Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1612 Human Traffickers

Xiao Shenxing was lost in the park, and a child discovered that he was walking with a little boy.

Everyone thought they had met their old friends and didn't pay attention, but when they gathered, they couldn't find them.

Xiao Shenxing is a very well-behaved child and will not wander off without permission.

The teacher didn't pay attention at first, but after searching around and finding no one, he became frightened. The young teacher panicked and didn't dare to tell his parents, so he started looking for him again.

Time was wasted.

Hua Zhao listened to the news Jian Bai received on the phone, almost stepped on the accelerator, and soon reached a residential area on the outskirts of the city.

Jian Bai was confused. None of the messages he had received so far pointed to this place. Why did the car drive here?

Hua Zhao's pupils shrank.

She discovered that the seed on Xiao Shenxing's body had stopped here, so she naturally chased after him.

Unexpectedly, he saw seeds disguised as his necklace on the ground.

Things were separated from him, others were not here at all.

Hua Zhao picked up the pendant on the ground with almost trembling hands.

Fortunately, this is a suburb, an area of ​​bungalows with a few big trees.

The cold wind in the first month made the surroundings rustle, which gave Hua Zhao a hint.

She was really frightened. The pendant was left here. Someone must have been here, and it was not long ago. If you look now, you can definitely see it.

Hua Zhao leaned against a big poplar tree and looked at the pendant in his hand in a daze.

Jian Bai also saw it. He didn't expect to find clues here. Hua Zhao seemed to be heading straight here.

Could this be the legendary heart-to-heart connection between mother and son?

But now the pendant is there, but the person is not.

Hua Zhao still looked irritated. Jian Bai didn't dare to disturb him. He looked at the other bodyguard who came with him and asked him to stay. He quickly walked around to check.

He felt that there was a high possibility that Xiao Shenxing was here!

This is an area that combines urban and rural areas. From a distance, there are tall buildings, but there are fields nearby.

The original houses in this small village are no longer neat. Many people have added buildings and many people come in and out.

It is no longer a simple small village with a chaotic population, suitable for hiding.

Jian Bai looked at the wheel marks on the ground. It had just snowed and the ground was muddy. There were many marks, but most of them were bicycles and footprints, and there were very few car marks.

Jian Bai felt that the person who caught Xiao Shenxing had to have a car. Otherwise, with Xiao Shenxing's skills, if the other party had only one or two people, he would have run away long ago.

Hua Zhao thought so too, so she quickly found her target.

Recently, two vans drove into the village. The window of one of the vans suddenly opened and something was thrown out.

Then a pair of small hands stretched out the car window and tried hard to get the things back, but of course it was all in vain.

Hua Zhao was shocked and saw through the open car window that Xiao Shenxing was indeed inside.

Moreover, he was not the only child in the car, but there were four little boys, each of whom had their hands and feet tied and hoods on their heads.

Only Xiao Shenxing's was temporarily uncovered, but was quickly covered again.

It looks like human traffickers are abducting children.

Hua Zhao saw the car drive into a compound in the village and never come out again.

She opened her eyes and asked Jian Bai who came back, "Did you find anything?"

"It has just snowed, and the traces on the ground are still very new. Two cars have passed in and out of the village, one passing by and the other staying in the village." Jian Bai said.

Hua Zhao nodded. The money for bodyguards was not wasted. They were useful at critical moments.

"Ignore the passers-by, go and see the one left behind first," Hua Zhao said.

"Follow me." Jian Bai had already figured out the location of the yard.

It's not that he's so smart, but he's really grateful for the fresh snow. If it were summer, he wouldn't be able to notice it even if he was too exhausted.

Jian Bai took Hua Zhao and did not go directly to the yard. Instead, they entered a small shop far away.

"Someone is keeping a lookout." Jian Bai whispered.

So it's not surprising that they came to this small store, but if they walked further they were stared at.

"Boss, are there any houses for rent in this area? I want a private house." Hua Zhao bought two packs of cigarettes and asked in passing.

She was dressed richly and looked like a rich person. The owner of the small shop smiled and said: "You have asked the right person. There is nothing in this village that I don't know. I know best whose house is rented. What do you want?" It's hard to find a detached house. There were originally two of them, but one was rented out a month ago, and now there's only one left.

"What does the boss want to rent a house for?"

"As a warehouse." Hua Zhao said, "I'm in the clothing business in the city. The business is too big to fit in one warehouse."

He had seen this kind of bragging shop owner a lot, so he just asked casually and the other party would give him a similar answer.

Of course there is nothing wrong with being a warehouse.

"Shall I take you to see that yard?" the boss asked.

"Okay." Hua Zhao nodded.

The boss turned around and asked his family to come out to look at the store. He took Hua Zhao and Jian Bai out.

Several people were chatting about the house, but Hua Zhao's energy was not idle and he had already checked the situation in the yard.

If you don't look at it, you will be shocked to see that there are about 10 children locked up in the yard.

There are boys and girls, old and young, the older one is in his teens and the younger one is only three or four years old.

The worst thing is that many children are disabled, missing arms and legs, ears and eyes.

It's meal time now, and each child is like a dog, holding a basin and eating with his hands.

The stuff inside is not much better than what a dog would eat.

Hua Zhao immediately guessed what was going on.

This is an organization that has been popular for a long time and specializes in making money from children begging!

It’s so heartless!

A murderous aura suddenly appeared on Hua Zhao's body.

The owner of the small shop who was talking was startled.

Hua Zhao took the opportunity to say: "Boss, you are a little unreasonable. This house is leaky. Let alone living in it, it can't be used as a warehouse! This is not how you make money. Let's look at another place."

The boss was also a little embarrassed: "Why don't we just make up for the leak? There is no other place. The whole yard was rented out a month ago."

"Who did it rent to? I'll pay more and let them move out." Hua Zhao said.

"These are a few foreigners who came to the capital to make a living. They leave early and come back late. They also have a car. They don't know what they are looking for," said the owner of the small shop.

As soon as the door was closed, he wouldn't interact with the people around him, and he was still strict with his words, so he didn't find out.

"It's very troublesome to repair the house. I'm anxious to use the warehouse today. Let's go and tell them to change the house. If they move here, I'll pay more." Hua Zhao said domineeringly.

The owner of the small shop was shocked by her. After thinking about it, he actually took her there.

It doesn't matter whether it's okay or not. Maybe the other party will agree for the sake of money.

"Boss, let's talk about the agency fee. If your house is rented, I will earn 10 yuan." The owner of the small shop said quickly when he saw that it would work out.

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