The Fang family members at the dinner table were all dumbfounded. Fang Dahai and his son stared blankly at Zhang Cuihua.

It turns out that this was what she had in mind when she was so active in planning the dinner party!

Hua Qiang finally came to his senses, put down his wine glass awkwardly, and said, "That's not the case between Xiao Fang and I. It's not that."

Xiaofang was so much younger than him, and he had always regarded her as a junior, so why did she get involved in marriage? So embarrassing!

Fang Haixing's face was so red that he was bleeding. He looked at Zhang Cuihua and said fiercely: "Eat your food! You don't have to worry about my affairs!"

"Uncle Qiang, have you eaten? Let's go after eating." She said to Hua Qiang.

Although Hua Qiang felt a little embarrassed to leave now, it would be even more embarrassing not to leave. He glanced at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shen both stood up and said goodbye politely.

Hua Qiang also stood up.

Fang Dahai also felt embarrassed. He didn't know how to keep people around, and they quickly disappeared before his eyes.

Zhang Cuihua was the only one standing next to her.

"Sister-in-law, this is for your own good. I saw that you and Brother Hua get along well, so I opened this mouth for you."

"A woman must have a home of her own. Otherwise, when you get old and can't move, who will be your companion?" Zhang Cuihua thought about it and quickly changed her mind: "Your nephews must be filial and can support you. They can't let you fall on the ground." , but a wife and a child are different..."

"Okay, okay, stop inking!" Fang Haixing interrupted her with a red face and was about to get in the car.

But there was Hua Qiang sitting in the car.

If it were before, she would have sat directly next to Hua Qiang without any awkwardness, but now she couldn't bury her legs.

Hua Zhao pushed her into the car, closed the door, and the car drove away quickly.

"Fang Haixing is over 40 years old, and he can make his own decisions." Hua Zhao turned to Zhang Cuihua and said, "If she gets married one day, no matter who she marries, she will notify you and treat you to a wedding banquet.

"As for the rest, you don't have to worry about your partner, dowry, and wedding." Hua Zhao said: "If the day comes, just wait for the wedding banquet. If the day doesn't happen, don't worry."

Zhang Cuihua's face darkened.

Hua Zhao asked Fang Dahai again: "Uncle Fang, do you think this is what happened?"

Their names were quite confusing. Hua Zhao looked at Fang Haixing and called him uncle.

Fang Dahai and Hua Qiang are brothers.

Because Zhang Cuihua had that in mind, she called Hua "brother" regardless of the age difference.

Now Hua Zhao called "uncle" and made Fang Dahai blush again.

He finally came to his senses and glared at his wife fiercely: "You don't have to worry about Haixing's affairs! People are right, Haixing is such a big man, he can make the decision on his own! It doesn't matter what I, the elder brother, say, you... If you are a sister-in-law, please shut up!"

"I'm also doing it for her own good..." Zhang Cuihua muttered.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shen got in the car and left.

When they got to the car, Hua Zhao suddenly chuckled: "I said she was so enthusiastic before, so that was her idea."

Zhang Cuihua is really good at planning and discussing matters as they arise. There are so many benefits to marrying a rich old man...

Maybe you can inherit a large amount of inheritance and get rich easily within two years~

Ye Shen was silent for a long time, then suddenly said: "Look at Grandpa and Aunt Fang, is it possible?"

Out of selfish considerations, he suddenly felt that this was a good idea...

Hua Zhao was speechless.

"The relationship between the two of them is very good now. They are together every day. They can see each other as long as they are awake. They take good care of them. In fact, they are not bad at all." Hua Zhaodao.

"That's different." Ye Shen hugged her and said, "It's really different to have someone beside your pillow."

There are really many differences between a servant, a nanny, a friend, and a wife, and people's psychological feelings will also be different.

Of course, the wife is the closest and the most intimate partner.

When a person has a partner, he will have psychological support, motivation, and confidence.

Hua Zhao also understood this, so she didn't say anything else when she got home.

In the car in front, the atmosphere between Hua Qiang and Fang Haixing was also extremely awkward.

The two of them used to ride in the car together, and they would talk and laugh every time. Today, they both wanted to jump out of the car!

After returning home, Fang Haixing found an excuse to go back to the room.

Hua Zhao didn't run, she helped her grandfather back to the room.

Hua Qiang felt uncomfortable all over and said: "Although I am seventy or eighty years old, I still don't need help. Ye Shen is back. You should go back and accompany him quickly."

"Grandpa, I plan to go back to Pengcheng with him in two days. Can you go too?" Hua Zhao said.

"Okay." Hua Qiang agreed immediately.

He originally liked Pengcheng very much. He stayed in the capital for so long this time because Hua Zhao was here.

Now that Hua Zhao is leaving, of course he will leave too.

It's good to leave, so that I can be separated from Fang Haixing for a while.

Fang Haixing has been stationed in the capital since he was promoted to housekeeper.

Hua Zhao helped him pack his luggage.

The two chatted casually for a few words, and Hua Qiang became less embarrassed.

Hua Zhao suddenly asked: "Grandpa, what do you think of Fang Haixing?"

Hua Qiang was taken aback and replied cautiously: "We have known each other for so many years. You should know her best. Why are you asking me?"

"Haha." Hua Zhao smiled and sat on the chair and said playfully: "Grandpa, I won't go around in circles with you. I'll just ask directly, what do you think of this person as your wife?"

Hua Qiang was startled and waved his hands desperately: "No, no, I'm only in my 40s, and I'm over 80! There's such a big difference, I'm two generations old! Don't delay me."

Hua Zhao knew it well, so the age gap was just too big, and he was afraid of delaying others... but he didn't say that this was a bad thing, no way.

"The difference between people is actually their psychological age, not their physical age. I think you and Aunt Fang can get along quite well..."

"Don't say no." Hua Qiang refused desperately.

"Actually, I should ask Aunt Fang for her opinion first," Hua Zhao said.

"Don't go, don't go, it's too embarrassing!" Hua Zhao's face turned red and he tried his best to stop him.

"Ask, if it doesn't work, then it won't work, so I don't have to worry about it." Hua Zhao said.

"Don't let people misunderstand us anymore. We are using our power to pressure others and force her to make decisions..." Hua Qiang said.

Just like a boss making unreasonable demands to employees outside of work, most employees will not refuse for fear of offending the boss.

"Don't worry, I'll talk it over carefully and make sure she doesn't feel stressed." Hua Zhao got up and ran out.

Hua Qiang did not chase.

Hua Zhao has a better understanding of his psychology.

When they arrived at Fang Haixing's room, she could be seen in a daze from outside the window.

Hua Zhao knocks on the door and goes in.

Seeing her, Fang Haixing felt embarrassed again.

"Well, what happened today is all my sister-in-law's wishful thinking, just pretend you didn't hear it!" Fang Haixing said.

She just had an idea right now. She couldn't let Hua Zhao misunderstand that she had asked her sister-in-law to say those things to test her!

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