Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1617 What do you think of my sister-in-law?

Before this meal, Fang Dahai insisted that he pay for it, which was why Zhang Cuihua felt so distressed.

If it was Fang Haixing who spent the money, she would only dislike the poor quality of the hotel.

But now, sitting in a large private room, she just felt that this hotel was too high-end.

If it weren't for what was on her mind, she would have walked away right now.

Fang Haixing didn't want the guests to see her bad face for a while, so she said, "How about I pay for this meal."

"You don't need to." Fang Dahai said: "I will come out when I say I will. I am really grateful to them for saving you back then, otherwise I would not be able to see my parents."

Fang Haixing was immediately moved and his eyes turned red. Big brother is still a good big brother.

Hua Zhao and others arrived soon.

Because of Ye Shen's appearance, the meal was not very lively. The young people were a little reluctant to let go, and the children did not dare to say anything.

Just inexplicably scared.

Zhang Cuihua's daughters-in-law frequently peeked at Ye Shen and then at Hua Zhao, not saying a word during the entire meal.

After the children had almost eaten, I took them out to play.

Fang Dahai and Zhang Cuihua talked a lot, but neither of them paid attention to Ye Shen.

One held Hua Qiang and chatted hard, and the other held Hua Zhao and chatted hard.

It’s just that Hua Zhao sounds a little wrong?

"How old is the old man this year?"

"81? It doesn't look like it!" Zhang Cuihua said: "I look like 61. It's really well maintained."

"How old is your grandma?"

"It's been decades?! That's a long way to go."

"The old man has always been alone?"

"Aren't you thinking about finding another partner?"

"When this person gets old, he needs to have a companion, a wife, a companion, and someone to take care of him at his pillow. Only when he is a junior does he have peace of mind."

Hua Zhao couldn't help it anymore and asked Zhang Cuihua: "Are you trying to introduce someone to my grandfather?"

I didn't expect her to ask so directly, but Zhang Cuihua was stunned for a moment and borrowed Po Xia's donkey.

"I really have a candidate here that I think is quite suitable. What do you think?" Zhang Cuihua glanced at the other side and asked.

The dining table is quite big. Fang Haixing is opposite the table and next to Hua Qiang, taking care of the old man eating and drinking.

He didn't even hear what Zhang Cuihua and Hua Zhao were whispering across from them.

Ye Shen, who was sitting next to Hua Zhao, heard it and glanced at her, but did not express any opinion.

"Who is it?" Hua Zhao asked casually, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

What "suitable" people can Zhang Cuihua know?

The old fisherman sister-in-law from the next village?

It's not that she looked down on the old fisherman's wife, but it would definitely not work if the gap between their lives was too big.

If we can't go together to chat, and we can't go together to eat, how can we live our lives?

Over there, Zhang Cuihua had already made up her mind and whispered: "What do you think of Starfish? Look, what a perfect match!"

Across the way, Fang Haixing was picking a shrimp for Hua Qiang and putting it on his plate.

Hua Qiang just finished chatting, picked it up and ate it, and turned to Fang Haixing with a smile and thanked him.

"You eat too, don't patronize me, I've almost eaten." Hua Qiang said.

Fang Haixing smiled: "I'm eating."

It was a very ordinary behavior in Hua Zhao's eyes.

But Zhang Cuihua seemed to have discovered some gold ingot.

No matter how you look at the interaction between these two people... they are an old married couple!

"What a perfect match!" Zhang Cuihua said.

Hua Zhao couldn't help but take a second look.

She did have this idea before...

But later on, the relationship between the two was stuck there with no progress, and the age gap was too big, so she didn't say anything.

I was looking for a wife for my grandfather before, and the age difference was within 10 years. I thought that this way we could have a common language.

But Fang Haixing and Hua Qiang are more than 30 years apart, which is too big.

Even if Hua Zhao is willing, he is afraid that Fang Haixing won't.

"What do you think?" Zhang Cuihua asked.

"I don't think it's very good." Hua Zhao said, "It's a pure friendship between two people."

She said this confidently.

Whenever grandpa or Fang Haixing showed any non-friendship, she noticed it and took action.

But she hasn't seen it for so many years.

Fang Haixing is particularly nice to Hua Qiang, but that must be because of gratitude, and also because in this family, Hua Qiang is actually closer and has more to talk to than her.

Others, whether it was the Ye family or her, actually had nothing in common with Fang Haixing.

Opposite me, Zhang Cuihua had a sour expression on her face: "A pure friendship? Any mention of friendship between men and women is not serious..."

She muttered, and then said louder: "My sister-in-law is a nice person, so young and pretty, but there is no shop like this after passing this village!"

Hua Zhao turned to look at her and smiled: "What? You want to introduce someone to your sister-in-law again? What kind of leper is it this time?"

Zhang Cuihua was a little embarrassed: "What's wrong with you? I'm planning to introduce you to your grandfather. If your grandfather doesn't like her, my sister-in-law is still so young and she will definitely need a companion in the future.

"You don't have to make excuses for Zhang Lezi all the time. That's all in the past. This time I will definitely find a good one for her and let her agree!" Zhang Cuihua said.

Hua Zhao said nothing.

Zhang Cuihua paused for a long time, then couldn't help it anymore. She looked at the opposite side and began to sell Fang Haixing desperately.

The movement here finally caught Fang Haixing's attention. He turned around and asked with a smile: "What are you talking about? Why did I hear you talking about me?"

Hua Zhao smiled: "Aunt Zhang praised you for your good looks."

Fang Haixing smiled: "Really?"

She didn't believe it. Her sister-in-law wouldn't praise her if nothing happened.

Zhang Cuihua looked at this and that. Since others wouldn't pierce the window paper, she would pierce it herself.

She thought she could see clearly that the old man was obviously interested in her sister-in-law!

Men, except when hanging on the wall, are always evil!

How could he not be moved by a beautiful woman who was so much younger than him?

"I said you are young and beautiful. I don't know what kind of man is worthy of you." Zhang Cuihua said.

Fang Haixing's smile fell, and he mentioned men again? Her sister-in-law is really evil!

"I don't want to..."

Before Fang Haixing finished speaking, he saw Zhang Cuihua smiling and asking Hua Qiang: "Brother Hua, I think you are very good and a perfect match for my sister-in-law! You two sit together and look like a perfect match! What do you think? ?”

Hua Qiang was stunned on the spot while holding the wine glass.

Fang Haixing was stunned for a moment and translated. Suddenly his face turned red and he shouted to Zhang Cuihua: "You really drank too much! What nonsense are you talking about! I can't stop your mouth even if I eat!"

"I'm not drinking, you don't have to be shy." Zhang Cuihua felt more confident when she saw that the first person to refuse was not Hua Qiang, and asked with a smile: "Brother Hua, if you think it's appropriate, our two families will sit down and discuss it." Discuss marriage.

"You are not young anymore, hurry up and get things done, and you can live the rest of your life in peace and harmony."

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