"I don't know, I'll just assume it is." Ye Ming said, "I'm going to take action. You can go home and take care of your children. Leave the rest to me."

"Okay." Hua Zhao stopped asking immediately.

When I got home, I found that the whole family was surrounding Xiao Shenxing, asking for help, but I was worried.

Children don't worry, they just admire.

Qianjin chased Xiao Shenxing and asked him to tell her story.

Now Xiao Shenxing has forgotten to be afraid. He is not afraid at all. He is afraid of his mother being angry.

Now that his mother is no longer angry with him, he is fearless and happily tells everyone how he was kidnapped.

A child came forward to lure him and asked him to help. He said that there was something hanging on the tree and could not be taken off, so he asked him to help.

Children were not wary of children, and Xiao Shenxing was eager to help others, so he naturally followed him not far away.

"Stop." Hua Zhao stopped and said to several children: "I have said before that you are still children, and anyone who asks you for help has bad intentions and ulterior motives! How about it? Has it come true? "

She looked at Xiao Shenxing.

Xiao Shenxing lowered his head in embarrassment and said shyly: "I actually saw a kite hanging on the tree, so I didn't think much about it."

"Then what?" Hua Zhao asked, she didn't know these details yet.

"Then I took down the kite and met a little beggar. He didn't want any money and asked me to help him buy some food. I went to a small shop on the roadside to buy it, but as soon as I got to the roadside, I was dragged into a car. "

Xiao Shenxing said: "I saw there were several children in the car, so I didn't resist. Later..."

He was just about to find an opportunity to show off his power, but his mother beat him to it.

Hua Zhao nodded his little head: "Should I show up later next time to give you time to be a hero?"

"Haha, there will be no next time. There will be no next time." Xiao Shenxing was still very discerning.

Hua Zhao took the opportunity to educate the other children. Sometimes, you really can't be so kind, no matter whether they are adults or children.

In the evening, Hua Zhao knew the follow-up.

Mr. Wang is gone.

Also missing was Wang Wei, which shocked everyone in the circle.

Wang Wei was so sad that he suffered a heart attack and was unable to be rescued.

The funeral of the Wang family spread to the ears of relatives from all over the country, and they came to attend the funeral. As a result, a direct descendant of the Wang family, thousands of miles away, was too anxious, drove a fast car, got into a traffic accident, and died on the spot.

The Wang family lost three people on the same day, all three of them were key figures, and there was chaos.

People who went to express their condolences also talked a lot and speculated whether there was some conspiracy.

But Mr. Wang should have died a long time ago, and it should have nothing to do with the conspiracy.

It is said that Wang Wei was also in public, and while he was talking, he suddenly fell to the ground, clutching his heart. He didn't even wait for the ambulance to arrive, and when it came, they didn't take him away, saying it was unnecessary.

Only the one from other places may have an accident.

Hua Zhao also went to express condolences.

Several people in the Wang family looked at her fiercely.

Hua Zhao directly brought one to him and started to fight.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Do I have a grudge against you?" Hua Zhao asked.

Wang Wei's younger brother, the fifth eldest child of the Wang family, did not expect that she would dare to catch him asking such a question in public, and was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly realized that he couldn't be cowardly at this time. He was such an old man, and if he was beaten speechless by Hua Zhao again, how could he have any face in the future?

"I'm just curious, what are the conditions for Mrs. Ye's good medicine to be available?" Wang Laowu said.

Everyone immediately looked at Hua Zhao quietly.

They are also very curious.

The reason why Mr. Wang can live for so long is because of the medicinal wine that the Ye family sent out before.

That medicinal wine really works.

It's a pity that the Ye family stopped sending it later.

"I'm not a god, and there is no elixir of immortality in this world. If there were, my uncle would have lived a long life, and he wouldn't have died in his 80s," Hua Zhaodao said.

This is true. The medicinal wine is useful, but it is limited. It is not possible to bring the dead back to life and achieve immortality.

Everyone's eager gazes dimmed.

"That's not necessarily the case. I hope your Ye Shen will be fine even after several serious injuries... It seems that you have kept all the good things for your family." Wang Laowu said: "My uncle who came halfway can definitely not compare with my husband. ah."

"Look at you, you actually tell the truth." Hua Zhao said, "If there was only one good thing, would you keep it for me to use?"

Wang Laowu had an "I'm a fool" expression on his face.

There was low laughter all around.

Indeed, if you only have one good thing, of course it should be reserved for the people closest to you. This is human nature.

As for whether there is such a good thing...even if there is, it has been used up, right?

"If you still have any grudges, tell me and I'll listen?" Hua Zhao asked.

Wang Laowu had a sullen face.

Of course, most of his dissatisfaction with Hua Zhao came from the fact that she didn't share the good things she had, which prevented his father from extending his life.

If you say it now, people will reject it, so there is no need to say it again.

He hasn't figured out the rest yet.

I just want to blame the Ye family for the death of the eighteenth son of the family. I make empty claims and no one will believe me if I say it. It doesn’t hurt or hurt.

"No, I'll take my leave." After Hua Zhao finished speaking, he really left.

She left, and people followed her one after another.

Mr. Wang is gone, Wang Wei is gone, and even the ungrown descendant of the Wang family is gone, which is not a serious blow to the huge Wang family.

One is too old and the other is too young. In fact, they are not of much use. There is only one Wang Wei, but the Wang family has several other capable people.

They are enough to support the Wang family.

But the demeanor shown by the Wang family today is not what it used to be.

Too ugly.

Not to mention the past and present, I heard that the children of the Ye family encountered human traffickers after the Wang family failed to seek medicine...

This kind of person is a good companion.

Some people left, others saw it, hesitated and left.

In the blink of an eye, half of the people were gone.

The current head of the Wang family saw this and was so angry that he smashed the cup.

But there was nothing we could do.

It is difficult to think about the human heart, but it is very easy to lose it.

"Does Shiba's matter really have nothing to do with the Ye family?" he asked.

"The evidence collected so far is that the vehicle lost control and hit a telephone pole on the side of the road. There was no other collision." One person answered.

"Wasn't the car tampered with?"

"This is still under investigation."

"Investigate carefully! If we find any evidence related to the Ye family, I won't be done with them!"


When Hua Zhao returned home, he also caught Ye Ming and asked this question.

"The disaster will not affect the descendants, so it won't involve the young people, right?" Hua Zhao said.

She didn't even agree...

Just like she didn't want others to attack the children, there were many enemies, so she didn't want to deal with other people's children.

"What if that person actually controls the Beggar Gang?" Ye Ming said.


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