Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1611 Shen Xing is lost

Hua Zhao didn't know where she got her confidence.

Sun Yan saw Hua Zhao shrinking and immediately shouted: "Second sister-in-law, my mother-in-law asked Ye Chen to divorce me..."

After saying that, big tears fell from my eyes.

Zhou Lihua rolled her eyes at her: "The little goblin can still accuse me!"

After hearing this, it must be her mother-in-law's fault.

"She is going to have a second child, and Ye Chen doesn't have to work anymore. What do you think we should do about this?" Zhou Lihua asked.

Hua Zhao asked Ye Chen: "What do you mean?"

Ye Chen said: "I want to go to work..."

He had no urgent desire to have a son. Since the country only allowed one child to be born, he should have a daughter if he had a daughter.

And his career is on the rise. Now he has a taste of power, and he doesn't want to give up because of a child.

Sun Yan cried angrily.

This is not just a child's problem, it is also a question of whether Ye Chen can make a fortune.

If Ye Chen doesn't come down, who will go out to make money?

She has tried secretly in the past few years. She may not be able to make money, so she can only set up a street stall and work as an individual.

I made several mistakes in decision-making, and the store I opened jointly with my sister-in-law failed to survive.

This was inconsistent with her idea of ​​making a lot of money, so in the end she had no choice but to turn to Ye Chen.

There is also a deeply hidden thought, hoping to have a son to share Tang Fanghe's property, but I feel embarrassed to say it out.

Stepchildren also have the right to inherit property...

"I must give birth to this child! If you don't agree, you are killing someone!" Sun Yan shouted.

"Kill that bastard." Zhou Lihua said to Ye Chen: "Divorce! Divorce her! It's because she doesn't abide by national policies, and we resolutely draw a clear line with her! We are justified no matter what!"

Sun Yan was scared and immediately ran behind Hua Zhao for help.

"Second sister-in-law, you must understand that this is a little life, and it can move! How can I bear to abort it!" Sun Yan cried.

What she said was really on point.

They are all mothers, and Hua Zhao hates this the most.

If Sun Yan accidentally got her and didn't want it, and wanted to abort it, she would definitely not stop her.

If Sun Yan desperately wants to stay, then keep her!

Otherwise, it would be too cruel for a mother.

Although Sun Yan's purpose in giving birth to this child was somewhat impure.

But life is pure.

"Ye Chen, if you think about it carefully, this is your child too. You can decide his life or death with just one sentence." Hua Zhao said.

This sentence is her attitude.

Ye Chen would indeed consider her attitude carefully.

I didn't think about this sentence carefully before, but now I put aside other thoughts, a little child, his child, may or may not look like Xiaoxue, but they are all his children.

Is it really because he wants to work that he wants to kill him with his own hands?

Ye Chen shuddered, it was too cruel, he couldn't do it.

Sun Yan understood him and immediately knew that Hua Zhao had talked him through. She immediately hugged Hua Zhao's arm and shook it gratefully.

"Who else did you tell about your pregnancy? How did you find out today?" Hua Zhao suddenly asked.

"I didn't tell anyone! I just had a reaction a few days ago. I vomited in the toilet for a while and was seen by several colleagues. Maybe they told the leaders of the unit." Sun Yan said.

Hua Zhao nodded, it didn't just mean that someone was buried next to him.

"Now that you've made a decision, let's just do it." Hua Zhao said to Ye Chen: "You are actually not suitable to work within the system. Even if you try hard, you won't be able to reach a high position, and it is very dangerous."

What kind of person is suitable? People like Ye Ming.

He is a well-rounded person who knows how to talk and do things. What he says may not always be the truth, but what he says can be done.

Be principled, tactful, and don't offend anyone.

Ye Chen, on the other hand, is more straightforward. He doesn't get much done and offends a lot of people.

Hua Zhao's evaluation was fair and a little exaggerated, which made Ye Chen blush.

"You go talk to grandpa and third uncle about this and listen to their opinions." Hua Zhao said.

Sun Yan was a little nervous again.

But things have become like this. If you stretch out your head or shrink your head, you have to take advantage of Ye Chen's attitude to soften!

So Sun Yan immediately took her to find Mr. Ye.

As Ye Zhenguo got older, he could see things more clearly. He had always felt that children were more important than work. Now that he heard that Sun Yan was determined to have children, he would give birth to them.

Ye Cheng hesitated for a while, but Sun Yan shed a few tears, so he didn't care.

How can any husband force his daughter-in-law to have an abortion? It’s easy to say but not nice!

Sun Yan came out of home satisfied.

Only Ye Chen is relatively depressed.

Although I made the decision and listened to Hua Zhao's words, I realized that I might not be suitable, but it was really hard to give up.

The key is to do business, and he doesn’t know how to do it!

He was still embarrassed.

Sun Yan held his arm and had already thought about the business for him.

"We're just going to open a bookstore. Look at how popular the bookstore is. There's always a queue at the door!"


When Hua Zhao got home, he called Ye Ming and told him about Wang Wei's arrival in the morning: "The Wang family's actions are quite fast, but they are not lethal."

"That's because our family members are very strict with themselves. He can't find anything lethal. Otherwise, do you think he is so easy to get rid of?" Ye Ming said.

"The first one is Ye Chen. Who will be next? Ye Tao?" Hua Zhao said.

"Ye Tao can't find a place to attack, I guess..."

Before Ye Ming finished speaking, Hua Zhao saw Jian Bai running into the house quickly, his face changed, and he said to Hua Zhao, "Shen Xing is missing!"

Hua Zhao almost lost his grip on the phone: "Shen Xing is missing? What do you mean missing?"

"Our class is organizing a garden activity today. What kind of composition are we going to write? The teacher just called to say that he was missing during roll call!" Jian Bai said.

Because Hua Zhao occupied the phone, the call was placed in the security room.

"When did it happen?" Hua Zhao asked, feeling that the tone of his voice had changed.

"The teacher said it had been 2 hours. They didn't know to call the parents until they couldn't find her." Jian Bai said.

"It's really..." Hua Zhao was about to hang up the phone angrily, but then found that the phone had been hung up.

Over there, Ye Ming has probably already started taking action.

Hua Zhao turned around angrily and went back to the room.

Jian Bai was a little dumbfounded. Was he angry?

Hua Zhao entered the room and quickly felt the seeds placed on Xiao Shenxing's body to find his location.

Then it was discovered that the person was in the capital and had not left.

The location is still moving.

You should be fine...

Moreover, the missing person is Xiao Shenxing. He is good at skills, which may be a blessing in misfortune.

But I couldn’t see anyone, and I was just as worried as I thought about it.

Hua Zhao got dressed, came out of the house and drove away.

This was the right performance, Jian Bai quickly followed.

Hua Zhao drove "aimlessly" to look for her. In the car, Jian Bai took the phone to contact the outside at any time and asked for more information.

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