Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1608 We are not suitable

It took a day for Old Man Liu and Old Mrs. Liu to react, and they immediately started making trouble again.

This time Liu Yue took people to Daqin's school. Daqin had no choice but to call Dawei and let Dawei handle it.

Dawei had already thought about how to deal with it. He sent Old Man Liu and Old Mrs. Liu to a nursing home.

I would rather spend some money than take them home. My mother's face has been ugly these days.

Old Man Liu and Old Mrs. Liu were naturally unwilling, but Dawei threatened them with stealing things, and instead of going to the nursing home, he went in to reunite with the father and son.

Who let them get away with it if they weren't old enough.

The two old men compromised.

Liu Yue was left, which made Dawei very sad.

Before, she didn't even consider that there would be more oil bottles, but now that her parents are involved, she is somewhat related to him by blood, and the police have to deal with him regardless of him.

There was no other way, so Dawei found Liu Yue a full-time boarding school.

Liu Yue was extremely satisfied with this arrangement. Not only did she come to the capital, she also went to school! From now on, I don’t have to do any work and can just study. It’s like a dream.

She thanked him again and again.

Dawei finally felt better.

When I got home, the seal at home had been broken, and Xiaowei was putting the stolen scrolls into his home.

Zhang Guilan and Hua Zhao are both there.

Zhang Guilan saw him and asked, "Has everything been arranged?"

"Well, everything has been arranged. It's just a matter of spending some money." Dawei said.

"Humph, it's just a matter of spending some money. How much money do you have? How much is left in one month's salary?" Zhang Guilan asked.

Dawei calculated that a nursing home was quite expensive, and for two elderly people, it added up to 150. Boarding school was not expensive, at 30 yuan, so he had to give Liu Yue 5 yuan as pocket money for one.

Anyway, my salary is only twenty or thirty in the end.

Suddenly ashamed.

Zhang Guilan just kept talking about it. Dawei and Xiaowei teamed up to send his father and brother in. If he doesn't take care of them, who will take care of them?

Xiaowei has been busy and never stops.

He only wanted to send Liu Cong to stay there for a while, and the psychological time was a few months.

Who would have known that his father would also be involved? Who would have known that Liu Cong had such a big appetite that he would not only steal some pocket money, but also plan to evacuate his home.

There's nothing he can do if things get serious.

Xiaowei comforted himself, packed up the house, and hurried back to school.

Zhang Guilan also kicked Dawei away and asked Daqin, who had returned from leave: "Have you made an appointment with me? I invited you three times and four times. If you don't come, I will go back to Pengcheng."

"I'm busy with work, so I really can't spare any time!" Daqin was also anxious: "I'll ask again later!"

With that said, she shook her braid and left.

When she appeared in Qi Feihong's office, her colleagues in the office immediately started booing.

"Comrade Xiao Liu is here again."

"Comrade Xiao Liu did not run in vain today, Comrade Xiao Qi has a rest today!"

Daqin's eyes lit up, he finally had a day off?

Qi Feihong was speechless: "When did I say I wanted to rest?"

"You should rest quickly!"

"Young man, be sensible. If you are so capable, don't you make it seem like we are incompetent?"

Someone said half-truthfully.

Qi Feihong paused, did not insist, and began to organize the things on the table.

He quickly packed up and left with Daqin.

In the office behind him, everyone started discussing again.

Some people say that Qi Feihong has a good fortune. Not only can he transfer his job from a small county town to the capital, but he can also find a girlfriend who is a college student in the capital.

Some say there is someone above Qi Feihong.

There is talk that his girlfriend has someone else.

Since I was not in charge of Huazhao's film, and I was not a film police officer, I couldn't figure it out after guessing.

In short, this Xiao Qi is very mysterious.

The mysterious Xiao Qi is troubled now.

If it was before, he could still pretend to be stupid, but now Daqin's thoughts are a little obvious, and he can't even pretend to be stupid.

After walking a few steps and leaving the unit, Qi Feihong stopped and turned around, saying seriously: "Daqin informed me, let's talk."

Daqin was immediately so frightened that he lowered his head and did not dare to look at him. He whispered: "What's there to talk about? It's so cold. Let's go and eat."

"It's not lunch time now, let's find a place to talk first." Qi Feihong said.

After saying that, he turned around and strode away.

Behind him, Daqin thought for a while and jogged to keep up, but accidentally fell on his back.

Qi Feihong turned around and pulled her up, speechless and funny.

Daqin's face turned red and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Qi Feihong thought she looked a little cute.

Still a little girl.

He didn't even choose a place, so he just said it.

"I am 28 during the Chinese New Year and you are only 19. We are not suitable for each other." Qi Feihong said.

"Age doesn't matter. If you want to find a 29-year-old woman, it's probably not easy." Daqin said immediately.

I thought I would be shy, but it turned out to be nothing.

The key is to forget about being shy!

Was she rejected?

Qi Feihong glanced at her sideways: "I can find someone who is twenty-three or four years old."

"The important thing about people is their psychological age rather than their physical age. Some people are very naive even if they are over 30, while some people are very mature psychologically even if they are 19 years old, and they have the same language as you." Daqin said.

Qi Feihong was speechless for a moment.

And I have to admit that what she said makes sense.

He did find a lot of women who were more than half his age but were very naive.

And after knowing Daqin for so long, and occasionally being escorted by her parents to reply to her letters, I did find that she was much more mature than her actual age.

Age is not a good excuse.

"There is a big gap between our two families. It's wrong and inappropriate for us to be in the same family." Qi Feihong said.

"It's just a big superficial difference. Our parents were both workers and later opened restaurants. The only difference is that the restaurant my mother opened in the past two years is a little bigger.

"But I'm not an only child. No matter how big my mom's restaurant is, it actually has little to do with me. I probably won't inherit that hotel in the future, at least not by myself. I don't want to inherit that hotel either. I I want to start my own business and be my own boss.

"As for other family differences, my father has just entered and I don't know when he will come out. With a father like this, I am actually quite afraid that your parents will dislike me..."

As Daqin talked, he wanted to go home and beat his two brothers.

The more I thought about this move, the more disgusting it became. My father was involved in it, and the whole family was embarrassed!

Outsiders don't know this. If they knew that they dug the hole themselves and sent it in, they wouldn't know how to laugh at them!

"I don't think it's embarrassing to have someone in jail in my family." Qi Feihong blurted out.

He has seen this kind of thing a lot, and many people are in jail for their own reasons, which have nothing to do with shame.

"Really? Thank you!" Daqin immediately raised his head and said in surprise.

Qi Feihong... "I didn't mean that. I meant that we are really not suitable for each other."

"Actually, you may have considered my sister's side." Daqin said.

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