Throwing out 20,000 yuan at once would really mess up the other party.

It was only 1989. Carrying 20,000 yuan with you might be more scary than carrying 2 million yuan with you in the future.

What does it mean to be able to throw away 20,000 people at this time? The other party is also very scared.

So seven or eight people were really shocked and didn't dare to move for a while.

Jian Bai glanced at Hua Zhao, this strategy won't work, the other party won't be fooled.

Hua Zhao...she didn't use any strategy, she just watched these people get angry!

This isn't a good strategy either. Look, it frightened the other party all of a sudden and made him unable to come over at all.

"The money has been given, let's move quickly." Hua Zhao said to the leading man.

The man didn't move.

Hua Zhao sneered: "I've seen cowards, but I've never seen you as cowarded. You dare to open your mouth to ask for money, but you don't dare to reach out to take it. Why are you standing here stupidly now? Get out of here!"

This is really infuriating.

They were all pointed in the nose and scolded. If the man doesn't respond at all, he won't be able to lead his younger brother in the future.

Looking at Hua Zhao and the others, it seemed that only two men could fight a few times, and there were ten of them in total.

Then again, if you get this job, there's nothing more to say.

"Hit me!" the man with a sinister face ordered, and seven or eight boys rushed over.

Hua Zhao didn't take action. She was afraid that in anger, she would kill another one with one punch.

Killing is always bad.

2 Jian Bai is enough.

The other party is just a heartless gangster who only knows how to bully children and doesn't actually have much ability.

Jian Bai and the other bodyguard were also furious and showed no mercy, knocking down one of them with one punch.

Three times five divided by two, seven or eight people fell to the ground.

Hua Zhao was not polite this time. He walked over and kicked one of them, stepped on their knees and crushed them.


There were screams one after another in the yard.

One leg was already numb with pain.

Hua Zhao was well aware of his own strength, and this move was enough to destroy their knees.

With current technology, it is impossible to perfectly replace the knee.

Their legs are useless.

"Don't you like making others disabled? Try it yourself in the future!" Hua Zhao said.

As soon as the screams on the ground stopped, everyone was frightened.

What does she mean?

Does she know?

How did she know?

Not here to rent a house?

Let’s just say that some lunatic adds 20,000 yuan to rent a house!

Hua Zhao ignored them and strode towards the room where Xiao Shenxing was detained.

There were still two people left in the room, guarding the new children.

They also saw what happened outside and heard Hua Zhao's words.

Seeing her rushing over, a man with quick reflexes immediately rushed towards the children.

It looked like he wanted to take a hostage.

And the person he chose was none other than Xiao Shenxing.

Xiao Shenxing's face was so eye-catching that no one else could be seen without him.

Sometimes it's not a good thing... Now I've been chosen as a hostage.

The man held a knife in one hand and stretched out towards Xiao Shenxing with the other.

What he thought was an easy task turned out to be unachievable, and the man suddenly screamed out.

Xiao Shenxing didn't know when he had untied himself, and now he was squeezing the fingers he stretched out.

Judging from the angle, it's definitely broken.

The man was fierce, and the other hand holding the knife swung it over.

As a result, he was kicked away by Xiao Shenxing.

He had inherited Hua Zhao's magical power, but he was still young and not so exaggerated.

But the man still flew several meters away and lay on the ground silently.

This frightened the other man who was running over, and he stayed on the spot for a moment.

Hua Zhao had already rushed in.

"Mom!" Xiao Shenxing jumped happily and rushed towards the man...

Kick him in the vital part and knock him down.

"Mom!" Xiao Shenxing threw herself into Hua Zhao's arms.

Hua Zhao carefully touched his little head and asked nervously: "Are you injured?"

"No! I didn't resist at that time." Xiao Shenxing said.

"If I had resisted at that time, they would definitely not have been able to catch me! But I saw other children in their car... and wanted to follow them to have a look."

Xiao Shenxing felt a little guilty as he spoke.

When I made the decision, I didn't feel anything at all. I even felt that I was very wise and powerful.

But it wasn't until he saw Hua Zhao that he remembered that his mother would be scared because of his disappearance.

"I'm sorry, Mom." Xiao Shenxing said immediately.

Hua Zhao sighed with a smile and rubbed his little head vigorously.

I didn’t expect that he was kidnapped on purpose!

Let her say something good about him!

I wanted to scold him, but now I couldn't.

Now she just wants to hold him and cherish him, her lost and found baby!

There was a noise outside, and Ye Ming rushed in with seven or eight people.

He was not surprised to see the mess all over the yard, and he didn't care about it. He went straight to Xiao Shenxing.

He pulled the person into his arms and caressed him all over.

Hua Zhao couldn't even grab it.

She had no choice but to do something else, first make the two people behind lose a leg too!

Good brothers, for the rest of your life, you can't treat one person favorably or favor another!

Once you've done this, check out the other people in the yard.

Everyone else was so frightened that no matter how big or small they were, they all stood there blankly, neither shouting nor moving or running.

Acting quite "tame".

Hua Zhao felt uncomfortable.

She first went to check on a few children who looked like they were newly injured to see if their hands and feet could still be repaired.

Some children can do it, but some can't because they are too injured.

"It's so heartless!" Jian Bai watched from the side and couldn't help but said angrily.

They also began to ask about the experiences of these children. As Hua Zhao said, they were all caught by these people, deliberately disabled, and then went out to beg to make money for them.

"Examine them carefully. They must have other accomplices, or they know other colleagues." Hua Zhao said.

I didn’t encounter it and didn’t think about it. Now that I have encountered it, I have to do something.

I hope that by uncovering this darkness in advance in her life, she can curb this darkness and make the world less tragic.

"Inform the newspaper office. I want to report this matter in a big way so that the people know about it and be more vigilant. If you encounter this kind of disabled beggar in the future, you should call the police." Hua Zhao said.

This is how this kind of thing was stopped in my previous life.

Not only do disabled children lose money, but they will also be arrested if they show up. If there is no market, there will be no harm.

Xiao Shenxing was taken home, and the other children who had just been arrested were very lucky and were sent home before they could be harmed.

The remaining ones were kidnapped from all over the country, which would be troublesome to find, at a time when DNA was not widely available.

Hua Zhao did not let go. These children are now in the hospital to see if their disabilities can be restored through surgery.

After coming out of the hospital, Hua Zhao's expression was very ugly.

Plant extracts cannot make people grow noses, tongues, or eyes again.

She picked up the phone and called Ye Ming: "Brother, Xiao Shenxing was kidnapped. Does it have anything to do with the Wang family?"

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