him go!" Although Zhang Guilan said this, she felt even more angry.

How glorious is it to have a father who is in jail?

It will be difficult for children to find partners in the future!

"Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings." Hua Zhao said, "Look, it's your turn to worry about Daqin now."

Hua Zhao looked at Daqin who hadn't left and asked, "Tell my sister if you like Qi Feihong."

Daqin's face turned red, he hesitated and said, "Yes! I kind of like him..."

"His family conditions are average. You may have to endure hardship if you follow him." Hua Zhao said.

"I'm not afraid of hardship." Daqin said firmly: "And he also has a job and earns a salary. If he doesn't seek wealth, he won't suffer much."

"But the nature of his job is very dangerous...you have to think about it carefully." Hua Zhao said.

Daqin paused and whispered: "It's just a policeman. It's not very dangerous. The probability is very small."

"Yeah." Hua Zhao suddenly laughed. She felt that she had thought too much. Before she had even written her horoscope, she began to worry that Daqin would become a widow.

Bah bah bah!

She saw that Qi Feihong didn't have much interest in Daqin, and it was too early to say this now.

"Go and invite someone." Hua Zhao said.

As expected, Daqin didn't invite anyone. Qi Feihong said that the work unit was busy and he had just arrived. He had to perform well and often worked overtime, so he was not free recently.

Daqin was not disappointed either, and came to ask if he was free every three days.

After several visits, her colleagues in the work unit knew about her. As soon as Daqin left, they winked and made Qi Feihong helpless.


Liu Cong and Liu Xiangqian are still imprisoned. Because of the large amount of evidence, there is no hope for him to stand up.

Because Liu Xiangqian was less involved, he helped lookout for the last time. If someone gave him some strength and a good relationship, he would be able to come out.

But what does Liu Xiangqian care about her?

Sun Xiaoxia came out with a sullen face, thinking about what the police had just said. Although Zhang Guilan had issued a letter of understanding, with so much money, she could no longer just say it was fine.

Liu Cong started at least 10 years ago.

10 years? How many 10 years does she have?

Back at the rental house, Old Man Liu and Mrs. Liu were still sick and were waiting for her to cook.

Sun Xiaoxia went up and beat Liu Yue.

"A child of this age doesn't even know how to cook! He just waits to eat! What's the use of you?"

Liu Yue said while hiding, "I want to do it too, but what can I do if there is nothing at home? Sister-in-law, have you bought rice or noodles?"

Sun Xiaoxia made a move but didn't buy it.

"Sister-in-law, how much money did my eldest brother keep?" Liu Yue suddenly asked in a low voice.

All the money Liu Cong made from selling things was confiscated by the police.

But he also gave Sun Xiaoxia some household expenses before, and now the money for renting a house is from this.

Zhang Guilan's home is currently closed, and they can only rent a house.

Liu Yue estimated that Liu Cong could leave a lot of money.

"You have so much money! You look like money!" Sun Xiaoxia slapped her in the face and turned around and went out. After walking a few steps, she came back and took away her son.

Then he never came back.


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