"My sister is my sister, and my family is my family. Now that we have grown up, my sister will not be too involved in our lives."

Daqin said: "Sister will not arrange my life, let me do this or that, nor will she introduce me to a partner. She will only protect my life, but she will not arrange and control it.

"Correspondingly, I can't borrow the power of the Ye family. I am me. At most I have a mother who owns a big hotel, my sister, and my brother-in-law. Don't even think about it, because it's useless."

This surprised Qi Feihong.

He knew the Ye family, and rejecting Daqin was indeed because of the Ye family. The gap was too big.

If he didn't consider the Ye family, he really didn't see the difference in a big hotel.

But he couldn't just believe whatever Daqin said.

"Let's go, today's meal is mainly because my mother wants to thank you for saving me earlier." Daqin said as he passed him.

"I didn't save you, and nothing would have happened to you." Qi Feihong said.

"Who said that? If you come here a little later, I think I will be beaten." Daqin said.

Qi Feihong stopped talking. Meng Qiang was about to die at that time, so it was not impossible to use some means against the suspect.

Daqin had nothing to say to him all the way and took him home directly.

Qi Feihong bought some fruits on the way.

In the cold weather, the original fruits were only oranges, apples, and frozen pears and persimmons, but because of Hua Zhao, there were other fresh fruits in the first month.

It's just expensive.

But it’s not so expensive that ordinary people can’t afford it.

Especially Qi Feihong, who is not poor at all compared to ordinary people, and his family's restaurant can be considered as making a fortune every day.

He is the only son who comes to the capital to work, and his parents have provided enough pocket money.

Qi Feihong bought more expensive fruits, such as watermelon, strawberry and cherry, which cost more than 100 yuan.

Zhang Guilan was very happy to see him.

Of course she didn't just picture a few fruits. The fruits at home were much better than this. She saw that Daqin didn't have a shaved head but a hot head. This young man valued her very much.

Zhang Guilan looked at Qi Feihong, and the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became.

Much better than she imagined.

Just hearing that he was in his twenties or nineteen made her feel a cross in her heart.

She despises her age!

It turned out that the young man was very handsome, and he didn’t look old at all. He didn’t have any problems that prevented him from finding a partner. He wasn’t just leftovers!

Zhang Guilan took Qi Feihong to chat about home affairs.

Qi Feihong naturally had no problem dealing with it, and he quickly captured Zhang Guilan.

Daqin laughed so hard beside him that he couldn't even see his eyes.

I just refused her on the road so flatly, but actually I still have her in my heart!

The plan couldn't keep up with the change. Originally, I was going to invite someone to a restaurant to eat, but in the end, Daqin directly brought someone home.

Now that they were chatting happily again, Zhang Guilan made a table of dishes at home to entertain Qi Feihong.

Hua Zhao also chatted with him.

Qi Feihong waited with all his concentration, waiting for Hua Zhao to make a move...

Unexpectedly, when he was sent out by Daqin, Hua Zhao didn't express any opinions on him.

There was no threat to intimidate him to stay away from Daqin.

As Daqin said, he didn't care at all.

Usually older sisters take care of their younger sisters finding partners, right?

"My sister is different from others." Daqin smiled happily: "She cares about everything, except our finding a partner. She is afraid that if we don't find a good partner, it will delay us."

"This idea is quite different." Qi Feihong said.

It was only 1989, and arranged marriages were still common in the family.

Daqin laughed at the side.

Qi Feihong couldn't help but pour cold water on her: "Comrade Liu Daqin, our relationship is just pure and ordinary friends at the moment. Don't overthink it."

Daqin's smile remained unchanged, and she felt that she already understood this duplicitous man.

"Yes, yes, I know, the days are still long, I'm not in a hurry." Daqin said.

She's really not in a hurry, she's still in school, and getting married will have to wait until after she graduates from college!


"Oh, I'm relieved now that I've seen you. I have to go back to Pengcheng quickly. Without my spicy fried clams, the business of the night market will not be as good as before." Zhang Guilan said.

"The night market business is not good because of the Chinese New Year and the cold weather," Hua Zhao said.

"Oh, anyway, I'm so busy, I have to leave." Zhang Guilan hurriedly packed her luggage and was about to leave.

It's so fun to chat with diners at the night market every day, but it's not so fun to spend time with my children at home.

This also has something to do with the fact that the child is older, and she is a little disappointed when he no longer clings to her.

The best way now is for Dawei to get married quickly and give her a grandson.

But looking at the current situation, he is so poor that a fool would marry him!

The more Zhang Guilan thought about it, the angrier she became. She packed her luggage and left that day without even saying hello to Dawei.

When Daqin returned home, Hua Zhao also left.

He really didn't express any opinions on the matter between her and Qi Feihong.

It's still too early to talk about marriage. It's only been three years. Maybe one day the relationship will break down. What did she say?

If the talks don't break down and marriage can be discussed, then she can only give her blessing and not have any opinions.

Hua Zhao returned home and found that Ye Ming was also there.

She happened to have something to ask him.

"Well, you said who is going to die, but you haven't believed it for so long...Does Ye Shen have to wait until he is dying before he can come back?" Hua Zhao asked.

There were Ye Shu and Yao Kun in the room, so she spoke vaguely.

Ye Ming said: "I didn't expect that they spent a lot of money to collect a lot of the medicinal wine we leaked out back then, so they allowed him to last for so long."

This "big price" is not just money.

"Is it worth it?" Hua Zhao asked curiously: "What do they want to do?"

Although Mr. Wang is powerful to their family, he can't do anything while alive, he just lives.

At this time, we have to face reality and use the energy of the family on the younger generations, not on a dying person.

"Who knows what they are thinking." Ye Ming frowned.

The Wang family's actions were a bit beyond his expectation. Mr. Wang was dragging his feet and Ye Shen couldn't move. He couldn't come back.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shu asked curiously.

"Nothing." Ye Ming said.

This meant not telling her anymore. Ye Shu was not curious and said to the two of them, "I'm also going back. It's time for the children to start school."

"Reconciled?" Ye Ming glanced at Yao Kun and said.

Yao Kun immediately said obediently: "Reconciliation! I will never quarrel in the future! There are many things I did not do well, and I will correct them!"

"I will protect Xiao Shu in the future and never let the poisoning happen again!"

Ye Ming's expression was still not very satisfied.

Yao Kun searched his guts and made a lot of promises, only to get a smile from his uncle.

Ye Shu laughed loudly beside him.

It feels so good to have the support of my mother-in-law.


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